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Journal of Higher Education Management
2022 Vol.16 Issue.2
Published 2022-03-10

Typical characteristics and countermeasures of higher education anxiety in middleincome groups under the background of common prosperity
The middleincome group is not only an important participant, supporter and contributor in China′s economic and social development, but also a promoter of the popularization and the highquality of higher education. Furthermore, the expansion of this group could provide necessary conditions for China to overcome the "middleincome trap". However, the group recently has gradually fallen into some kind of anxiety, among which higher education anxiety becomes an important aspect. In the face of the contradiction between people′s growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and insufficient development in the new era, the anxiety of middleincome groups in the needs for higher education is characterized by universality, profundity, continuity and diffusivity. The increase of middleincome groups is conducive to better narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, and is an important means to achieve common prosperity. We should rationally recognize that the higher education anxiety of middleincome groups is an accompanying phenomenon in the process of modernization, and a typical feature of the development of middleincome groups. To alleviate the higher education anxiety of middleincome groups, we need to strengthen the supplyside structural reform. Therefore, we should follow the general idea of "holding the bottom line of fairness and adhering to common development; paying attention to the needs of groups and expanding highquality resources; developing educational consumption channels by various means; focusing on the development level and comprehensively improving the quality". We should take relevant measures, including expanding the supply of higher education, promoting the highquality development of higher education, promoting the common development of family members of middleincome groups, ensuring the psychological safety of middleincome families and continuously improving the training ability of higher education, so as to effectively alleviate the anxiety of middleincome groups in higher education and better promote the national economic and social development and the early realization of common prosperity.

2022 Vol. 16 (2): 1-11 [Abstract] ( 53 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 266 )
12 Evolution characteristics, realistic challenges and optimization paths of the graduate academic degree authorization audit in China
XU Lei
The academic degree authorization audit is an important part of the academic degree system and an important mechanism for graduate education access. Thirteen academic degree authorization audits in China, from the centralized audit to gradual decentralization, show evolutionary characteristics of the downward shift of the focus. Facing requirements of highquality development of graduate education, the academic degree authorization audit faces new problems and challenges, and should be optimized and improved in the following aspects. In terms of the construction of rule of law, we should clarify the legal nature of the academic degree authorization audit, clarify statutory duties of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and provincial academic degrees committees, and standardize operation and implementation procedures. In terms of the layout of academic degree points, we should establish "integrated" access standards and the "classified coordination" audit mechanism. In terms of the process of application and evaluation, we should improve the index design, strengthen information supervision, and standardize the independent audit of colleges and universities. In terms of postauthorization management, we should strengthen evaluation supervision and planning guidance to promote the connotation development of academic degree points.

2022 Vol. 16 (2): 12-21 [Abstract] ( 48 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 265 )
The practice, trend and thinking of Teaching Excellence Framework in colleges and universities of the UK
The practice, trend and thinking of Teaching Excellence Framework in colleges and universities of the UK[J]. Journal of Higher Education Management, 2022,16(2): 22-31>')" href="#"> ZHOU Haitao, LIU Xu
To further improve teaching quality of higher education, the UK government launched Teaching Excellence Framework nationwide from 2017 to 2019. The first round of evaluation has achieved good results in encouraging colleges and universities to provide highquality teaching for students, guiding colleges and universities to improve student experience, and helping high school graduates effectively choose colleges and universities and majors. However, there are still deficiencies in scientificity of index design, reliability and validity of evaluation data, and rationality of result grade setting. Therefore, the new round of Teaching Excellence Framework will further enrich connotation of evaluation indicators, enhance scientificity of evaluation data and improve efficiency of the use of evaluation results. The series of reforms of Teaching Excellence Framework in colleges and universitives of the UK could provide some reference for China to further improve the undergraduate teaching quality evaluation and guarantee system: to attach great importance to teaching quality and strengthen the function of educating people; to highlight students′ perspectives and give consideration to fairness and excellence; to integrate multisource data to enhance scientificity and representativeness of data; to make rational use of evaluation results, and carry out supervision and provide rewards in parallel.
2022 Vol. 16 (2): 22-31 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 253 )
32 The ideal shape of universitybased innovation and entrepreneurship education ecosystem construction: based on crosscase comparative analysis of eight universities in four countries
LI Yayuan, LIU Haibin, KONG Jiejun
Through reviewing literature and theories, this study analyzes practical cases from eight universities in four countries. It finds that, the ideal universitybased innovation and entrepreneurship education ecosystem should contain ten key elements, including target concept, leadership mechanism and institutional framework, three subsystems, namely the operational, organizational and supportive system, "three characteristics", namely specialization, integration and effectiveness, and "four factors of construing experience", namely the motivation, objective, material and form factor. Therefore, the study further constructs an ideal model of universitybased innovation and entrepreneurship education ecosystem with "three subsystems and ten key elements", "three characteristics" and "four factors of construing experience", so as to present the ideal structure relationship and operating mechanism of universitybased innovation and entrepreneurship education ecosystem in a more threedimensional and vivid way.

2022 Vol. 16 (2): 32-46 [Abstract] ( 66 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 253 )
47 From "key" to "firstclass": the logic of the reform of the discipline construction system in China from the perspective of historical institutionalism
MA Tingqi, ZHENG Zhengjie
The transformation of the discipline construction system in China from "key" to "firstclass" marks the paradigm shift from key discipline construction through the government selection to firstclass discipline construction through the university competition. The evolution of the discipline construction system passes through three stages: the radical, the progressive, and the fractured institutional change. From the perspective of historical institutionalism, the formation and reform of the discipline construction system are influenced by deep structure factors, such as the economic system, the higher education management system and the value orientation of discipline construction. The discipline construction system shows obvious characteristics of path dependence because of traditional institutional inertia and organizational behavior habitus. The fundamental impetus of the reform of the discipline construction system comes from the game of multiple subjects, policy learning mechanism and external demonstration effect. In practice, the key to the reform of the discipline construction system in China is to reshape the relationship between multiple subjects, perfect the discipline dynamic adjustment mechanism, and improve the discipline assessment system, so as to promote the formation of a new governance pattern of firstclass discipline construction.

2022 Vol. 16 (2): 47-58 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 258 )
59 The effectiveness research of the policy of building worldclass universities in China: based on empirical evidence from the differenceindifferences model
MA Junfeng, LUO Zhimin
At the expiration of the first round of "Double FirstClass" construction, it is of practical significance to evaluate policy effects of building worldclass universities. After summarizing evaluation dimensions of policy effects of building worldclass universities, by collecting panel data of 39 world firstclass universities construction universities and 57 world firstclass disciplines construction universities from 2015 to 2019 and constructing the econometric model with the differenceindifferences method, this study evaluates policy effects of building worldclass universities. The research finds that the implementation of the policy of building worldclass universities has positive impacts on selected universities in terms of the comprehensive strength, discipline construction, faculty construction, and social service capability, and estimated values of policy effects are statistically significant and pass a series of robustness tests in general. However, the policy of building worldclass universities has positive but insignificant impacts on selected universities in a few indicators, which reflects some gaps and deficiencies of policy effects compared with policy objectives. Therefore, the study puts forward some policy suggestions in the new round of building worldclass universities: to pay attention to characteristic and humanistic disciplines in terms of discipline construction; to focus on "endogenous" development and combine "internal sources" and "external assistance" in terms of faculty construction; to build a longterm and effective mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in terms of the improvement of social service capabilities.

2022 Vol. 16 (2): 59-74 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 248 )
75 The root of the dilemma, clarification of understanding, and practical ways of fostering virtue through education for teachers in colleges and universities
WANG Zhichao, YIN Hao
Implementing the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education is an important duty and mission of teachers in colleges and universities. The deviation of higher education teachers′ perception of their own identity has become the root of their dilemma in fostering virtue through education. In order to solve the dilemma of fostering virtue through education of teachers in colleges and universities, it is necessary for them to correctly perceive the characteristics of both official and professional of their identity, as well as to correctly understand the intrinsic value and external value of fostering virtue through education. To promote teachers in colleges and universities to foster virtue through education, we should promote the integration of the intrinsic value and external value of fostering virtue through education, construct the legal basis for improving the perception of fostering virtue through education of teachers in colleges and universities, construct the coordination mechanism for teachers in colleges and universities to foster virtue through education, and promote the further improvement of the teacher cultivation system.

2022 Vol. 16 (2): 75-82 [Abstract] ( 63 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 272 )
83 The mechanism of discipline governance in the new era
CHEN Liang
The development of outstanding interdisciplinary clusters is the spiritual pillar and power source to maintain the effective operation of university community organizations in the sense of existence. It needs to rely on the trust and cooperation between disciplinary communities to reach the communication consensus of cross integration and penetration. This kind of communication consensus needs the adjustment of discipline norms, which are the common morality and internal contract that discipline development should adhere to, while the vicious competition and blind comparison between disciplines are destructive to the common morality of the discipline field. The discipline governance is the "compulsory good" to maintain the common morality of disciplines. It is based on the development of disciplines to be good and rational education of people, and it is to shape the publicity of disciplines to serve the major practical needs of society, highlight the social shared responsibility of knowledge to create value, and call for the return of the rational governance spirit of the discipline community.
Key words: the discipline community; discipline governance; discipline norms; the discipline order; outstanding clusters; common morality of disciplines
2022 Vol. 16 (2): 83-91 [Abstract] ( 61 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 898KB] ( 566 )
92 On high-quality transformation of independent colleges in China
The highquality transformation of independent colleges in China faces multiple dilemmas, including the dilemma of the schoolrunning orientation influenced by types of parent universities, the dilemma of adaptability of interest subjects caused by the original operating mechanism, the dilemma of school identity in separation from brand effects of parent universities, and the development dilemma caused by the reduction of quality resources from parent universities. The highquality transformation requires independent colleges to emphasize highstandard positioning in transforming into private colleges and universities; to highlight the construction with characteristics in transforming into public colleges and universities; to stress the innovative development during the course of schoolrunning system transformation. To achieve the highquality transformation of independent colleges, it is necessary to make policies and regulations to extricate independent colleges from multiple interest fetters; to strengthen policy incentives to stimulate the intrinsic motivation of independent colleges′ development; to strengthen policy guidance to lead independent colleges back to the educational logic; to continuously implement comprehensive policies to realize the smooth transformation of independent colleges.

2022 Vol. 16 (2): 92-99 [Abstract] ( 62 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 259 )
100 The homogenization of higher vocational colleges under the projectbased governance model: the action mechanism, problem representation and reform path
LI Zheng
Since "National Demonstrative Higher Vocational Colleges Construction Plan" was launched in 2005, the development of higher vocational colleges in China has been deeply embedded in the projectbased governance model. The projectbased governance model produces and reproduces the homogenization of higher vocational colleges through the legitimacy mechanism, and maintains the diversified development of higher vocational colleges through the residual control right formed by the "principalagent" relationship. Under the projectbased governance model, the homogeneous development of higher vocational colleges has many adverse effects, such as the inefficient allocation of central government resources and the lowquality involution of higher vocational colleges; the tension between the national demand, local demand and industry demand; the nonacclimatization of achievement promotion and the lack of motivation of practical innovation. In order to solve the problem of homogeneous development, the future projectbased governance of higher vocational colleges in China should focus on improving the central government project application mechanism and clarifying the functional orientation of central government projects and local government projects; piloting the project application model of "mandatory + optional" to promote the development of classified characteristics of vocational higher education; implementing the evaluation model of "basic performance + typical results" and improving the evaluation weight of multiple subjects; strengthening the dynamic guidance on project implementation and gradually improving the policy clarity.

2022 Vol. 16 (2): 100-109 [Abstract] ( 51 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 237 )
110 The assessment of the effect of the Belt and Road Initiative on international students studying in China: also on highquality development of education for international students in China
CHENG Lihao, LIU Zhimin
Quantitatively assessing the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on international students studying in China is of great significance to promoting the highquality development of the education for international students in China. Using panel data of 183 countries from 2008 to 2018, this paper conducted an empirical research employing differenceindifferences models to analyze the effect of the BRI on international students studying in China. The results show that the BRI significantly promoted the growth of international students studying in China, and the overall growth rate ranged from 5.7% to 7.7%. The BRI played its role in promoting international students to study in China through the effects of peopletopeople connectivity and talent demand. The effects of the BRI on international students from different types of countries or regions studying in China were heterogeneous, and the quality of education played an important role. In order to better promote the highquality development of education for international students in China, it is necessary to rationally view the role of the BRI in promoting international students to study in China, and establish a correct value orientation; to strengthen the formulation and optimization of strategic planning of differentiated development of education for international students in China, and build a multisubject coordination mechanism; to improve the ability of resource integration and utilization, and build the brand of "Studying in China" by relying on the guidance of preponderant and characteristic disciplines.

2022 Vol. 16 (2): 110-124 [Abstract] ( 56 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 244 )





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