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Journal of Higher Education Management
2021 Vol.15 Issue.4
Published 2021-07-10

1 Teachers′ general educational capability in higher education institutions in the new era
JIN Yule
Teachers′ general educational capability in higher education institutions in the new era has its innate logic and unique value connotation, which is the "general ability" that transcends differences between disciplines and majors, and shared quality for professionals in higher education institutions in whole processes and omni directions. It includes the capability to influence educational ideals for teaching through affection, the capability to display personality characteristics for teaching with morality, the capability to direct educational processes for teaching by demonstration, and the capability to construct curriculum ideological and political education for teaching in line with political orientation. The capability to influence educational ideals is the ability to show their professionalism ideals, beliefs, and humanistic care for students out of their love for education. The capability to display personality characteristics is the ability to show qualities of personality, psychology, disposition, virtue and conduct, which are necessary personality traits of teachers in higher education institutions. The capability to direct educational processes is the wisdom in teaching approaches and methodologies, including the ability of guidance, interaction, management, environment creation, assessment, and resource integration. The capability to construct curriculum ideological and political education is achieved from combining instruction and education, and from utilizing political and ideological elements implied in specific courses of disciplines and majors and organically integrating knowledge introduction and ideological and political education. These capabilities are not separated among one another, but logically connected to be a complete construction that establishes teachers′ general educational capability in higher education institutions.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 1-12 [Abstract] ( 62 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1146KB] ( 702 )
13 The logical framework and promotion strategy of fostering virtue through education for teachers in higher education institutions in the new era
CHEN Liang, YANG Juan
Fostering virtue through education for teachers in higher education institutions is directly related to the connotative development of higher education and the realization of the grand goal of the modernization of higher education governance. To carry out the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education, it is necessary to clarify the value orientation of fostering virtue through education for teachers in higher education institutions through the value logic, goal logic and practice logic, based on interpreting the connotation of fostering virtue through education for teachers in higher education institutions in the new era. However, fostering virtue through education for teachers in higher education institutions has fallen into the dilemma of the contradiction between the education link and utilitarian evaluation mechanism, friction and opposition between the education model and students′ demands, and double binding of the sloganeering propaganda and formalism style. Therefore, China should adopt the "trinity" cooperative model of fostering virtue through morality, rules and culture, and promote the realization of the mission of fostering virtue through education for teachers in higher education institutions in the new era.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 13-25 [Abstract] ( 63 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1249KB] ( 613 )
26 To reaffirm the ideal of the university
WANG Jianhua
As an educational, cultural and academic organization, the development of the university is driven by its mission. In the process of missiondriven university development, the ideal plays an indispensable role of the "catalyst". Under the influence of economism and managerialism, the ideal of the university is gradually declining. Modern society increasingly emphasizes the immediate service function of the university, but ignores its longterm mission. Over the long term, if we give up or weaken the pursuit of human excellence and truth, the university that is a professional organization will tend to be "oneway". This is not conducive to the development of the university, and hinders the development of people and society. In the trend of secularization and materialism, reaffirming the university′s ideal of achieving human excellence and the pursuit of truth is beneficial to its sustainable development and lasting foundation.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 26-33 [Abstract] ( 38 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1011KB] ( 545 )
34 Does coping skills inhibit the entrepreneurial intention of university students?
MEI Zhenyu,XIE Chengyang
This research builds a threshold regression model based on 1 798 valid questionnaires collected from 53 Chinese universities. It also investigates the influence of coping skills of university students on their entrepreneurial intention. The estimated results show that there is a threshold effect in the effect of students′ coping skills on entrepreneurial intention. The entrepreneurial intention of students in the sample group of "stronger coping skills" increases with the increase of coping skills, while the entrepreneurial intention of students in the sample group of "weaker coping skills" decreases with the increase of coping skills. In addition, students′ personality of conscientiousness and Chinese universities′ entrepreneurial practice education have a significant positive impact on students′ entrepreneurial intention. According to the comprehensive analysis of the estimated results, this research provides suggestions to stimulate students′ entrepreneurial enthusiasm from different levels such as national education administrators, higher education institution education administrators, heads of departments and specialties, and entrepreneurship educators in higher education institutions.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 34-43 [Abstract] ( 40 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1122KB] ( 541 )
44 Field construction of firstclass universities and economic evolution of the Bay Area: the relationship and implication
The world′s three well-known Bay Areas gather numerous first-class universities. First-class universities have the need for field construction, and the Bay Area economy has the need for evolution from the lower-level economic format to the higher-level economic format. There is a close relationship between field construction of first-class universities and economic evolution in the Bay Area: the stock and quality of capital accumulation of first-class universities in field construction improve the speed and efficiency of economic evolution in the Bay Area; the habituation development of first-class universities provides an external driving force for economic evolution in the Bay Area, and the Bay Area economy provides a resource network and space for the habituation development of first-class universities in the evolution course. Therefore, first-class university construction in the GuangdongHong KongMacao Greater Bay Area should establish a higher education "plateau" and gather first-class universities; cultivate and absorb talents simultaneously and bring together high-level human capital; establish and continuously innovate the production-university-research collaboration mechanism.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 44-53 [Abstract] ( 32 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1153KB] ( 425 )
54 How does the university strategic plan promote transformation of knowledge production modes: taking Duke University as an example
QUAN Shoujie,GAO Xin
In knowledge production mode 1, the knowledge production situation is mainly dominated by academic interests of specific communities, while knowledge production activities are driven by specific subjects′ interests. As an organization of knowledge production, the university embodies homogeneity. Most knowledge production subjects are academic staff such as university teachers, whose knowledge production quality control mainly relies on peer review. Knowledge production mode 2 has characteristics of application of the knowledge production situation, interdisciplinary knowledge production, heterogeneity and organizational diversity, social accountability and reflection, and the comprehensive and multidimensional quality control mode. Duke University analyzes and debugs its own situation, social change and market needs, and promotes the knowledge production mode transformation through the university strategic plan. Specifically, it formulates the strategic target which conforms to the transformation of the knowledge production purpose; implements the strategic action plan which breaks discipline boundaries and promotes disciplines to achieve leapforward development; constructs an organizational structure characterized by multiagent complementary embedded relations; establishes a strategic evaluation system involving multiple subjects in quality control. In order to better promote the transformation and development of universities with strategic planning, Chinese universities should change the concept of strategic development, and lay equal stress on academic missions and social responsibilities; open organizational boundaries, and construct multidisciplinary units; reconstruct strategic plan evaluation by combining internal selfevaluation with external evaluation.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 54-63 [Abstract] ( 30 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1033KB] ( 537 )
64 Features and implications of the integration of industry and education in German learning factory
CHEN Zheng, QIN Yonghong
The learning factory prospering in Germany is mainly to solve the problem of imbalance and mismatch between industry and education caused by the rapid development of industry. Establishing the learning factory in Germany is not only the need for integrating industry and education, but also regarded as a carrier of the integration of industry and education, with characteristics such as integrity of the coupled function, sustainability of the diversified agent cooperation and foresight in path building. This shows that Chinese universities are urgently required to innovate the education mechanism with the integration of industry and education, and establish the multifunctional transformation to increase the educational role of the enterprises; to enhance sustainable development, and improve the quality of technical and skilled personnel training of universities; to focus on cuttingedge design to increase the quality of the training base of integration of industry and education.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 64-71 [Abstract] ( 53 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1020KB] ( 621 )
72 A changing picture: the evolution logic and implication of the rule of law in American higher education
YAO Rong
For a long historical period, the American academia and the legal world had maintained relatively alienated and even isolated with each other. Since the 1960s, as the federal government and state governments became more involved in higher education, and lawsuits of students, faculty, and outsiders against institutions of higher education and their administrators continued to increase, the higher education institution had gradually evolved into one of the most regulated types of organizations in the United States. However, the simple application of legal rules and technologies in the fields of the constitution, contract law, tort law, and antidiscrimination law to adjust the legal relationship in the field of higher education increased the risks and burdens of university management, weakened the essential attributes of universities as academic institutions, and eroded the integrity of university decisionmaking. In this context, the "reverse trend" of higher education rule of law, aimed at eliminating the negative effects of "legal instrumentalism", has emerged. Therefore, China should correct the position of judicial judgment and update the reasoning method of the court while expanding the scope of accepting litigation cases in the field of higher education; strengthen the legal control of education administrative supervision power, and enhance the accountability and legitimacy of higher education supervision; emphasize the core position of legal work of universities in construction of the rule of law in higher education.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 72-84 [Abstract] ( 36 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1066KB] ( 525 )
85 The logical dimension and implementation path of normal students′ practical wisdom development
YAO Jiali1, GAO Sichao1,2
The development of normal students′ practical wisdom is in line with the needs of national teachers′ team construction and the objective requirement of teachers′ professional development. Logical dimensions in the development of normal students′ practical wisdom are characterized by the time series change from "oneway" to "twoway", the field change from "fracture" to "global", and the process change from the "single subject" to "multi subjects". At present, there are some problems in cultivating normal students′ practical wisdom in China, such as "knowledge and technology orientation" in target purport, the education and teaching reform "without integrity" and the education and teaching process "without subjectivity". Therefore, to give full play to the ultimate value of normal students′ practical wisdom, universities should construct the "twoway" oriented cultivation mechanism, push the comprehensive reform of education and teaching under the guidance of "the global type", promote the continuous reform of learning and teaching under the background of "multi subjects", and cultivate normal students′ reflective consciousness and ability.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 85-92 [Abstract] ( 36 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1020KB] ( 580 )
93 Research on the path to select and cultivate outstanding and innovative talents in China: based on the text analysis of enrollment profiles of the "Strengthening Basic Disciplines Plan" from 36 universities
LIU Haiyan, JIANG Guiyou, CHEN Huanchun
By analyzing enrollment profiles of the "Strengthening Basic Disciplines Plan" from 36 universities in the list of A level "Double FirstClass" university project, this research finds that the "Strengthening Basic Disciplines Plan" regards fairness and justice as the selection principle, uses comprehensive performance as the evaluation standard, takes diversified participation as the basic guarantee, and uses outstanding and innovative ability as the selection orientation. Each pilot university has formed an individualized, integrated, connected, international and dynamic talent cultivation mechanism. To better serve the innovationdriven development strategy, China should reform the current university entrance exam model into a more flexible model based on characteristics of categorized assessment, comprehensive evaluation, and multiple admission, and select and cultivate more outstanding and innovative talents with comprehensive and innovative qualities. Pilot universities should promote the enrollment and cultivation mechanism under the guidance of the "Strengthening Basic Disciplines Plan", and explore the enrollment and cultivation path for outstanding and innovative talents with diversified and individual characteristics.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 93-100 [Abstract] ( 58 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1066KB] ( 742 )
101 Features, problems and solutions of the scientific and technological talent cultivation system in Chinese higher education institutions: based on the analysis of interviews with 36 scientific and technological talents
DUAN Binbin, XU Xiaodong, CHEN Min
The cultivation of scientific and technological talents has risen to the height of the national strategy, and the system plays a leading and overall role in the cultivation of scientific and technological talents. This research conducted interviews with 36 scientific and technological talents from Chinese higher education institutions. The results show that the cultivation of scientific and technological talents in Chinese higher education institutions has its own characteristics in the talent source, evaluation system, incentive mechanism and academic environment: based on the domestic training of talents and attracting overseas returnees for development, introducing performance evaluation and quantitative assessment, focusing on the incentive function of talent projects, and emphasizing the institutionalization of academic environment governance. However, there are still some problems in the system of cultivating scientific and technological talents in higher education institutions in China. The preferential policy for overseas returnees leads to the unfair development opportunities, the quantitative evaluation system is difficult to objectively evaluate the level of scientific and technological innovation, the alienation of talent projects brings a series of negative effects, and the highpressure academic environment leads to behaviors that deviate from the original purpose. Therefore, China should rethink the preferential policy for overseas returnees and select talents based on their performance; standardize the use of quantitative indicators and deepen the reform of the evaluation mechanism; optimize talent projects and make talent titles return to the essence of honor; cultivate the scientific spirit and improve the overall academic ecology, so as to create a good atmosphere for the emergence of scientific and technological talents, and perfect the training system of scientific and technological talents in line with the construction of a scientific and technological powerhouse.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 101-114 [Abstract] ( 63 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1147KB] ( 623 )
115 The effect and prospect of the research on the ecosystem construction of innovation and entrepreneurship education in Chinese higher education institutions
LI Yayuan, NIU Yafei, LI Chang
Chinese scholars pay attention to three stages in constructing the innovation and entrepreneurship education ecosystem in universities. In the initial stage, the research on the entrepreneurship education ecosystem is in the field of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. In the transformative stage, the focus shifts from the entrepreneurship ecosystem to the innovation and entrepreneurship education ecosystem. In the deepening stage, it expands from the research on the universality of the innovation and entrepreneurship education ecosystem to the manifestation of Chinese characteristics. Main achievements of the research in China include reaching a consensus on relevant basic theoretical issues, forming three main research areas of comparative research, current situation analysis and construction strategies, and significantly improving the innovation of the research. To improve the research in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship education ecosystem in Chinese higher education institutions, it is required to adopt the model of "one premisetwo foundationsthree themes". This means the research should take the basic theoretical research as the premise and be based on current situation investigation and an international comparison, and focus on solving three core problems of the toplevel design, subject cooperation and institutional mechanism that restrict the construction of innovation and entrepreneurship education ecosystem in higher education institutions.
2021 Vol. 15 (4): 115-124 [Abstract] ( 43 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1223KB] ( 502 )





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