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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2015 Vol.33 Issue.2
Published 2015-02-25

93 Design of axial auxiliary impeller in external circulation cooling system of large pump
Jia Yun, Jia Yanwei, Wei Xianzhu
In order to design and validate the auxiliary impeller required by the cycle power of the oil-lubricated external circulation cooling system on the reactor coolant pump′s bi-directional thrust bearing, the CFD method is applied to present a numerical analysis for the pressure feature and flow rate within the oil impeller. The objective is to demonstrate the vector distribution of the relative velocity on the center surface of the flow path, and to verify the possibility of creating any flush angle from the inlet flow of the vane, the pros and cons of the vane shape design and how well it functionally matches the vane. The numerical analysis intuitively reflects the flow parameters and patterns generated by the designed shape of the vane, indicates the fact that the velocity at the vane′s inlet mainly affects the tangent angle; thus, effectively lowers the damaging impact on any system devices located adjacent to the rear outlet of the vane. Through simulation of the oil-lubricating circulation, numerical analysis are comparatively analyzed with the testing results, for all 5 complete working processes, deviations are uniformly less than 5% and precisely satisfied lubricating oil′s flow, head, zero-impact on flows and other operating requirements. This paper concludes the practical application of a simplified numerical analysis and reasoning could replace the repetitive testing employed in the traditional design process for axial auxiliary impellers. It has been successfully applied in the design of reactor coolant pump.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 93-97 [Abstract] ( 1641 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2219KB] ( 1634 )
98 Prediction of pulp pump erosion characteristic based on solid-liquid two-phase turbulent flow
Yang Lingbo, Xiao Yexiang, Tang Bing, Wang Zhengwei
Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange two-phase model was applied to simulate the turbulent flow in the pulp pump and to predict the erosion characteristics considering the impact of tip clearance. Euler multiphase model use Particle model to analyze two-phase flow, the wall wear was mainly affected by the slip velocity and the fraction of volume of solid particles. Lagrange multiphase model was applied to predict the wear quantity based on Finnie erosion model. The result of pulp pump′s open impeller under different discharge conditions show that, the Euler model predict blade and front cover wear seriously under the design flow rate, case wear seriously under the small flow rate. The Lagrange model revealed the blade and front cover wear seriously, found the wear rate of blade and front cover increased and then decreased with the discharge rising, the wear rate of back cover and case decreased gradually. These two model predict the impeller and front cover are badly worn,which coincide with the actual phenomenon. Lagrange model can analyze the wear positions and degree quantitatively. This study can provide a reference for the research of pulp pump two-phase flow and erosion prediction.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 98-103 [Abstract] ( 2562 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2463KB] ( 1661 )
104 Effect of inclined trailing edge of blade on exterior radiation noise of marine centrifugal pump
Huang Haoqin, Wang Yong, Liu Houlin, Wang Wenbo, Guo Bao
In order to analyze the effect of inclined trailing edge of blade on the exterior radiation noise of marine centrifugal pump,a 125CLLA-13 type marine centrifugal pump was chosen as the research object. The blade with inclined trailing edge and the blade without inclined trailing edge were used in the unsteady numerical simulation of the pump′s whole flow passage respectively. Then the pressure fluctuation of the wall of volute and leakage flow was obtained as the vector load.By loading the vector as the vibration source,the simulation of vibration based on modal response were conducted, and the vibration experiment of the pump without inclined trailing edge was done to verify the feasibility of simulation of noise of vibration. The further work was to simulate and analyze the exterior radiation noise of the model pump with different blade styles based on the acoustic-vibro coupling method.The results show that the changing trend of the sound power spectrum of the two blade styles is consistent at the same condition, but the LW of the blade with inclined trailing edge is obviously less than the other one. The maximum LW is at the BPF, and the design condition has the minimum value of LW at the BPF,the small flow rate condition has the maximum value of LW at the BPF.The exterior radiation noise of centrifugal pump has certain dipolarity and directivity,and the inclinded trailing edge of blade can reduced the sound pressure at the directivity field point.The minimum of sound pressure is at the design condition,and the maximum is at the small flow rate condition. Considering the terms of vibration and noise reduction,the blade with inclined trailing edge is superior to the blade without inclined trailing edge.The research results are useful for the vibration and noise reduction design of the marine centrifugal pump.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 104-110 [Abstract] ( 1841 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2998KB] ( 1941 )
111 Numerical analysis of transition process of solid-liquid two-phase in rotor-stator cascades
Han Wei, Yue Ting, Li Rennian, Jin Yi, Jiang Lei, Hu Penglin
In order to study the transient flow characteristics of the solid-liquid two-phase flow in rotor-stator cascades,a centrifugal pump with radial diffusers was chosen as the object of study and its model was established. The structured grid was finished and the three dimensional flow field was simulated based on the mixture multiphase model, the detached eddy simulation model and the user defined function. The internal transient flow was analyzed. The results obtained show that the area of minimum pressure located at the inlet of blade suction side becomes wide during the transition process. Simultaneously, the area of the highest pressure which is at the blade pressure side and near the impeller tip becomes shrinking. The vortexes in the channel of the rotor cascades evolves constantly and vortexes are formed gradually at the inlet of the rotor blade because of the turbulence intensity as the flow rate becomes larger. The solid-phase deposits at the outlet of the stator cascades easily at small flow rates. With the flow rate increases, the global volume fraction of solid-phase decreases and its distribution becomes homogeneous on the meridian middle streamline of the rotor cascades.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 111-115 [Abstract] ( 1626 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2300KB] ( 1522 )
116 Numerical simulation of solid-liquid two-phase turbulent flow of swept-back double blades sewage pump
Cheng Cheng, Shi Weidong, Zhang Desheng, Cao Weidong, Xing Jin
Three-dimensional simulation was performed for the solid-liquid turbulent flow in swept-back double blades sewage pump with Particle model and SIMPLEC algorithm using or via ANSYS-CFX software. The coupling of impeller and volute is established using multiple reference frame. k-ε double turbulence model was applied to predict the liquid-phase, and an algebraic named the dispersed phase zero equation was adopted to predict the solid-phase. Under the solid volume fraction of 5%,10%,15% and 20%, the effect of five different solid particle diameters(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0 mm)on the particle distribution in the pump, solid particle′s slip velocity, the wear and tear of flow components, and the influence law of pump hydraulic external characteristic were studied. Under the solid volume fraction of 5%,10%,15%,20%. The results show that with the increase of solid volume fraction, particle trajectory is biased toward the back of suction side. Slip velocity of solid particle is significantly increased on pressure side and Rear shroud near the suction side′s trailing edge, indicating wear of the wall is exacerbated, therefore, the shroud should be thickened In design phase. In addition, solid particle size and solid volume fraction have an influence on the pump hydraulic external characteristic in different degrees:the hydraulic head and pump efficiency drops with the increase of particle side, while the hydraulic head increases and pump efficiency declines with the increase of solid volume fraction. According to the test results, the efficiency of model pump can reach 80% with 11 m head at rated condition.The design of sewage pump meets the requirements, and has reached the leading level in domestic design.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 116-122 [Abstract] ( 2107 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2866KB] ( 1577 )
123 Energy dissipation pattern of stepped spillways
Yang Jijian, Liu Hansheng, Zhang Feng, Wen Mingyi, An Mengxiong
Self-aerated stepped spillways are widely used for high energy dissipation ratio and less investment. In order to reflect the whole energy dissipation characteristics, and the disorder of flow,this paper introduces the concepts of relative energy dissipation ratio and relative Froude number of stepped spillways after comparing the energy dissipation ratio and Froude number of stepped spillways and corresponding smooth spillway, of which the relative energy dissipation is the difference between the stepped spillways and corresponding smooth spillway,and the relative Froude number is the difference between the smooth spillway and corresponding stepped spillways. These two hydraulic parameters reflect the ability of stepped spillways to the energy of flow and the disorder of flow, which are different from smooth spillway. Twenty-one groups of tests on stepped spillways with 26.57°, 32.01°,33.69°,38.66°and 51.3°five different chute angles, 1.43 cm-6.67 cm step heights were conducted, and the results shows the linear correlation coefficient between them is 0.9937-0.9995. The major width unit has major energy dissipation ratio with the same relative Froude number; the step height has little effect on the linear relation; and the slope has a complex effect on the linear relation, the major slope has minor Froude re-lative energy dissipation ratio when the slope is minor,however, the minor slope has minor Froude relative energy ratio when the slope is major. The law reflects the hydraulic characteristics of stepped spillway, and provides an important theory for further exploring the mechanism of energy dissipation.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 123-127 [Abstract] ( 1655 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1662KB] ( 1716 )
128 Thickness of original river sand condition on water yield and turbidity of treated water
Zheng Xiaoyu, Liu Huanfang, Yu Xuyong
When the hydrogeological conditions are suitable,the permeability tube for water project has the advantages of no pharmacy,low operating costs,good water quality,etc.It has been widely used in daily life, industrial and agricultural production.The water yield and the turbidity of treated water are two important design parameters of the permeability tube for water project. In the permeability tube for water project, the influence of the thickness of the original river sand on the water yield and the turbidity of treated water is analyzed based on the model experiment. The experimental result is consistent with the calculated results and the actual operation of the project.So the results can used in the actual project,and provide a reference for future water infiltration pipe engineering.The results show that there is a gradually decreasing process from the beginning to the eventually stabilized phase in the permeability tube for water project.With the increase of the thickness of the original river sand, the water yield increase, the turbidity of treated water decrease;with the increase of the amount of water,the water yield increase,the turbidity of treated water decrease.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 128-132 [Abstract] ( 1257 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1522KB] ( 1558 )
133 Opening optimization scheme of pressure surge preliminary relief valve
Yi Wanshuang, Jiang Jing, Li Dongdong, Lan Gang
In order to confirm and study the deterioration of negative pressure in the system caused by pressure surge preliminary relief valve, the numerical simulation of pressure surge preliminary relief valve′s protecting effect is conducted based on the mathematical model of water hammer calculation and the method of characteristic lines. In the meantime, an optimization scheme is brought up for the delay of the initial time when the valve is open. Through the water hammer calculation and by comparing the negative pressure before and after the optimization, it indicates that the installation of pressure surge preliminary relief valve does increase the negative pressure of the system, which will have adverse impact to the piping system. On the other hand, the scheme of delay in opening the valve can effectively eliminate or obviously weaken the deterioration of negative pressure effect caused by installing pressure surge preliminary relief valve. The research has significant guide and important reference value in protecting water supply system from pump-station water hammer with pressure surge preliminary relief valve.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 133-137 [Abstract] ( 2097 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1517KB] ( 1673 )
138 Research progress of liquid film cavitaion in mechanical seal faces
Chen Huilong, Wu Qiangbo, Zuo Muzi, Xu Cheng, Hu Ji, Li Shulin
Hydrodynamic cavitation is an extensive fluid mechanical phenomenon in rotating machines such as hydraulic machinery and hydraulic system. The micro-lubricating film is formed by dynamic pressure effect between fluid film lubricated mechanical face seals used in rotating machines. The cavitation of micro-scale fluid film between seal faces plays an important role in the performance of mechanical seals, which has become one of the hot issues of mechanical seal research. In order to grasp research directions in the future, the cavitation issue in mechanical seals was overviewd from the aspects of cavitation mechanism, experimental research and theoretical research. The progress of macroscopic cavitation, micro cavitation, cavitation boundary conditions and algorithms was analyzed synthetically. Subsequently, the future research directions of mechanical seals cavitation are proposed, which includes cavitation theoretical model, numerical simulation technology, new cavitation control technology and effective measurement technology.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 138-144 [Abstract] ( 1500 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1621KB] ( 2162 )
145 Optimum condition of water-jet propulsion
Cao Puyu, Wang Yang, Li Guidong, Peng Shuai
The maximum pipeline efficiency is applied to design water-jet propulsion in traditional design methods. However, the parameters under operation condition often deviate from the rated point and the efficiency of water-jet propulsion is always less than the expected one. In this paper, the inlet flow passage of SDPM-450 water-jet propulsion was examined to overcome this discrepancy. Based on the analysis results of the efficiency in water-jet propulsion under the optimal operating point, the parameter selection methods was optimized to meet with the object of the maximum whole propulsion efficiency. The optimal operating point is the working point with the maximum propulsion efficiency. According to the extreme value theory, the mathematical equation was deduced to determine the optimal operating point. The mathematical equation is listed as K=2εα. The numerical simulation of UDS back tracing method was used to verify the derived mathematical equation. The mathematical equation was applied to determine the designed parameters of water-jet propulsion after the correction. The higher efficiency designed method, which the variables of nozzle diameter and wake fraction are selected in the designed equation, is obtained. These all provide the theory foundation for the higher efficiency design of water-jet propulsion. 
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 145-151 [Abstract] ( 2714 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1729KB] ( 1968 )
152 Effects of different water and nutrient schedules on farmland moisture and seed maize yield
Wang Zengli,, Feng Hao, Wen Guanggui
In order to achieve efficiently utilize water and fertilizer of seed maize in Shiyanghe basin,field experiments were conducted to study the effect of 4 factors, irrigation quota(A); irrigation frequency(B); topdressing frequency(C); topdressing quota(D), with 3 levels respectively on soil moisture and seed maize yields under ridges and furrows irrigation systems with film mulching. Results showed that irrigation quota had significant effect on the soil moisture of 60-100 cm soil profile in jointing when irrigation quota is more than 400 m3/hm2.In addition, it could significantly extend the vegetative growth cycle of seed maize and improve crop plant height; In comparison with other experimental factors, irrigation quota has the maximum effect, followed by irrigation frequency, topdressing frequency and topdressing quota. The water and nutrient schedule with total irrigation quota of 3 000 m3/hm2 with 6 irrigation frequency(seeding, pre-jointing, later jointing, heading, filling, mature, respectively)and topdressing quota of 200 kg/hm2 in jointing, was effective and optimal in Shiyanghe basin.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 152-157 [Abstract] ( 1844 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2441KB] ( 1351 )
158 Distributed monthly irrigation optimization model
Wang Ying,, Peng Shizhang, Wang Long,, Yang Rui,, Wen Jun,
Cropping patterns are complicated and irrigation requirements of different crops at different stages are quite different at large irrigation areas. Distributed monthly irrigation optimization model(DMIOM)are established with GIS. In this model irrigation areas are divided into 250 m×250 m raster cells. Crop yields of irrigation areas are set as an optimization goal based on water production functions. Six constraints are considered in DMIOM including water balances, canal capacities, water resource supply, irrigation delete time, water availabilities, and nonnegative. Optimization results in August, October and December of 2006—2007 at Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area were taken as an example. Optimized irrigation scheduling match observed data. Irrigation amount of optimized results are less than the value of previous irrigation scheduling. Moreover, there is a trend that limited water resources of optimized irrigation scheduling transferring to economic crops under the balance of water distribution to different crops. Therefore, the DMIOM is a useful model to irrigate effectively for monthly irrigation optimization with raster cell scales.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 158-162 [Abstract] ( 1586 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2017KB] ( 1618 )
163 Variation research of coffea arabica water requirement at different temporal scale in Yuanmou Irrigation District
Fu Na, Liu Xiaogang, Li Chuang, Wan Mengdan, Wang Lu, Yang Qiliang
The analysis of water requirement regulation for coffea arabica at different temporal scale can provide a basis for optimal water management. Based on the daily meteorological observation data in Yuanmou during 1955—2010, coffea arabica water requirement and crop water surplus deficit index were estimated, and the variation characteristics were analyzed at different temporal scale. The impact of several meteorological factors on water requirement was studied by the partial correlation analysis method. The variation pattern was conducted on the data of the annual water requirement and crop water surplus deficit index by using the Mann-Kendall test and moving t-test. The result showed that the curve of water requirement had a single peak parabolic shape within a year, and the maximum va-lue of water deficit was delete March to May while the minimum from June to October. Coffea arabica water requirement was fluctuant decrease in recent 55 years. Since the 1980s, water requirement and water deficit began to decrease significantly. The changes of coffea arabica water requirement were primarily attributed to wind speed and sunshine duration in Yuanmou Irrigation District.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 163-171 [Abstract] ( 1902 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1687KB] ( 1685 )
172 Compared between outside signal fluidic sprinkler and complete fluidic sprinkler
Zhu Xingye,, Jiang Jianyuan, Liu Junping, Liu Xingfa, Hu Bin
With the aim to solve the structural problem of complete fluidic sprinkler,a new kind of flui-dic sprinkler—outside signal fluidic sprinkler was proposed,which has outside signal fluidic element and double nozzle. Outside signal fluidic element made it more convenient to adjust. was selected. The high-speed jet were crushed. As a result, its atomization and uniformity coefficient were improved. The structural of double nozzle made the sprinkler more stable.PXH complete fluidic sprinkler for compared experiments. The experimental results demonstrated that,at the same pressure, radius of outside signal fluidic sprinkler is relatively larger than complete fluidic sprinkler,and the average raindrop diameters is about 0.5mm smaller than complete fluidic sprinkler. So the atomization performance of outside signal fluidic sprinkler is more superiority.The shape distribution of outside signal fluidic sprinkler was triangle which is more helpful for combination than complete fluidic sprinkler. The combination uniformity coefficient were simulated using the Matlab program,the best combination distances of outside signal fluidic sprinkler at the pressure of 0.15 MPa,0.2 MPa and 0.25 MPa were R,1.1R and R among the combination distances were chosen,and the combination uniformity coefficient values were 78.3%,83.9% and 87.6% respectively.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 172-178 [Abstract] ( 1178 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2018KB] ( 1687 )
179 MBD-based three dimensional assembly process modeling and application
Ye Sheng, Tang Jialin, Bao Jinsong, Huang Weidong
By fully considering a variety of manufacturing information of products, and having MBD as technical support in the modelling process of assembly technology, the methods for building the three models are studied in the paper, i.e., the information model of part technology process based on MBD, procedure model, and assembly technology model. In addition, the structured records of the information model of part technology process are realized based on XML schema and with the aid of HOOPS software and C〓language. The visualization of the information of part technology process is achieved by the additive technique of PMI information. The noumenon of the assembly technology is established by using the building tool of Protégé noumenon. In the end, based on HOOPS graphic kernel, and using C〓language and the technologies, such as assembly technology simulation, techniques for establishing processing parameters database, development technology of user graphic environment and so on, 3D model, multimedia assembly animation and processing parameter database are integrated in the Net Framework to build an MBD-based platform of modelling system of 3D assembly technology. Furthermore, an application of the above system into the assembly procedure simulation of the stringer in a cabin of composite materials is illustrated.
2015 Vol. 33 (2): 179-184 [Abstract] ( 1929 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1890KB] ( 1947 )

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徐云峰  张文涛 陈建华
谈国鹏  朱漪云 盛    杰


· National Research Center of Pumps

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