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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2010 Vol.28 Issue.3
Published 2010-05-30

185 Multi-operating-condition hydraulic design of centrifugal charging pump for nuclear power plant
Yuan Shouqi, Fu Qiang, Zhu Rongsheng
The centrifugal charging pump is  multistage and double casing structure. The hydraulic performance of the pump needs to satisfy five operating conditions according to the demands of nuclear power plant. A technique that combinated various impeller hydraulic optimization design and impeller multi-condition design was put forward. A centrifugal charging pump was designed at multi-condition. The combination rules of multi-stage centrifugal pumps were applied to split the multi-condition points of the charging pump. An optimized design scheme from different impellers performance curves was obtained. The 1st stage impeller, 2nd-4th stage impellers and 5th-12th stage impellers were designed. A four-stage pump prototype(n=2 950 r/min) was manufactured according to the design scheme and its performance test was carried out. The test results scaled to normal speed of 4 500 r/min show that the heads of four operating conditions are 2.6% larger than that of requirements, and just the head at maximum flow rate is 11.8% lower than that of requirments. The multi-condition hydraulic design is realized.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 185-189 [Abstract] ( 2244 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 426KB] ( 1488 )
190 Design and experiment on dual-chamber piezoelectric pump with four actuators
Cheng Guangming, Jiang Delong, Sun Xiaofeng, Yang Zhigang
In order to improve output flow rate and pressure and enlarge its self-priming performance, a new piezoelectric pump with two chambers was structured by four actuators, which is so called dual-chamber piezoelectric pump with four actuators. The working principle and operating characteristics of the pump were analyzed, and calculation methods for the output flow rate and pressure were given. Varied pump prototypes were manufactured and tested under three modes of single-chamber with two actuators, two-chamber with two actuators and two-chamber with four actuators. The results show that the maximal output flow rate of dual-chamber piezoelectric pump with four actuators powered by drive voltage of 150 V AC and operating frequency of 120 Hz is 1 160 mL/min, and only 650 mL/min (138 Hz) by dual-chamber with two actuators and 250 mL/min(160 Hz) by single-chamber and two actuators. The self-priming height of dual-chamber piezoelectric pump with four actuators can reach 55 cm.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 190-193 [Abstract] ( 1859 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 305KB] ( 1426 )
194 Numerical simulation of interior flow and performance prediction for self-priming pump
Numerical simulation of interior flow and performance prediction for self-priming pump
The numerical simulation of interior flow field in self-priming pump under different working conditions was conducted on the platform of Fluent. Three- dimensional non-structural tetrahedral mesh and the SIMPLEC method were applied according to the time-averaged Navier-Stokes equation and standard k-ε turbulent model. The velocity and pressure distributions of the interior flow field of volute and impeller were obtained and analyzed, which revealed the flow principle inside the pump in the process of self-priming. Both the head and efficiency of the pump predicted were compared with that of tested. The results show that the pressure on blade pressure side is larger than that on the suction one at the same radius, both high pressure gradient and high velocity gradient appear at the reflux hole, and vortices with different sizes are formed due to the influence of separation chamber sidewall. The characteristic performance curves by numerical simulation basically agree with that by test.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 194-197 [Abstract] ( 1754 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 358KB] ( 1607 )
198 Numerical simulation for influence of throat length on annular jet pump performance
Long Xinping, Yan Hengfei, Zhang Songyan, Yao Xin
The flow inside an annular jet pump was investigated numerically by Fluent based on finite volume method and Realizable k-ε turbulent model, and the reliability of calculations was examined and validated. From the flow field of the jet pump, the expansion and mixing of two streams in the annular jet pump exist in both throat pipe and diffuser. The development of jet flow and wall pressure distribution under different length of the throat pipe was discussed and the effect of throat length on performance and efficiency of annular jet pump was also compared and analyzed. The results show that the throat length has some influence on the expanding of jet flow inside the throat, as well as the performance and efficiency of annular jet pump. The longer throat length, the better expanding and mixability of jet, but over-long throat length will result in more friction loss. According to the principle of best efficiency, the range of throat length is  =2.17~2.89, and when the throat length is 2.69 times of throat diameter, the efficiency achieves its maximum value of 35.6%.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 198-201 [Abstract] ( 2617 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 406KB] ( 1781 )
202 Computation of leakage flow in centrifugal pumps and its effects on rotor′s  vibration
Jiang Qinglei, Dai Weiping, Wu Dazhuan, Wang Leqin
To study how the leakage flow affect the vibration characteristics of rotors in centrifugal pump, the leakage flow channel was modeled and then verified by comparing numerical computing results with experimental data obtained from RFTF facility, which was established in California Institute of Technology. Rotors system was established based on finite element method and coupled with leakage flow channel model by transferring data between two domains, then response of rotors was obtained. The results show that stability and stiffness of rotor system are increased by considering the influence of leakage flow on rotors. The fluid-structure interaction approach presented here is useful to directly study influence of leakage flow channel  parameters on vibration characteristics of rotors without considering fluid-induced forces and the research results can be used to enhance stability of rotors, especially those in multi-stage pumps.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 202-206 [Abstract] ( 1867 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 403KB] ( 1942 )
207 Numerical simulation of internal flow and optimization for small-scale gas-liquid jet pump
Zhu Rongsheng, Yan Hao, Li Jizhong, Su Baowen, Hu Ziqiang
In order to study the performance and characteristics of the internal flow field of gas-liquid jet pumps with air as working fluid,the gas-liquid jet pump test models with different structures were designed. Boundary conditions were determined according to the data obtained from test. The gas-liquid jet pump was numerically simulated in the same working-gas pressure and different parameters by k-ε  turbulence model and VOF method. The simulation results show that the gas liquid jet pumps with expansion nozzles has good velocity and static pressure distributions,the air-liquid jet pumps with 5 mm distance from throat to mouth and that with 6 mm diameter of mixed chamber have good velocity distributions. The gas-liquid jet pumps, nozzle with the expansion, mixed chamber with 5 mm from throat to mouth and 6 mm diameter have better velocity distributions.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 207-210 [Abstract] ( 1848 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 380KB] ( 1414 )
211 CFD calculation and optimal design of high-speed partial emission pump
Chai Liping, Pan Binghui, Shi Haixia, Wang Jun, Huang Mingke
In order to research the relationships among flow coefficient, head coefficient and specific speed of high-speed partial emission pump, the main parameters of the pump were optimized designed. Based on the experimental date of pump performance, the test date were numerically fitted by Matlab software and the function of those was obtained. The optimized parameters were modeled by Pro/E, and both the numerical computation with ANSYS-CFX and external characteristics test were carried out. The results show that the static pressure of symmetrical section can satisfy the optimization requirements. Although there exist swirls in the stream contours, the unexpected flow field with back flow and vortex component near the tongue were distinctly improved. From low flow rate to design condition, the pump performance of H-Q test curve is very smooth, and which provides a certain reference for practical engineering.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 211-214 [Abstract] ( 2058 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 272KB] ( 1667 )
215 Simulation experiment on water pumping and vibration suppression of Francis-turbine applying honeycomb seals
He Lidong, Yin Dezhi, Li Chengxi, Wu Wei
According to the structures of seal rings in Francis-turbine, the sealing model was simplified and advanced in order to reduce self-excited vibration produced by fluid in seal rings of the Francis-turbine. The experiment rig was manufactured based on the model. By measuring the rotor vibration directly, the vibration amplitude, oscillogram and frequency spectrogram between the simplified sealing model and honeycomb seals were contrasted under the conditions of various rotor eccentricity, and the vibration amplitude features of the two kinds of seals with and without imbalance mass added to the rotor were investigated. The results show that compared with the labyrinth ones, the honeycomb seal can more effectively suppress the vibration caused by rotor eccentricity and mass imbalance. The vibration behaviors are contrasted by installing water pumping device in upstream and downstream of minimal seal clearance, and the water pumping device in upstream of minimal seal clearance can significantly reduce rotor vibration.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 215-218 [Abstract] ( 2261 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 357KB] ( 1632 )
219 Key issues in pressure fluctuation experimentsfor centrifugal pumps
Yao Zhifeng, Wang Fujun, Xiao Ruofu, Yan Haijun, Liu Zhuqing, Wang Min
Based on the analysis of pressure fluctuations at different flow regions in centrifugal pumps, measuring point arrangements on suction chamber, volute casing and delivery pipes are proposed. Especially, the distribution scheme of measuring points near volute tongue area was discussed in details. The impacts of sampling frequency and sampling time on the experimental results were analysed. The results show that the sampling frequency determines the range of frequency domain, and sampling time determines the frequency resolution. Combining the sampling theory with features of the FFT method, two constraint equations for determining sampling frequency and sampling time are established. Five window functions used for FFT analysis were compared by means of their frequency resolutions and amplitudes. The rectangular window function is recommended because of its advantage in the capturing the main frequency and keeping its amplitude lossless for centrifugal pumps.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 219-223 [Abstract] ( 2205 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 367KB] ( 1465 )
224 Study on valve body of piezoelectric pump with active valve
Wen Jianming, Cheng Guangming, Kan Junwu, Zeng Ping, Cheng Minghui
 Due to the shortage of blockage performance and output pressure of the valveless piezoelectric pump, a new type of piezoelectric pump with active valve actuated by rectangular piezoelectric bimorph was developed. Active valve based on both ends of rectangular piezoelectric bimorph clamped was designed and manufactured, finite element model of the valve body was set up, relevant finite element simulation and experimental studies were carried out, static and dynamic characteristics of the valve body were analyzed, the curves of valve body displacement affected by different influencing factors were obtained. Then, four ordered mode and natural frequency of valve body were analyzed. Comparing experimental results with simulation ones, the reliability of the finite element simulation results was verified. Several factors influencing on flow rate of piezoelectric pump were studied, and the structure parameters of active valve based on both ends clamped were discussed by experiment tests. The simulation analysis and experiment results provide theoretical foundation for the structure design of valve body with active valve.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 224-227 [Abstract] ( 2117 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 393KB] ( 1479 )
228 Dynamic response of axial vibration and structural optimization for dry gas seal system with spiral groove
Zhang Weizheng, Yu Shurong, Ding Xuexing, Han Mingjun, Du Zhaonian
 A calculation model on the fluid-solid coupling system of gas film and seal rings subjected to axial vibration was established by taking static seal ring as the oscillator, and the Reynolds equation was approximately solved by using PH  linearized method, complex function variables separation method and small parameter iterative method.The approximate analytic expression of gaseous film dynamic pressure and gaseous film force were obtained.Axial forced vibration equation of single degree of freedom was established by taking gas film force as the exciting force, which was solved by using the Runge-Kutta algorithm, then the vibration phase chart and the time history chart responded by the different spiral angles and grooved depth were obtained, and the effect of spiral angles and grooved depth on vibration displacement was analysed. The results show that vibration parameters were affected by spiral angles and grooved depth, and the vibration caused by spiral angles is the dominant one.The vibration amplitude of seal ring can be controlled by changing spiral angles and grooved depth, and the dynamic stability of gas seal can be kept by selecting their optimal value.The optimal values of the spiral angles and the groove depth in this example are 74°58′48″ and 5 μm  respectively,and which are in agreement with the experimental data.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 228-232 [Abstract] ( 2285 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 326KB] ( 1729 )
233 Numerical simulation of tubular pump based on Fluent
Zheng Yuan, Liu Jun, Chen Yang, Li Xi, Yang Xuelin
For further researching on authenticity and accuracy of the numerical simulation in tubular pump, the numerical simulation in tubular pump was conducted with different parameters. The simulation calculation results were compared with the data of positive energy test of a two-way tubular model pump in Shanghai. In the process of the numerical simulation, the setting of parameters, such as the meshing of grid, the choices of computational model and the boundary conditions were compared and analyzed. The characteristics of pressure and flow pattern were observed. The closest scheme was selected, which might have referential value for tubular pump numerical simulation. The comparisons with test data and the interior pressure distribution and flow pattern show that S-A model is better than Realizable k-ε model. When the pressure of inlet is 0, the numerical simulation with S-A model is proved to be the best.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 233-237 [Abstract] ( 2094 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 609 )
238 Design on planetary gear transmission device for pumping stations
Bao Peide, Xie Jun, Ma Lüzhong, Yin Xiaoqin, Yang Qizhi
 In order to renew the pumping stations, in which the pumps are directly linked with motor, a new type of transmission device was proposed due to its advantage of variable speed. This new device consists of a planetary gear transmission and a gear reduction. The planetary gear transmission is composed of a 2X-H planet bar, two clutches and two brakes which control the power input. Based on the analysis of movement of planetary gears, the transmission ratio for each step was conducted. The final planetary gear drive transmission design was determined by the calculation and analysis of two kinds of planet tooth number matching. As a result, a motor with 1 500 r/min was selected and two transmission ratios of 3 and 1.5 were decided. Through the right matching of planet tooth numbers, the speed requirement of 250 r/min and 125 r/min for the pump station was achieved. This design can also meet the need of frequent changes of pump in flow and head in the big project of “South to North Water Transfer”.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 238-241 [Abstract] ( 1993 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 308KB] ( 1501 )
242 Numerical simulation for fluid meliorating in both forebay and suction bay of pumping stations
Liu Xinyang, Gao Chuanchang, Shi Liwen, Liu Wei
According to the jet feature under the sluice that formed by the water level difference in Tianshan first-stage pumping station, the efforts of fluid meliorating were put forward. The RANS equation and standard k-ε turbulence model were used to simulate the flow state, and the influence of sediment on he water flow was not taken into consideration during the simulating process. Due to the attempts of adopting discontinuous bottom sills, discontinuous trajectory sills and pressurized water board, the results show that the jet length is shorten significantly, the surface backflow disappears, the cross-section velocity distribution tends to uniform, and the velocity at the bottom of the forebay and suction bay and near the pump inlet decreases significantly. The field investigations show that the modifications adopted increase the device efficiency by 1.82% and 5.96% respectively. The vibration amplitude decreases 21 μm and 52 μm, and the sediment accumulation almost disappears in both operating conditions.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 242-246 [Abstract] ( 2102 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 444KB] ( 1648 )
247 Energy consumption calculation and evaluation methods for light and small unit sprinkler system
Wang Xinkun, Yuan Shouqi, Liu Jianrui, Tu Qin
In order to evaluate energy consumption of the light and small unit sprinkler system objectively,the calculating methods and evaluation indicator of unit sprinkler system were deduced based on the hydraulic machinery energy basic approach and unit sprinkler system structure and operating characteristics. By borrowing ideas of hydraulic computating methods of pipeline with multiple outlets, the hydraulic procedure and methods for unit sprinkler system pipeline were put forward by using back step method to handle the hydraulic calculation of pipeline and applying iteration method to solve the flow and head of sprinkler. Example analysis shows that the calculating and evaluating methods have the advantages of simple to use, easy to calculation, comparability, maneuverability, reliability and meeting practice projects. The calculating and evaluating methods will provide the theory basis for reasonable selection of pump,optimizing configuration and design of pipe installation and product development of unit sprinkler system, and have important theoretical significance and practical value for improving efficiency and reducing energy consumption of unit sprinkler system installation.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 247-250 [Abstract] ( 2129 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 292KB] ( 1595 )
251 Injection performance of  Venturi injector in micro-irrigation system
Yan Haijun, Chu Xiaoyi, Wang Min, Ma Zeyuan
In order to study the relationship between the injection performance and the structural parameters of Venturi injector used in micro-irrigation system, injection performance tests of a kind of Venturi injector with four types of replaceable throat parts were conducted under inlet pressures of 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30 MPa, respectively. The results show that both the critical and maximum pressure differences are in positively linear relation with the inlet pressure. The inlet flow rate of the Venturi injector increases with the increasing of the inlet pressure or the difference between inlet and outlet pressures. As the ratio of outlet pressure to inlet pressure is less than 0.4, the ratio of injection rate to outlet flow rate increases with the decrease of the throat diameter and the increase of both the contraction and diffusion angles. As the ratio of outlet pressure to inlet pressure is greater than 0.4, the ratio of injection rate to outlet flow rate changes in an opposite trend. The established regression models describing the relationship between injection performance, throat geometry and working parameters can be used for design and operation of Venturi injector.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 251-255 [Abstract] ( 3193 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 466KB] ( 1771 )
256 Stability analysis on light weight and small size watering cart for dual purpose of both sprinkling irrigation and hose irrigation
Fan Yongshen, Huang Xiuqiao, Li Jinshan, Wang Tangjin, Duan Fuyi
In ordor to improve the abilities of slope-climbing and overturn-resisting of light weight and small size watering cart for dual purpose of both sprinkling irrigation and hose irrigation, the vertical and horizontal stabilities of the cart were analysed. The factors that affect stabilities of the device in vertically and horizontal slope were theoretically depicted, the relationship between stability and various factors were discussed, and gradient angle for no-gliding and no- overturning was calculated. Results show that higher viscidity coefficient of ground possess more favorable advantage for the stabilities of the cart. The stabilities of watering cart can be improved effectively by ways such as increasing the spacing of wheels and that between the mid axes of wheels and the touchdown point of flow pipe, reducing the hight of barycenter. The climbing ability can be improved by ways such as increasing the traction and reducing the weight of watering cart.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 256-259 [Abstract] ( 1987 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 315KB] ( 2004 )
260 Fuzzy control of pre-heat pump flow in ice-storage centralized air-conditioning
Xu Jinqiang, Feng Ziping, Xiao Rui, Huang Chong

2010 Vol. 28 (3): 260-264 [Abstract] ( 2330 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 391KB] ( 1213 )
265 Design and application of fine water mist regulation system in large space of local environment
Wang Junfeng, Tu Xincheng, Huang Jiwei, Huang Qiaomei
 The design method of spray system for cooling, humidity adjusting and regulation was proposed. A mathematical model of fine water mist cooling for regulations in large space of local environment which response to the process of water mist diffusion and evaporation was established. Take the case of spray cooling system for special steel arena of the Shanghai Exposition, the result of calculation on the water consumption of system terminal and the humidity evolution revealed that in the process of spray cooling in semi-outdoor environment, the concentration of water vapor increased. The decrease in ambient temperature and saturated moisture could result in the increase of humidity in local environment. It is necessary to control the humidity evolution by using ventilation. The comparison of different ventilation rate indicated that the higher ventilation could accelerate the stabilization of humidity evolution. The ambient humidity could be kept less than 88% by setting the working frequency for spray cooling system terminal. The model was widely used and ignored some non-critical factors, such as moisture and heat gain from human body. The design, optimization and analysis of system were conducted in the engineering of Olympic Games and shedding light on the design of spray cooling system that would be applied in Shanghai Exposition and semi-outdoor environment.

2010 Vol. 28 (3): 265-270 [Abstract] ( 1893 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 501KB] ( 1644 )
271 Numerical simulation for micro-scale flow field with porous medium model
Jin Wen, Zhang Hongyan, He Wenbo
 A novel numerical method for simulating micro-scale flow field was established mainly by adopting porous medium model to simulate wall roughness elements. Thickness of porous media was converted by the wall relative roughness, and drag coefficient was determined by flow state as well as resistance of porous media. Under Reynolds number of 100 and 300 respectively, various models were applied to simulate the flow field of square-section micro-channel with side length of 600 μm. Comparison between results of simulation and those of Micro-PIV experiment indicated that, realizable k-ε turbulence model combining porous medium model was most effective for micro-channel flow field simulation, while standard k-ε turbulence model and RNG k-ε turbulence model gave results close to experimental ones with somehow deviations. However, standard k-ω turbulence model and SST k-ω turbulence model exhibited much poor capability in such micro-scale simulations.
2010 Vol. 28 (3): 271-276 [Abstract] ( 1813 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 594KB] ( 2230 )

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徐云峰  张文涛 陈建华
谈国鹏  朱漪云 盛    杰


· National Research Center of Pumps

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