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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2003 Vol.21 Issue.5
Published 2003-09-25

1 A Sam of Current Research on Pumps in Foreign Countries
Y AN Jin, YANG Xiao-lin
Based on a variety of materials, the authors summarily introduced the current situation and latest achievements in western countries on pump research, some important areas being flow field calculation, cavitation phenomena, vibration, sealing without package. The information presented in this paper will be helpful for domestic pump technicians in new product design and research.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 1-3 [Abstract] ( 1391 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 154KB] ( 1248 )
4 Research Method of Intake Hydraulic Design Model Test
LU Lin-guang, XI Bing, ZUO Bin
Model test is a main method to verify and modify the intake design of a pumping station, which is popularly used in the word. Up to now, there is no test standard for model test of intake design in our country. Integrative concept of pump intake design is briefly discussed, and based on"American National Standard for Pump Intake Design"(ANSI/HI 9.8-1998 ), the test purpose, main concept, test principle, measurement method, test scheme and evaluation of test results are illustrated.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 4-7 [Abstract] ( 1164 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 174KB] ( 1297 )
8 Research on the Inlet Flow Patterns and Pump Performance of Round Sump for the Urban Pumping Station
FENG Jian-gang, XU Hui, CHEN Yu-ling, HE Feng-biao
According to the hydraulic model test of the urban pumping station which combined sewage with storm water, the inlet flow patterns and the influence of the inlet flow patterns on pump performance of the pumping station are studied, and some measures to ameliorate flow patterns are adopted. The result shows that the flow patterns and pump performance are improved, and the efficiency of the pump and the pumping station are enhanced greatly.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 8-10 [Abstract] ( 925 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 178KB] ( 1166 )
11 Comparisons of Adjusting Mechanisms of Blade Angle in Large Vertical Axial Pumps
MA Xiao-zhong, SHA Xin-jian, LIU Gang
The adjusting mechanisms of blade angle in large pumps is introduced in this paper. The adjustments by hydraulic pressures and by machinery are analyzed and compared on structure, element, parts of system, control, installation, repairment and operation, automatic management, requirement from pumps, investment and reliability. Both of them are successful in large pump stations. But the machinary adjustment is simpler in structure and parts of system, easier in control and automatic management, more convenience in installation and repair, lower in requirements of pumps, fewer in investment, which will replace hydraulic pressure adjustment in the future.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 11-14 [Abstract] ( 1159 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 199KB] ( 1065 )
15 Reliability Analysis of Pump Station on Earthouart Force
LI Xiao-li, SHEN Xiang-dong, XIE Wei-dong
The reliability analysis of pump station and water gate under earthquake force is rare because of the condition of hydraulic structure and structural complexity. The method considering the earthquake force in the calculation of reliability indexes based on reliability theory is put forward. The reliability of pump station by example is analyzed.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 15-18 [Abstract] ( 1144 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 178KB] ( 1308 )
19 Design on the Structural Parameters of Flow Divertional of Rocking Arm Sprinklers
WANG Fu-xin, HOU Su-juan
In order to provide a design basis for the structural parameters of the divertional on the rocking arm sprinklers, this paper described main factors exerting a influence, on structural parameters of divertional and gave correlations between the rotational inertia J and the structural parameter R1 of rocking arm , the rotational inertia J of the rocking arm and nozzle diameter d0 and the ratio between R1,R2,R3,R4 by means of regression analysis about structural parameters of the divertional (covering 14 types of sprinklers). Based on combination with the theoretical analysis, the paper led the formula for the ratio U/ω0 between the jet flow velocity and oscillating angular velocity of the rocking arm. The calculating method may be contributed to the design of the structural parameters of this kind of sprinklers ’ divertional.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 19-23 [Abstract] ( 1406 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 227KB] ( 1330 )
24 Study on the Methods of Infusing Water for Centrifugal Pumps
ZHANG Zhi-guang, LUO De-man
On the basis of the working principle of centrifugal pumps, the different methods of infusing water for pumps at different conditions is put forward.It provides the user the various selections . It has practical meaning for the manipulation and management of water-pump stations.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 24-26 [Abstract] ( 1179 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 140KB] ( 1278 )
27 Reason for Unable to Startup Normally of Electric Motor and its Solution
Tian Gu
The reason of the abnormal startup of electric motor in Jiangsu Huaian the Third Pumping Station is analyzed and found. The quality problem is resolved by technology improvement. And it suggests that to ensure the new building project has high quality, safety, and high efficiency it must attach importance to the every fine component’s design, must research the construct technics, and must control the products quality strictly during the pumping station building .
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 27-28 [Abstract] ( 925 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 166KB] ( 1474 )
29 The Damage and Prevention of Pump Cavitations
XIAO Qing-rong
The basic information of well which provides for itself in far-east business foreign languages institute is introduced. The damage of the pump cavitations is illuminated after investigating , analysing and eliminating the water supply pump’s malfunction. And especial cautions to prevent pump cavitations is brought forward, these especial cautions are the change of pump absorbing pipe’s flow section and the change of the water level in the entrance pool.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 29-30 [Abstract] ( 857 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 106KB] ( 1050 )
31 The Rupture of Pump Lid and Reason Analysis
LIANG Hui-hua
The rupture course of the pump lid in Fushan Parent Company of Water Supply Pumping Station is introduced. After the inspection of chemical element and the check of the golden-phase tissue of the pump lid material, the analysis result is gained as below: The factors of the rupture of pump lid are pump work time, material fatigue degree, process procession and material mechanical performance. The main reason may be instantaneous excessive load , but the proof is not sufficient. Whether there are some other reasons cause the pump lid rupture or not remains to be studied further.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 31-33 [Abstract] ( 962 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 229KB] ( 1356 )
34 Optimization of Water supplying Station with Simulated Annealing Algorithm
CHEN Hong, LIU Zheng-yi, SHI Wang-wang
A Simulated Annealing Algorithm(SA) for optimization of variable speed pumps in water supplying system is presented in this paper. The encoding, decoding and energy expressions considering restrictions are also provided. The results of simulation example show SA is efficient in optimization for hybrid of discrete and continuous variables.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 34-36 [Abstract] ( 1043 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 136KB] ( 1050 )
37 Statistical Analysis of Air Gap Value Measured on Large Vertical Synchromotor
FENG Shou-jun
Applied runs test method of statistical analysis theory, air gap value measured actually is made statistical test and decided on random variable, and its eigenvalue is gained. Further using the F-test and t-test, the air gap value’s mean value and variation of variance are deduced and, the confidence interval of air gap before and after the heavy repair is decided. In accordance with the statistical test result , the paper expatiated the actual meaning of the statistical analysis result , brought forward a criterion and a view which are different from the form gotten with conventional methods , for dealing with the air gap value adjust measured actually and the air gap abnormal value.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 37-39 [Abstract] ( 915 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 121KB] ( 976 )
40 GPS Technology and its Application in Agriculture Engineer
CHEN Shu-ren, YIN Jian-jun
As a support technique of precision agriculture, the technology of GPS has been widely applied in agriculture engineering. The concept of GPS, the development of GPS, the constitute of GPS, the principle of its working and its main feature were introduced in this paper, its application in precision and in agriculture engineer were illustrated. By the technique we can carry out precision irrigation, no-body pilot and navigation in farm machine. With the technique being popular and application, transform will be take place in agriculture equipping and irrigation technique.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 40-42 [Abstract] ( 941 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 145KB] ( 2433 )
43 k-ωTwo Equation Turbulence Model of Charged Liquid Flow
WANG Jun-feng, CHEN Yan, SHA Yi, LUO Ti-qian
According to Zhou Peiyuan’s turbulence model theory, this paper presented the conservation equation of charged liquid and set up a kind of single-phase k-E two equations model of charged liquid flow. This model considered the coupling action between fluid flow field and electric field and provided a basic for the establishment of charged particle pseudo-field multiphase turbulence model.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 43-45 [Abstract] ( 993 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 115KB] ( 1223 )
46 The Existing Problems and Countermeasures of the Pumps Products in Jiangsu
MA Xin-hua
According to the proof-test of the pumps products warrant, the supervise and checkout of the pumps products in Jiangsu, the status quo and the main existing problem of the pumps enterprise are analyzed, and the countermeasures to improve the production level of the enterprises, to improve the quality of the productions, and to improve the competition are brought forward.
2003 Vol. 21 (5): 46-48 [Abstract] ( 924 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 152KB] ( 884 )

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主  编
徐云峰  张文涛 陈建华
谈国鹏  朱漪云 盛    杰


· National Research Center of Pumps

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