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Journal of Higher Education Management
2022 Vol.16 Issue.1
Published 2022-01-10

1 The future trend of internationalization of higher education in the postepidemic era
Philip G.Altbach, Simon Marginson, Ulrich Teichler, et al
COVID-19 has shocked and transformed internationalization of higher education globally. Because of this impact, the global higher education structure would be reshaped, and so would flow modes and subjects of internationalization of higher education. In the postepidemic era, despite of shifting from economicdriven to cultural understanding, and establishing a diversified and sustainable new pattern, internationalization of higher education should also improve its diversity. Based on a correct understanding of changes in the political, economic, and educational environment, China should realize that the relationship between internationalization of higher education and geopolitics is still unbreakable, the "cultural hegemony" in internationalization of higher education is still difficult to shake in the short term, and the contradiction between the scale and quality of internationalization of higher education will exist for a long time. Therefore, China should enforce researches, innovations and cultural guidance, and attach importance to promoting building a community with a shared future for mankind through the Belt and Road construction, so as to better promote internationalization of higher education.
2022 Vol. 16 (1): 1-14 [Abstract] ( 78 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1204KB] ( 977 )
15 The reform of the university thesis evaluation system in the process of the modernization of academic governance
LONG Baoxin, QIU Can
The thesis is the genetic composition of the academic organism, and its evaluation reform is the heart of academic governance, and the basis point and hub of the modernization of university academic governance. The basic ideas in university academic thesis evaluation governance are to pay attention to the "value complex" behind the thesis, to stick to the ontological value of the thesis, and to prevent the occurrence of the ectopic value evaluation of the paper. Facing the modernization of academic governance, improvement directions of the university academic thesis evaluation system in China are to build a threedimensional evaluation system, and carry out the multiparameter and interparametric evaluation; to strictly abide by the academic legitimate logic, and focus on the metaevaluation of knowledge innovation; to speed up the construction of the metaevaluation system, escort the evaluation of thesis value, and urge the evaluation to return to rationality and normality.
2022 Vol. 16 (1): 15-25 [Abstract] ( 65 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1478KB] ( 637 )
26 The digital attachment and its resolution of higher education evaluation
YAO Jiali,LUO Qin
 Breaking the "fiveonly" is the current institutional and theoretical consensus that leads higher education evaluation to be scientific and rational, and its essence aims to eliminate the digital attachment of higher education evaluation. The digital attachment of higher education evaluation has the following manifestations: the widespread penetration of digits in higher education evaluation, the priority of the digit criterion in higher education evaluation, and the discipline of irrational digits in higher education evaluation. The digital attachment of higher education evaluation exists due to the longterm restriction by the rationalism evaluation views under the control of technological rationality, the promotion of the simplified cognition in the higher education field, and the inducement of resources and interests associated with digits. Therefore, the keys to overcoming the digital attachment of higher education evaluation and breaking the "fiveonly" should include the following three aspects: the meaning of the digital criterion in higher education evaluation should return to its true nature; the reasonable boundaries for the application of the digital criterion in higher education evaluation should be clarified; the structure of the higher education evaluation system needs to be optimized.
2022 Vol. 16 (1): 26-37 [Abstract] ( 67 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1049KB] ( 591 )
38 Curriculum reform and teaching quality in colleges and universities based on curriculum ideological and political construction
HONG Zaoqing, YUAN Shengli
Curriculum ideological and political education is an important measure for colleges and universities to implement the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education. Ideological and political education must be penetrated into the talent training system to promote curriculum ideological and political construction, giving full play to the educational role of each course. Fundamentally speaking, curriculum ideological and political construction is a comprehensive reform of the curriculum system, teaching content and teaching method, and the ultimate goal is the quality improvement of curriculum teaching and talent training. Colleges and universities should promote the innovation of the curriculum system closely following the guidance of curriculum ideological and political education, optimize the curriculum teaching contents and teaching methods corresponding to the requirements of curriculum ideological and political education, and complement the institutional shortcomings of the curriculum construction based on the implementation of curriculum ideological and political education, so as to make the curriculum fully reflect the new connotation and new requirement of the quality of talent training in the new era. Besides, colleges and universities should improve teaching quality by giving full play to the active role of teachers in the process of deepening curriculum cognition and optimizing teaching, on the basis of following curriculum teaching laws and adhering to the bottom line of quality. What′s more, colleges and universities should make a positive response to questions about curriculum teaching quality, forming a good atmosphere for curriculum ideological and political construction and promoting the coupling of curriculum ideological and political education and curriculum teaching.
2022 Vol. 16 (1): 38-46 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1028KB] ( 1007 )
47 The construction of the comprehensive evaluation index system for curriculum ideological and political education in colleges and universities:based on the theoretical framework of the CIPP evaluation model
XU Xiangyun,WANG Jiajia
According to the theoretical framework of the CIPP evaluation model, policy texts of the Ministry of Education such as the Guidelines for Curriculum Ideological and Political Construction of Higher Education Institutions and qualitative interview results, this article collected research samples by means of measurement tools (scales) on the basis of initial evaluation indicators of curriculum ideological and political education activities. A stable fourdimensional structure of "context evaluation, input evaluation, process evaluation and product evaluation" was formed, and 11 secondary indicators (common factors) such as the political environment, curriculum resource, teaching plan and teaching effect were extracted after the item analysis, factor analysis and reliability test. In the meantime, the factor score coefficient generated in the process of factor analysis was used to assign weights to indicators at all levels, so as to complete the construction of the index system. The index system constructed in this paper not only pays attention to the process and coverage of curriculum ideological and political education activities, but also guides evaluators to adhere to the combination of formative evaluation and summative evaluation, which has certain practical value.
2022 Vol. 16 (1): 47-60 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1121KB] ( 1922 )
61 The functional failure of the interdisciplinary field and its governance
ZHANG Xinpei
This study uses a theoretical perspective of the field to study the interdisciplinarity, and proposes that the interdisciplinary field is a structural space of nested ternary relationship of "knowledge production  organization construction  actor participation". This study takes A University which is China′s worldclass university in construction as a typical case, and conducts an indepth analysis of the phenomena and reasons of the failure of the innovation function, integration function and incentive function in the interdisciplinary field. In order to cope with the functional failure of the interdisciplinary field and promote the dynamic balance between the interdisciplinary field and the needs of external systems, the university governance mechanism can be improved from two aspects of reshaping ideas and model reform. In terms of reshaping ideas, Chinese universities should change their disciplinary concepts from disciplinary awareness to problem awareness; reshape the pursuit of value from formal cross to crossinnovation; broaden the strategic pattern from based on disciplines only to based on threedimensional coordinates of endogenous resources, institutional environments and external industries. In terms of model reform, Chinese universities can insist on taking innovation as the foundation, and deeply embed the interdisciplinarity in the university innovation system; adhere to the problemoriented approach, and build an outcomeoriented interdisciplinary system and mechanism; adhere to taking empowerment as the core, and help teachers grow and become talents in the field transformation.
2022 Vol. 16 (1): 61-71 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1163KB] ( 616 )
72 Reconstructing university teaching paradigm in the age of artificial intelligence: the analysis based on creative destruction theory
GUO Rong, JIA Yongtang
Based on creative destruction theory, the value network scanning on university teaching paradigm demonstrates that the continuous innovation force is difficult to effectively drive the reform of university teaching paradigm. Reform dilemmas of the misunderstanding in the practice of "knowledge is power", the "protractedwar" of destandardized teaching, the supersteady state of weakened feedback function and the suspension of the learningcentered concept shackle the transition of university teaching paradigm, and it urgently needs a creative destruction force. The integration of artificial intelligent technology and core elements in university teaching paradigm could stimulate the creative destructive force that reverses the dilemma of teaching paradigm reform, reshape the appearance and expression of teaching value, and promote the paradigm transformation from "teaching" to "learning". The new university teaching paradigm shows great potential for incremental returns. Specifically, the generative teaching philosophy suppresses the variance of information transmission; the nonlinear teaching method activates students′ motivation to turn knowledge into wisdom; the integrated teaching content reduces the marginal cost of knowledge innovation; the valueadded teaching evaluation improves the efficiency of resource allocation. To promote university teaching paradigm to get out of reform dilemmas and be reconstructed, the university teaching community should adhere to the humanistic education through the integration of general and professional education, uphold the learning view of the application for learning and the teaching view of cognitive guidance, and reconstruct the teaching governance technology and system.
2022 Vol. 16 (1): 72-86 [Abstract] ( 60 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1100KB] ( 672 )
87 The function mechanism of "Double FirstClass" construction universities to promote the integrated innovation of the government, application, industry, university and research in China: a case study of typical projects in Zhongguancun Science City
SHEN Jiakun, ZHANG Jun, WU Fei
The governmentapplicationindustryuniversityresearch integrated innovation system established by "Double FirstClass" construction universities is an important force to promote the construction of China′s international science and technology innovation center and realize the innovationdriven development strategy. This study chooses typical integrated innovation projects in Zhongguancun Science City, the core area of China′s international science and technology innovation center, as the case. The results of the study aim to provide a reference for the important role of "Double FirstClass" construction universities in the innovation system of governmentapplicationindustryuniversityresearch integration in China. The results show that, firstly, main integrated innovation models built by "Double FirstClass" construction universities, governments and enterprises include the project connection, platform coconstruction and industrial technology alliance, which are applicable to situations of transformation of technological achievements with independent intellectual property rights of universities, longterm cooperation between universities and enterprises based on property rights, and cocreating and sharing and close cooperation of universities and enterprises. Secondly, through cultivating talents and producing innovation results in the integrated innovation system, "Double FirstClass" construction universities not only play explicit direct and indirect roles in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in which governments and enterprises jointly participate, but also have the implicit effects of disseminating innovative culture and shaping innovation demand concepts. Based on these, "Double FirstClass" construction universities should continue to promote the construction of technology transfer offices, strengthen the construction of concept verification centers, and perfect and expand the integrated innovation model.
2022 Vol. 16 (1): 87-99 [Abstract] ( 59 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1503KB] ( 690 )
100 Progress and challenges of the cooperation and exchange in higher education between China and Thailand
CUI Yanan, WEN Wen
The internationalization of higher education is an important symbol and key way to build a country′s cultural soft power. The study adopts a mixed research method, and analyzes the scientific research cooperation, student mobility and institutional cooperation in the SinoThailand higher education cooperation and exchange. It is found that the current SinoThailand higher education cooperation and exchange has made important progress, and there is great potential for cooperation in the fields of humanities, social sciences and arts. Meanwhile, the rapid development of China′s economy and SinoThailand economic and trade cooperation, the generous scholarship program and the international vision of Chinese universities are potential growth points for attracting Thai students. However, there also exist some barriers that need to be broken through. The current strength of Chinese higher education is relatively insufficient for attracting Thai students, and the space for activities of Chinese and Thai universities in higher education cooperation is still extremely limited. Thus, it is necessary to expand cooperation in the fields of humanities, social sciences and arts, so as to enhance cultural exchanges and mutual trust between China and Thailand; improve the quality and management of international students, and unswervingly follow the path of the internationalization of higher education; give full play to the active role of universities in SinoThailand higher education cooperation.
2022 Vol. 16 (1): 100-109 [Abstract] ( 59 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1068KB] ( 885 )
110 The realistic appeal and thinking of independent school running legislation of overseas universities
LIANG Cheng, QI Zhanyong
Strengthening the legislation of the overseas university′s independence in running schools is an inevitable requirement for major education reform to have a legal basis, the legal guarantee to support the healthy development of the new format of crossborder education, and the only way to promote the modernization of crossborder education governance. Hainan free trade port should formulate special management regulations for independent school running of overseas universities as soon as possible, take regional crossborder education as the first test, radiate a larger region and a wider scope, and even drive the coordinated development of reform and opening up in the field of education throughout the country. The main principles of legislation on the independent school running of overseas universities include the principle of educational sovereignty, the principle of educational public welfare, the principle of independent school running of universities and the principle of transparency. The focus of the legislation is to determine the legal status of independent school running institutions, clarify legal rights and obligations, standardize approval procedures, strengthen the supervision of government departments on independent schoolrunning behaviors and the investigation of responsibility for misconducts, and realize the legalization and standardization of independent school running of overseas universities.
2022 Vol. 16 (1): 110-119 [Abstract] ( 55 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1039KB] ( 554 )
2022 Vol. 16 (1): 120-124 [Abstract] ( 42 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 959KB] ( 561 )





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