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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2003 Vol.21 Issue.3
Published 2003-05-25

1 Research on the Structure Design of Large Pump for the South to North Water Transfer Project
LI Ming-xiang
Reviews the development history of large pump in our country.The mainstructure of large pump in pumping station is introduced. The advantages of largethe submersible pump and the milred flow pump abroad are analysed.It also discussesthe necessarity and feasibility to improve the domestic pump structure and toderive the advanced experience from abroad.To realize the second revolution in pumpdesign and to speed up the development of the irrigation and drainage cause,scientific research should be strengthened.
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 995 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 380KB] ( 2107 )
6 Survey on the Hydraulic Design of Low Specific Speed Impellers
YAN Jing, YANG Xiao-lin
The latest achievements and new theories of low specific speedimpellers hydraulic design is introduced synoptically. Different target impellersgeometric parameters calculation is analysed, such as the speed coefficient methodbased on the stat of a great deal of excellent hydraulic model, the resolutionmethod using computer to calculate impellers?geometric parameters. And especialvane drawing methods, such as single circular curve, same changed angle and differentchanged angel. Then benefit suggestions for research orientation of this kindimpellers?hydraulic design is supplied.
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 6-9 [Abstract] ( 1316 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 181KB] ( 1951 )
10 Adjusting Design on Well Submersible Pump Applying PCAD2000
XUE Feng
Due to the single stage head restriction of well submerged pump iscanceled by international standard and according to the characteristics of thispump,the adjusting design of 175QJ25-13 applying the hydraulic design software PCAD2000 is carried out. The methed of designing about impeller and space bowl vancesare introduced. The testing results shows that the technical target of 175QJ25-21are reached.
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 10-12 [Abstract] ( 1196 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 141KB] ( 1506 )
13 Study of the Influence of Silt on the Pump Performance
LU Jin-xi, DU Gui-rong
A great deal of data detected in the practical operation in thesimulated experiment and typical pump station is introduced.The influence law ofsilt on the pump performance such as flux, submit vacuum value, and axial power isanalysed. Through the discussion of the influence reasons, the idea of consideringthe affection factor of silt on the pump performance fully is put forward. Thataffection must be considered when building pumping station on silt river is presented.
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 13-16 [Abstract] ( 1028 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 226KB] ( 1803 )
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 16-16 [Abstract] ( 1139 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 54KB] ( 950 )
17 Research on the Optimal Operation of ER WANG ZHUANG Pumping Station
ZHANG Wan-tai
According to the need of high operation utilization of ER WANG ZHUANGunderdrain pumping station and the characteristic of the unit’s output structure.Tests and researches ara did on the pumping station unit. The optimal operationscheme is brought forward . The practice result indicates that to choose the optimalboot-strap parameter and to choose the optimal vane angle according to the real timewater level and plux can reduce the power consumption。
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 17-20 [Abstract] ( 850 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 175KB] ( 1340 )
20 Several Ways to Ameliorate the Technical Waterworks of Pumping Station
WENG Zhe-hang, ZHANG He-peng
According to the characteristics of the different pumping station,several questions existing in the technical waterworks system of the large pumpingstation are discussed. Some solution and expatiates on the system structure are putforward.It is practicable and can be used as the reference on the design and theamelioration of the station.
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 20-22 [Abstract] ( 1008 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 146KB] ( 1456 )
23 Uniformity of Water Flow of Node Permeation Irrigation Pipeline
GUO Wei-dong, ZHANG Yu-long, SUI Zhong-yi, GUAN Wan-kai, ZHAO Huan-yu, ZHANG Pu
Under different water head pressure and lasting time, makes tests inlaboratory and in greenhouse , measures the water flow rate each node of permeationirrigation pipeline, utilizes formulae to calculate uniformity of water flow accordingto single part tube and unit length mm separately. At the same time ,considers theinfluence of gluing factors .The result of the test shows that water flow ofpermeation irrigation pipe and time are not linear relations, the influence ofpressure water head to water flow is remarkable. However, its impact on the uniformityis not big, the uniformity of each point source water flow per meter of permeationirrigation pipeline is obviously higher than that of per joint of the pipeline, etc.
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 23-25 [Abstract] ( 1464 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 156KB] ( 1255 )
26 Discuss the Design of the City Roadway Greenbelt Sprinkling System
DING Yuan-jian, WANG Zi-yun
With the development of the city economic, the increase of the peopleslife standard and the tension of water resource, city roadway greenbelt autosprinkling system become increasingly important. According to the city roadwayconstructions characteristics and the demand of water sprinkling system, the composesof city roadway greenbelt sprinkling system are introduced. The design method andsteps are illustrated as bellow: material collecting, system sculpting, equipmentchoosing, sprinkling region plotting, tube net designing, and some correlationsuggestion are brought out.
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 26-28 [Abstract] ( 1228 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 273KB] ( 1118 )
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 29-30 [Abstract] ( 1165 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 92KB] ( 1090 )
31 Experimental Study on Equipment Energy Characteristic for Shaft Tubular Pump
ZHENG Yuan, ZHANG De-hu, LIAO Rui, XUE Wei-dong, XUE Jian-liang, HUANG Chun-yun
Based on some shaft through flow pumping station,the energy characteristictests are carried out for two different runners at the same inlet and outlet flowconditions.The tests show that the shaft through flow pump has good hydraulicperformance for super-low head (1~2m) engineering, with model pumping stationefficiency 69% maximum which is helpful for its further development..
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 31-34 [Abstract] ( 1099 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 155KB] ( 1059 )
35 Numerical Analysis of A.C. Servo-Motor
ZHANG Jian-hua, YANG Peng
According to symmetry factoring,the run characteristics are analyzedby means of numerical analysis in A.C.servo-motor.On the bases of equivalent circuit,establishes the basic equations of the servo-motor.Characteristic curves are protractedby MATLAB.Numerical analysis has the characteristics of briefness,visualization andhigher precision as compared with analytics.
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 35-38 [Abstract] ( 1018 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 252KB] ( 1492 )
39 Automatic Control Circuit Design on Many Pumps Running
LIU Yu-ping
In order to resolve the disaccord of startup times of motors’ andtheir duty period,and keep the hydraulic pressure of system stable, the automaticcontrol circuit about three pumps work or standby is designed. The work principle ofthe electrocircuit and control pumps auto control is introduced particularly.Theprocess of auto circulatory of pumps is analysed.The circuit is used in fire system.The results shows that the design is reasonable.
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 39-41 [Abstract] ( 950 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 117KB] ( 2717 )
42 Present Conditions and Counter-measures of Private Pump Enterprises’s Internal Control
JI Kang-yi
Through the investigation and research on the internal control situationof private pump enterprises,in combination with the analysis of the auditing case ofsuch enterprises, exposes the present conditions of small private pump enterprisesinternal control that the enterprises lack corporate governance managers qualities arenot high,internal accounting control is not imperfect lose efficacy etc. Puts forwardsuggestions on how to improve and enhance private capital pump enterprises’ internalcontrol.
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 42-44 [Abstract] ( 971 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 172KB] ( 984 )
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 45-46 [Abstract] ( 998 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 86KB] ( 1195 )
2003 Vol. 21 (3): 47-48 [Abstract] ( 895 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 126KB] ( 1658 )

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主  编
徐云峰  张文涛 陈建华
谈国鹏  朱漪云 盛    杰


· National Research Center of Pumps

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