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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2007 Vol.25 Issue.6
Published 2007-11-25

1 Analysis of vane profile parameter equation for variable-pitch screw centrifugal pump
LI Ren-nian, CHEN Bing, HAN Wei, LI Qi-fei
The general equation group of variable-pitch screw line is analyzed first.According to the movement characters with non-constant axial-velocity of liquid-solid two-phase flow in the screw centrifugal impeller and the structure characters of screw centrifugal pump impeller,the vane profile parameter equation group for variable-pitch screw centrifugal pump is derived.Using the parameter equation group,the dependence on the design experience about screw centrifugal pump and the complicacy of segmenting the axial streamline for impeller are avoided,the CAD and numerical simulation of 3-dimensional flow field of this type of pump are also facilitated.screw centrifugal pump;variable-pitch;equation of vane profile;liquid-solid two-phase flow;impeller
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 1-3 [Abstract] ( 949 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 214KB] ( 1673 )
4 Dynamic model and its mathematic description on piezoelectric pump with passive valves
HE Xiu-hua, JIANG Quan-ying, ZHANG Rui, YANG Song
Both the dynamic model and its mathematic descriptions were firstly given for a piezoelectric pump with passive valves in this article.Furthermore,by means of the solution procedure of the equations and its discussion,the physical phenomenon of the pump′s flow steep decrease with its frequency increment was proved.The authors pointed out that the phenomenon mentioned above was related to pump′s membrane characteristic frequencies.The phenomenon has relations to two characteristic frequencies,ω2n1 and ω22,while the equivalent stiffness follows k3<k1,and the theoretical maximum flow depends directly on the characteristic frequency ω2n1 and does not on ω21.The theoretical maximum flow may depend on ω21 as k1<k3.This research would provide some valuable reference and recommendation on the design of a piezoelectric pump with passive valves.piezoelectric pump;passive valve;piezoelectric vibrator;pump membrane;dynamic model
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 4-6 [Abstract] ( 1118 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 169KB] ( 1081 )
7 Numerical calculation of axial force and balancing on newtype deep well pump
ZHANG Qi-hua, SHI Wei-dong, LU Weigang, XU Jian-qiang
Numerical calculation of axial force was performed on two seal conditions by commercial CFD software Fluent 6.0 on 100SJB8 and several other models.The axial force was calculated with the pressure on the impeller.As regard to 100SJB8,when the seal was fully closed,the force was toward the impeller back shroud which would open the seal;when there was a 0.5 mm clearance,the force was toward the impeller inlet which would close the seal.By comparison,it is found that the pump could keep self-balancing.The discriminant developed by LU Wei-gang,et al.was evaluated by analyzing the results on several models.The results showed that the discriminant agree with the calculation for most of the cases.deep well pump;end face seal;axial force;self-balancing impeller;CFD
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 7-10 [Abstract] ( 1066 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 261KB] ( 1603 )
11 New seal leak detection system for submersible pump
FENG Yu, HAN Jian-hua
In order to solve the problems existed in seal leakage detection system for submersible pump during assembling and production process,a new seal leak detection system for submersible pump is developed.The new system tests the workpiece through the method of vacuum,that is,the test data will be sent to the computer display system through vacuum pressure sensor.The computer display system gets the measuring results to carry on automatic analysis and ultimately give the test conclusion.The working principle and detecting procedures of the seal leak detection system are introduced.Theoretical analysis and experimental tests prove that the new seal leak detection system is accurate,reliable,and of high value.submersible pump;seal leakage detection;pressure testing;vacuum;principle
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 11-12 [Abstract] ( 1337 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 166KB] ( 1265 )
13 Visualization of flow fields for section of passageways for pumping station
WANG Ye-ming
The visualization of flow fields for three sections of pumping station can verify the property of passageways and give useful information to improve the design.In this paper,the three-dimensional visualization is realized by making full use of AutoCAD resource and ObjectARX developing function,and the property of flow field for outlet section of passageways is presented with equal velocity lines and OpenGL color functions.pumping station;passageways;flow fields;section;visualization
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 13-16 [Abstract] ( 1081 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 269KB] ( 1407 )
17 Design of water supply control system based on PLC
LIU Yi, FANG Gui-sun, LI Chen-chen, LIU Jing-wei
The automatic water supply system with speed adjusted by PLC and VVVF(Variable Voltage and Variable Frequency) was introduced.PLC was used to process the logical and PID control,and VVVF was used to adjust the feed water pump speed.For this water supply system under constant pressure it is designed a suit of PLC controlling system based on variable frequency speed regulating technology.The system consists of pressure sensors,transducer,pumps,relays,contact device and so on.By comparing the setting value and measuring value of pressures,the deviation is obtained.Then the control volume is obtained by the PID operation to affect the transducer.Thus the pump rotational speed is controlled through transducer to adjust the pressure of the pipe net work and to realize the constant pressure water supply goal.The constant feed water pressure with highly automatic operation could be provided.The control system was energy-saving with steady work conditions.pump station;PLC;water supplying;variable-frequency speed regulation;energy saving
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 17-20 [Abstract] ( 2064 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 239KB] ( 2031 )
21 Structure principle and driving system of movable hydraulic pumping station
WANG Cun-tang, ZHANG Jian-song, XU Guo-fang, CHEN Gang, MA Wei-jian
An introduction to the structure and main function of a movable hydraulic pumping station is presented,together with a discussion of the hydraulic system′s design principle and working process.Based on the analysis of pumping station′s driving system,the main performance parameter choice of hydraulic motor,hydraulic pump,and internal combustion engine is given.It is found that the input power of each element is proportional to the cubic of the speed of rotation.These results provide important reference values in designing the movable hydraulic pumping station.movable hydraulic pumping station;hydraulic system;driving system;internal combustion engine;parameter choice
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 21-23 [Abstract] ( 1342 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 236KB] ( 1389 )
24 Some key techniques on inspection and maintenance process for vertical axial flow pump
LIU Guo-hua
Taking the Foshan Abundant Harvest Draining Water Pumping Station as an example,the basic structure and the main motion parts of the vertical axial flow pump were introduced.The stress and wear-and-tear parts,such as axial bearing bush,packing,up and down rubber shaft bearings,bearing holder,blade and impeller were analyzed.Based on the routine operation,maintenance and practical recovery processing of the pump,some appropriate procedures were established.The key techniques on the inspection and maintenance processes of the pump were finally summarized.The inspection and maintenance processes will be beneficial to the technicians for the pump malfunction descovery and it’s recovery processing.Consequently,the pump will work better and its service life will be effectively extended.vertical axial flow pump;pumping station;maintenance; inspection;bearing
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 24-26 [Abstract] ( 914 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 195KB] ( 1448 )
27 Hydraulic design of micro-irrigation laterals based on bisection method
WANG Xin-kun
According to micro-irrigation hydraulics characteristic,combining the search principle of bisection algorithms and back step method,the lateral hydraulic analysis and design method of micro-irrigation were put forward.Using the computer program to calculate from the end to inlet of lateral,the pressure and discharge of each emitter on the lateral could be derived.The lateral running hydraulic parameter could be designed.The average discharge,discharge variation,and design control index could be checked very fast and conveniently.This method is intuitive,simple,efficient and easy for non-professionals to understand and use.Test results show that the method has a higher efficiency and the solution accuracy.laterals;micro-irrigation;bisection algorithms;reverse recursion;discharge variation
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 27-30 [Abstract] ( 1056 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 254KB] ( 1108 )
31 Application of reclaimed water by micro-irrigation technique in urban greenland
WANG Ying, LIU Liu
Concerning the problem of non-uniform irrigation,huge extravagation of water resource,and using drinking water as ground water irrigation for urban grassland,the application of the regeneration water technology,reuse of treated water quality standards,and micro-irrigation system design technology are discussed.In addition,design parameters,key water pivot,piping network and sprinkling patterns of ground water irrigation techniques of urban grassland are summarized.Finally,a general design procedure is presented.The technology can be used for city sewage regeneration,reducing the environment load and promoting the green space irrigation.reclaimed water;micro-irrigation;urban Greenland; piping network;sprinkling
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 31-33 [Abstract] ( 1215 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 183KB] ( 1442 )
34 Software development of pump shaft intensity calibration based on ObjectARX
LI Wei, SHI Wei-dong, JIANG Xiao-ping, LIU Hou-lin, TAN Ming-gao
Considering pump shaft intensity calibration calculation,ObjectARX is chosen as a second development tool on AutoCAD platform to develop the pump shaft intensity program.The program language is VC++6.0.To exchange data mutually,MFC is used to create user interface(UI) and ADO is applied to input or output data,integrate data and to manage the pump shaft database.The figure data processing is done by ObjectARX.The practical running of the program indicates that the program can run very efficiently,its math operation function is very powerful and the UI is friendly.So the method is very proper to develop pump shaft intensity calibration calculation program.pump shaft;intensity calibration;ObjectARX;MFC;ADO;data processing
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 34-37 [Abstract] ( 1138 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 257KB] ( 1395 )
38 Numerical simulation of solid-liquid two-phase flow in slurry pond
WANG Chun-lin, MA Qing-yong, LI Ting-ting, PENG Na
The solid-liquid two-phase flow field in solid-liquid suspension stirred tank is numerically studied.The laws of the solid density′s impact on the liquid flow field in stirred tank are discussed.Commercial computational fluid dynamics software Fluent was used to simulate the flow field in slurry pond.Based on the N-S equation and the standard k-ε turbulence model,the flow situation and the density distribution of the liquid pond were simulated;the fluid distribution laws of the liquid and the density characteristics of the solid particles in vertical and horizontal plains were analysed;some suggestions for the design of mixer and the pond were provided.mixer;slurry pond;numerical simulation;two-phase flow;computational fluid dynamic
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 38-41 [Abstract] ( 1337 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 268KB] ( 1348 )
42 Experiment on improving flow pattern of diversion canal of Jiangdu pumping station
TANG Zheng-jun
To solve the problems of harmful intake flow patterns affecting the pumping system characteristics and safe operation of pumping station,the author improved the intake flow patterns by adopting the method of modeling test with a 1∶50 model of Jingdu pumping station including the east sluice,west sluice and the diversion canals of 4 pumping stations.Based on Froude criterion,the intake flow pattern can be modeled accurately by increasing flow velocity properly.By setting a reverse "Y" guide baffle and a floor sill,the large scale swilling flow and sedimentation in diversion canal were reduced.It provides a good intake flow condition for the safe and economic operation of pumping station.pumping station;diversion canal;flow pattern;improvement;modeling test
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 42-45 [Abstract] ( 1224 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 263KB] ( 1320 )
46 Research progress and prospect on fluid machinery-pumps
YUAN Shou-qi, LIU Hou-lin
As one of the general machines,pumps are widely used in many fields.A brief pump history is reviewed.As an application subject,pump technique recently has made much progress in basic theory and application field.This paper summarizes the research achievements about pumps numerical simulation and test,modern pump design theories and methods,new pump products and techniques,and so on.Also,the present development situation of pumps and its reasons are analyzed.At last,the future development trends of pumps are brought forward from some aspects such as design methods for energy saving,optimization operation,cavitation,all life cost,flow induced vibration and noise and so on.pumps;fluid machinery;research development;basic theory research;application research
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 46-51 [Abstract] ( 1967 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 474KB] ( 1870 )
52 Flow mechanism in votex-pump
ZHAO Wan-yong, LIU Tian-bao, , LI Yi-song, ZHANG Liang, WANG Zhen
The vortex pump of type 80X-13.5 was numerically simulated. The inner flow model was designed by Pro/E.Separated unstructured hexahedron grid partition and part of boundary condition were used by Gambit.Considering Reynolds Average N-S Equation and standard k-ε turbulence model with SIMPLEC algorithm,numerical simulation for the three-dimensional steady incompressible turbulent flow of the vortex-pump was carried out.The medium is water and the inner flow field of vortex pump is rotating flow with constant angular velocity,three dimensional,and incompressible turbulent flow.The distribution of velocity and total pressure were obtained in numerical simulation.The distribution area of flow are summed up.The circumferential flow is considered as the main flow and can be divided into run-through flow and circulatory flow.The result of numerical simulation testified the validity of the existing model and the new division of flow distribution of the vortex pump typed 80X-13.5.vortex-pump;numerical simulation;flow mechanism;pressure distribution;run-through flow;circulatory flow
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 52-55 [Abstract] ( 1182 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 309KB] ( 1298 )
56 Cause of vibration of pump unit and measures to eliminate the vibration
HUANG Yi-gang, ZHU Rong-sheng, CHEN Song, YUAN Shou-qi
The cause for the vibration of the pump unit was discussed.Some measures to reduce the vibration were proposed concerning design installation,run and maintenance.The results indicated that the vibration of the pump unit could be alleviated through retaining some consistency between the dimension and precision of mechanical part of the pump unit,avoiding overloading,and ensuring the pump unit worked under the design requirements.pump;vibration;hydraulic design;mechanics design;motor
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 56-59 [Abstract] ( 1541 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 308KB] ( 1582 )
60 Application prospects of RE-surface engineering technologies in pump industry
YUAN Hai-yu, YUAN Shou-qi
Five surface engineering technologies which have been widely used in pump industry,namely,welding,spraying,laser cladding, thermo-chemical treatment and chemical plating,were reviewed.The recent research development on the use of rear earth in the five surface engineering technologies in China is introduced.The research results have indicated that the use of RE in traditional surface engineering technologies can improve the quality of surface greatly,which has benefit for the life prolonging of pump and parts.With the consideration of the rich resources in RE and the urgent need of energy and materials saving in China,it is necessary to conduct systematic application researches in pump industry as soon as possible.
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 60-64 [Abstract] ( 1422 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 378KB] ( 1258 )
65 Pumping station modern management
ZHONG Han-dong, SUN Zhi-gang, CHU Xun
In order to guarantee the pumping stations project security,to display the benefit of the project with maximum limit,and to enhance the ability of protection of natural disaster,the pumping station renewal transformation,management pattern and system,and technical economy inspection of pumping stations modern management are discussed.At the same time for strengthening the pumping stations scientific management,the countermeasures for improving comprehensively the pumping stations environment and the management condition are provided.pumping station;modernization;management;renewal transformation;countermeasures
2007 Vol. 25 (6): 65-68 [Abstract] ( 1420 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 296KB] ( 1485 )

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徐云峰  张文涛 陈建华
谈国鹏  朱漪云 盛    杰


· National Research Center of Pumps

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