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Journal of Higher Education Management
2020 Vol.14 Issue.3
Published 2020-05-10

1 On the firstclass discipline construction with Chinese characteristics
LONG Baoxin
In the process of the first class discipline construction, path dependence on western famous universities can be partly found in Chinese universities. It is objective requirement of guiding our nation′s firstclass discipline construction to stick to the discipline construction road with Chinese characteristics and to explore Chinese experience, Chinese thinking, Chinese path of discipline construction, which is the success symbol of discipline governance in Chinese universities. The fundamental purpose of firstclass discipline construction with Chinese characteristics is to promote our discipline construction career toward "Three Changes", namely autonomization, localization and internationalization. Thus, our country will take a firstclass discipline construction road driven by our own force, rooted in China and facing the world. The specific paths are to choose a road governed by the nation and constructed by endogenous and autonomous power, to put the education first and build strong disciplines via the talents, to integrate production and disciplines with activation of knowledge through innovation and entrepreneurship education, and to advance as a whole and take a road of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable discipline system construction. In the new era, our national discipline strategy, to explore, keep and advance these characteristics, could sustain our own nature, get out of the bottom and take way to the peak. In this regard, firstclass discipline construction with Chinese characteristics should stand in the position of learning from the West with the guidance of China, develop the construction plan of utilization of the West in forms of China, and promote the concretization of the key common evaluation indexes of worldclass disciplines.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 97 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1909KB] ( 724 )
9 The connotation interpretation, interactive relationship and dynamic mechanism  of coordinated development of universities and strategic emerging industries
The interaction between universities and strategic emerging industries can be understood as adaptive interpretation, value increase mechanism and innovative ecological impacts. This synergistic development expresses the positive correlation causal effect among multiple subjects and the logical evolution as "coordination creates order, order guides structure and structure determines efficiency". In the process of coordinated development between Chinese universities and strategic emerging industries, there exist some problems. The structural "gap" in the university talent supply system always exists, resulting in the misallocation of human resources and supply imbalance etc. The connection and fit between university disciplines and the development of strategic emerging industries are insufficient, and there is no scientific, organizational and institutionalized governance mechanism. The collaborative innovation performance of universities and its contribution to economic growth are not significant, and the innovation mechanism of industryuniversityresearch collaboration is in urgent need of readjustment and deepening. The overall efficiency and benefits of the transformation of university scientific research achievements are low, and the phenomenon of R&D marginalization is obvious. The driving mechanism for coordinated development between Chinese universities and strategic emerging industries is to deepen the structural reform of the university′s talent supply system, adjust the best fit across the industry chain, discipline chain and profession chain, create the synergy of advantages of collaborative innovation and realize resource complementarity, and promote the quality and efficiency of the transformation and diffusion of university scientific research achievements.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 9-18 [Abstract] ( 80 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1068KB] ( 939 )
19 The reformation of the talent training mode in highlevel higher vocational colleges under the background of "DoubleHigh Plan"
CHEN Enlun,MA Jianyun
The fundamental purpose of highlevel higher vocational college construction under the background of "DoubleHigh Plan" is the reformation of the talent training mode. In order to realize this vision, we need to state the value logic of the construction of highlevel higher vocational colleges, and clarify the interactive relationship between the construction of highlevel higher vocational colleges, specialty construction and talent cultivation under the change of the knowledge production mode. However, higher vocational colleges′ current talent training concepts have problems such as inertial thinking and onesided value orientation, discrete and conflicting internal and external relations of vocational education, and constant changes in the positioning of the talent training goals, which hinder the process of talent training mode reform. Solving these problems requires embedding the "three main bodies" and "four elements" in the "threeinone" talent training mode in highlevel higher vocational colleges, reshaping the goal of talent training to innovate the concept of education, relying on the specialty construction to accelerate the quality improvement of talent cultivation, and promoting the integration of talent training with the integration of production and education as the starting point.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 19-29 [Abstract] ( 95 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1965KB] ( 1117 )
30 The connotation reconstruction and strategic choices of innovative development in higher vocational colleges under the background of "DoubleHigh Plan"
ZHOU Bingyang, WANG Zilong
The connotation reconstruction of higher vocational colleges′ innovative development embodies the characteristics of codevelopment along with economy and society, and it dynamically establishes new concepts, orientation, modes and mission from the Implementations of the Construction Plan of National Demonstrative Higher Vocational Colleges in 2006 to Construction Plan of HighLevel Vocational Colleges & Specialties with Chinese Characteristics ("DoubleHigh Plan") in 2019. Under the guidance of "DoubleHigh Plan", from the new starting point, higher vocational education should create future patterns with openness and categorization, change the connotation developmental paradigm by enforced higher character and innovation, explore China′s plan of the development with the combination of internationalization and localization, foster a highquality development ecosystem with integration of policy leading and independent innovation, upgrade the cooperation between higher vocational colleges and industries and "smart +" level and lead the integration of industry and education with high standards, and develop diploma education and social training at the same time to create a highlevel school running pattern.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 30-40 [Abstract] ( 104 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1078KB] ( 773 )
The policy analysis and universities′ response of the "Plan for Strengthening Basic Disciplines"
The policy analysis and universities′ response of the "Plan for Strengthening Basic Disciplines"[J]. Journal of Higher Education Management, 2020,14(3): 41-48>')" href="#"> QUAN Shoujie, HUA Li
The "Plan for Strengthening Basic Disciplines" is a college enrollment policy to meet the needs of the national selection of top innovative talents, to consider the fairness and the personalized development of students, to further standardize the autonomy of college enrollment and college running, and to deepen the reform of the system of national college entrance examination. The "Plan for Strengthening Basic Disciplines" is characterized as topdown policy implementation, which means the universities are granted the autonomy by the government with the power transparency and universities′ discretion normalized, and bottomup game and feedback, which means that as the main body of policy implementation, universities make good use of the strategic space to regulate debugged objects, so as to avoid the negative sum game. Therefore, universities should design multiple admission programs to standardize the plan implementation, build a professional enrollment team to ensure the plan implementation, and depend on powers from all levels of society to supervise the plan implementation.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 41-48 [Abstract] ( 159 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1025KB] ( 905 )
49 The correction of relief means of national education examination scoring: based on the analysis of 62 judicial documents
ZHOU Zhongmin
In the national education examination, the purpose of the examinees to apply for exam information disclosure is not to satisfy the right of claim for information disclosure, but based on the objection to the exam scoring behavior, to change the exam scoring results by reviewing the examination papers so as to maintain their right to education. However, the analysis of 62 judicial documents shows that the existing relief approaches based on information disclosure cannot be sufficient to fulfill this demand, and Article 14 from Regulation of the PRC on the Disclosure of Government Information, which was revised in 2019, further enhances the legality of nondisclosure. Hence,based on the definition of the right of reading dossiers and the compare between it with the right of claim for information disclosure, the paper further analyzes the advantages of the right of reading dossiers in the examination scoring remedy system. Finally, the paper redesigns the approach of examination scoring remedy based on the right of reading dossiers, which is to better protect the examinee′s right to education through the determination of the actionability of the examination scoring behavior and the determination of the intensity and standard of judicial review.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 49-59 [Abstract] ( 54 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1134KB] ( 686 )
60 Research on the characteristics and optimization of the expenditure scale and structure of the firstclass universities in China: the analysis based on the data of 36 worldclass
MAO Jianqing,WU Junling
Worldclass universities in construction are typical examples of China′s firstclass universities, and their characteristics of expenditure could represent the overall situation of expenditure of China′s firstclass universities to some extent. The expenditure data of 36 worldclass universities in construction shows their specific characteristics in terms of the expenditure scale and expenditure structure. In terms of the expenditure scale, the total expenditure scale has increased year by year, the difference between different schools is large, and changes of the scale and growth rate differ from one region to another; the average expenditure scale per teacher is on the rise, the growth rate in the central area is the fastest, and the difference between different schools is large; the change trend of the average expenditure scale per student is different, and the gap between schools is larger than that between regions; the proportion of expenditure scale in GDP is basically stable, and the intraregional differences are greater than interregional differences. In terms of the expenditure structure, it is relatively simple and stable; the horizontal dimension indicates that basic expenditure and project expenditure are basically the same, and the vertical dimension indicates that educational expenditure is the main part and presents a stable univariate pattern, without obvious differences among regions. With the expansion of expenditure scale and stable expenditure structure, though there is no obvious relationship between the two, China′s top universities still have some problems, such as smaller scales, a simpler structure, less specific subjects, and rawer data, compared with the world′s top universities in the United States. Based on these, it is suggested to continuously increase universities′ income to expand the scale of expenditure, optimize the structure of the expenditure to reflect universities′ functions, and refine the budget subjects and publicize the expenditure data. With further rearrangement of the scale, optimization of the structure and enhancement of the efficiency of fund utilization, China′s top universities could be better promoted in the process of "Double FirstClass" construction.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 60-72 [Abstract] ( 52 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2912KB] ( 1542 )
73 Research on the impact of university enrollment expansion on the distribution gap of residents′ income in China: the empirical analysis based on interprovincial panel data from 1999 to 2018
FAN Xiaoting, CHEN Xinshuang, ZHANG Ning
This research is an empirical analysis on the impact of university enrollment expansion on the distribution gap of residents′ income, selecting panel data from 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions (not including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) in China from 1999 to 2018 for threshold regression estimation. It is found that college enrollment expansion has a significant effect on narrowing the income distribution gap, and it has a distinctive threshold feature. The impact also has the economic threshold effect and technical threshold effect. The more advanced economic development is, the stronger the effect of university enrollment expansion on narrowing the income distribution gap is; as technology improves, the effect of university enrollment expansion to alleviate the income distribution gap turns from strong to weak. Based on this, it is proposed to adopt the policy of enlarging enrollment of universities in different regions corresponding to local conditions, to strengthen the role of developed regions in driving underdeveloped regions, and to speed up the cultivation of highlevel applicationoriented talents to meet the needs of technological progress for highlevel talents, so as to better promote higher education and social and economic development and give full play to the role of human capital in higher education in promoting fairness in the income distribution in China.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 73-82 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1847KB] ( 861 )
83 The legal procedural rules in dealing with research dishonesty
XU Jing
Research dishonesty is the behavior that violates the code of conduct or norms in scientific research and related activities. It is the obligation for all researchers to obey the law that they have to act corresponding to the norms and be honest in scientific research. Once research dishonesty appears, the responsibility of relevant persons has to be investigated. Rules for dealing with research dishonesty include substantive rules and procedural rules, and the latter one is the core in dealing with research dishonest activities. At present, China has issued a large number of laws, rules, regulations and normative documents on the construction of scientific research integrity and the treatment of dishonest research, but there are still some problems, for instance, the diverse bodies of formulation creating the phenomenon of "different treatment on the same issue", and "more efficiency rather than procedures" under the pressure of public opinion. Procedural construction has to be strengthened to defend the legitimate rights and interests of relevant parties, such as separating investigation and treatment, upgrading the system of the information disclosure and confidentiality, establishing the system of hearing on major issues, and perfecting the administrative reconsideration and litigation system.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 83-91 [Abstract] ( 88 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1063KB] ( 863 )
92 Action strategies of mixed ownership in vocational colleges: a multiplecase study from the perspective of legitimacy
HE Yiqing,LIU Na,PAN Haisheng
Based on the theory of new institutionalism in organizational sociology, from the perspective of legitimacy, the study discusses the legitimacy acquisition strategies and types in the running process of mixed ownership in four vocational colleges by using the multiplecase study, and identifies the relationship between the mixed ownership stage, the strategies of legitimacy acquisition and the types of legitimacy acquisition by content analysis. Foundings are that the alliance strategies of legitimacy acquisition of mixed ownership in vocational colleges mainly include negotiating, coordinating interests, building and leveraging social networks; analytical strategies mainly include identifying details, formulating standards, and constructing the identity and governance system; cultural strategies mainly include publicity and embedding. In the period of creation, mixedownership vocational colleges mainly adopt analytical strategies and acquire the normative legitimacy type. In the development period, cultural strategies are increased significantly, and the proportion of these three strategies is relatively balanced, focusing on the legitimacy acquisition of regulation and cultural cognition types. The regulation legitimacy is mainly acquired by alliance strategies, the normative legitimacy by analytical strategies and alliance strategies, and the cultural cognition legitimacy by cultural strategies. Therefore, vocational colleges should try to define different stages of development and choose corresponding action strategies according to their stages in the process of exploring mixed ownership.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 92-103 [Abstract] ( 66 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1083KB] ( 649 )
104 An empirical study on influencing factors of college students′ innovation ability in scientific research
TAO Jinguo, ZHANG Yan, LIAO Lili
College students are one of the main forces to build an innovative country. To cultivate and continuously improve the innovation ability of university students in scientific research is an important goal of university education and the focus of the nation. This research constructs the influencing factor model of innovation ability in scientific research, and explores the influence of selfregulated learning, tutor guidance, and university scientific research support on college students′ scientific research innovation ability through questionnaires. The study finds that selfregulated learning, tutor guidance and university scientific research support all have a significant positive impact on college students′ scientific research innovation ability, with a lower path coefficient of tutor guidance; there are twoway positive effects between selfregulated learning and tutor guidance, and between tutor guidance and university scientific research support. Therefore, universities should enhance college students′ selfregulated learning ability, improve the tutor guidance and increase the scientific research support so as to promote the innovation ability of college students.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 104-112 [Abstract] ( 81 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1786KB] ( 854 )
113 Evaluation of the production efficiency of knowledge innovation in China′s research universities
SHEN Jiakun, ZHANG Jun, FENG Baojun
According to the phasic rule of knowledge innovation output in China′s research universities, this paper takes advanced knowledge resources as the intermediate output, and divides the knowledge innovation production process into two stages: knowledge creation and knowledge application. Based on this, the twostage efficiency evaluation theory model and the network DEA calculation model are constructed. Some results are discovered through the evaluation on the overall and twostage relative efficiency of knowledge innovation production in 29 research universities in China from 2006 to 2017. The knowledge creation stage restricts the improvement of the overall production efficiency of knowledge innovation in research universities. Taking a large portion, synthesized and technology research universities have relatively lower production efficiency in the knowledge creation stage than that in the knowledge application stage, and it shows a decreasing trend yearly. However, normal research universities′ production efficiency in the knowledge creation stage is the highest among them, and their production efficiency in the knowledge application stage have been decreasing for several years, and then rises sharply. Production efficiency of knowledge innovation in both stages in China′s research universities could be improved by establishing an incentive mechanism of knowledge producers, strengthening the management of knowledge innovation production process, optimizing the innovationdriven development strategy and so on.
2020 Vol. 14 (3): 113-124 [Abstract] ( 78 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1513KB] ( 638 )





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