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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2004 Vol.22 Issue.1
Published 2004-01-25

1 Study on Selection of Water Pump-unit on the East Route of South-North Water Diversion Project
LAN Cai-you, YI Xiu-tang, DUAN Gui-fang, WANG li
Selection of water pump-unit on the east route of South-North Water Diversion Project is oneof problems that were focused by many specialists and experts. Making a rational choice will have a greatimpact on designing、construction、operation and benefit of the project. This paper discussed and analyzedmain pump、main motor、transmission and regulating mechanism that were related to the project. In the paper,the relationship between these parts and impact on each other were pointed out. Conclusion and advice will besignality and valuable for decision-maker and designer of this project or other similar projects.
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 1206 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 425KB] ( 1156 )
8 Study of Technique Management of Step Pumping Stationsin South to North Water Transfer Project
QIU Bao-yun, , LIN Hai-jiag, FENG Xiao-li, HUAG Ji-yan, YUAN Souqi, CHEN Jian-kang, HUANG Hai-tian
This paper analyzed present situation of technique management of the project for water diver-sion from Yangtze to North Jiangsu. On the basis of demands of sub-marketization, management system;operation management; daily management; maintenance and overhaul of large step pumping stations in Southto North Water Transfer Project were studied. The results of study could improve management rationality andwater transfer reliability, reduce the cost of water and promote benign circulation and development of theproject.
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 8-12 [Abstract] ( 1326 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 278KB] ( 1070 )
13 Further Recognition on Some Problems About the Performance of Pump System
LIU Li-Jun, LIU Jun
Based on the practice of construction of large pumping stations in the recent years in our country,some problems about model tests for the hydraulic performance of a pump system,model test for pump intakedesign, etc. are analyzed. In order to further improve the performance of a pump system, and so as to satisfythe high standard and high requirements for construction of the South-to-North Water Transfer ProjectEngineering, a series suggestions are put forward, such as to found an authoritative laboratory, to measurepump hydraulic model with the same standard, to reinforce the manufacture supervision of a prototype pump,to pay attention to model test for pump intake design and hydraulic optimization of a outlet conduit.
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 13-15 [Abstract] ( 1036 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 166KB] ( 1256 )
16 Three-Dimensional Flow Investigation of Axial Pump Impeller
CHAI Sheng-kai, LUO Xing-qi, LIAO Wei-li
Analyzing the 3D turbulent flow field in the axial pump impeller is significant for improvingproperties and optimum design level of hydro impeller. In this paper, the 3D turbulent flow is stimulated basedon Navier-Stokes equations and k-εmodel. The turbulent flow through axial pump impeller is simulated byusing the non-uniform triangle mesh system and the finite volume method. Calculated results are presented atthe design operating condition for the impeller in detail, which give a valuable reference to improve theperformance of the impeller.
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 16-19 [Abstract] ( 1157 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 251KB] ( 1350 )
20 Study on 3D Solid Modelling for Centrifugal Pump Blade of Impeller
DAI Yu-shu, WANG Xiao, CAI lan
According to the extensive application in which 2D drawing is used to devise the model ofcentrifugal pump blade of impeller, the paper puts forward two kinds of method to draw 3D solid molde of pumpimpeller. In addition more attention has been paid to the study of smoothness of curve and surface. As a resultit supplies a good model for further study on CFD and NC.
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 20-22 [Abstract] ( 904 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 138KB] ( 1275 )
23 Numerical Simulation of Flow Patten in the Front Inflow Forebay of Pumping Station
ZHOU Long-cai, LIU Shi-he, QIU Chuan-xin
The 2-D average water depth mathematical model in orthogonal curve-linear coordinate systemis used for the numerical simulation of the flow pattern in the front inflow forebay of pumping station. Theorthogonal gird is generated by Poisson equation, the pool bottom elevation data of the gird points is given byquadrilateral interpolation method, and the equations is solved by SIMPLEC method. The influence of thechange of divergent angle and the selection of running pumps on the flow pattern in the forbay is analyzed bythe simulated velocity field and the average vertical velocity, the conclusion is selfsame with the designtheory of forbay which based on experiments.
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 23-27 [Abstract] ( 1127 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 314KB] ( 1587 )
28 Analysis and Countermeasure on Starting Unusually of the Tububar Pump Set
QIAN Fu-jun, XIA Sheng-feng
Aiming at Huai-an 3rd Pump Station?hydraulic turbo-generating set that the motor and driverare amounted in pump body is in a state of starting unusually, the test and check the set when load its isnothing, light and heavy are carried out differently. Analysis on the reason about starting moment insufficientand with excitation step-out of the motor.The modify ways of the excitation system without brush is presentedand through test and verify, it is a success.
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 28-32 [Abstract] ( 1129 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 323KB] ( 1282 )
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 33-34 [Abstract] ( 1200 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 140KB] ( 1443 )
35 Characteristics of Water Flow of Node Permeation Irrigation Pipeline Dilled
GUO Wei-dong, ZhANG Yu-long, HUANG Yi, GUAN De-shi, LIANG Zhen-hai, ZhU Xiao-kai
Under a certain pressure water head of lasting time, make a test in laboratory and in greenhouse,measures the water flow volume each node of permeation irrigation pipeline, utilizes the formulae to calculateuniformity of water flow according to single node. At the same time , considers the influence of gluing factors.The result of the test shows that water flow of permeation irrigation pipe with drilled holes is less than that ofcommon node permeation irrigation pipe, the uniformity of water flow from laboratory and greenhouse is nothigh , water flow of permeation irrigation pipe and time are not linear relations. and after bonding outerpermeation irrigation pipe with inner capillary tube, water flow is stable . Based the laboratory test, the wholewater head loss is very small of the capillary tube, and of whole tube, that is not big.
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 35-37 [Abstract] ( 1203 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 154KB] ( 1384 )
38 Vibration Monitor and Analysis System for Pumping Station Basedon Virtual Instrument Technology
DING Jun, YANG Xiao-ling, CHU Xun
Following the start of the south to north water transfer project, the safety and reliability of pumpingstation are given more and more attention. This paper introduces the virtual instrument technology, the functionand characteristic of the software LabVIEW, the application to vibration monitor and analysis system forpumping station is studied in details, and the device idea of hardware and software is discussed. The virtualinstrument can perform the functions of traditional instruments, and its application is flexible, easy to updateand link up the networks, so the technology can be widely application in such an area.
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 38-40 [Abstract] ( 912 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 155KB] ( 1391 )
41 Optimization Trial and Analysis of Parameter on a New Type Magnetic Coupling Enduring High Temperature
MA Hong-liang, YANG Chao-jun, ZHAO Yan-qing
The new type magnetic coupling that endures high temperature can effectively solve the problemthat the former magnetic pump can not carry high-temperature medium, and it possesses of higher economicvalue and better use foreground. For optimizing this magnetic coupling parameter, this paper adopts theorthogonal test and designs one set of trial device by self, which not only economizes testing expenses andtime greatly, but also gains the satisfied result, and at the same time we carries on theory analysis to the trialresult in order to provides the basis for the derivation of design formula next step.
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 41-43 [Abstract] ( 1450 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 154KB] ( 1316 )
44 Improvement of the Large Vertical Pump Unit Diversion Bearings Installation Method
YONG Cheng-lin, HAN Yong-geng
With the illustration of the large vertical pump axial flow pump, the structure of the pump,general diversion bearings?installation method and the malfunction phenomena of the installed diversionbearings?breaking off are introduced, and the cause of the its breaking off is analysed. Then the improvementprocedure is brought forward. And the results suggests that the method is easy to operate, and it should bepopularized.
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 44-46 [Abstract] ( 987 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 135KB] ( 1151 )
47 Analysis and Exclusion of the Circulating Pumps Malfunction
XIAO Qing-rong, GE Xiu-cheng, YOU Yu-ping, YU-Hai
Circulating water supply system has water-saving and energy-saving advantages. So it is widelyused in sewage disposal, cooling water circulation and boiler system. The running conditions of the boilersystem in QuFu city ShanDong province water polytechnic department is introduced, The malfunction reasonsare analyzed; the resolve methods are given; and the problems which should be noticed during the operation ofthe circulation pumps is explained .
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 47-48 [Abstract] ( 973 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 102KB] ( 1075 )
2004 Vol. 22 (1): 49-50 [Abstract] ( 1025 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 105KB] ( 1069 )

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主  编
徐云峰  张文涛 陈建华
谈国鹏  朱漪云 盛    杰


· National Research Center of Pumps

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