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Journal of Higher Education Management
2020 Vol.14 Issue.2
Published 2020-03-10

1 On current reform of doctoral student education
 Currently, for better cultivating the innovative spirit and ability of doctoral students, constantly improving the quality of doctoral students, we have to deepen the education reform, and the correct understanding of doctoral students′ cultivation especially the curriculum reform is its premise. In this regard, we need to reflect on the following aspects. First, the management and training of doctoral students according to the firstlevel discipline are two different categories, which can not be simply assimilated, that is to say, the complexity and diversity in the training process shouldn′t be simplified by management thinking. Second, whether in terms of history or reality, the key link of doctoral education is not curriculum but scientific research training. It is the responsibility of undergraduate and master′s education to provide a common knowledge base for doctoral education. The power of doctoral training and curriculum design lies in the grassroots training units rather than the administrative departments. Third, although in different periods, substantive and formal functions make inquiry and personalized graduate curriculum teaching one of the graduate training processes, it is to clarify the training objectives that is problem of training doctoral students in our country, rather than the curriculum construction. For this reason, the relevant practices of Teachers College of Columbia University may be worthy of our reference.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 1-13 [Abstract] ( 41 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1098KB] ( 615 )
14 The essence of "Double FirstClass" construction
WANG Jianhua
To understand the world is the premise to transform it. Hence, a correct understanding of the essence of "Double FirstClass" is crucial for accelerating its construction. In recent years, in the process of policy implementation, the construction of "Double FirstClass" has made positive progress and faced many problems as well. In practice, there are major issues as how to deal with the relationship between the construction of firstclass universities (universities) and the construction of firstclass disciplines (universities), how to understand the meaning of "Chinese characteristics" and "the worldclass", and how to form the Chinese model of higher education development through the institutional learning and the policy innovation. All these issues need to be answered from the theoretical level.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 14-20 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 963KB] ( 602 )
21 Educational internationalization: the crucial force in building the community of common destiny for mankind
ZHANG Junzong
 Educational internationalization shows changes such as wider educational perspectives, more participant countries, organized educational actions, diversified educational connotations, stronger endogenous motivation and better basic conditions. From the perspective of general trends of global education development, educational internationalization highlights requirements of human universality and internal relevance of education, and the fundamental role of education in human development, and focuses on common value, interests and responsibilities of international education, and common consultation of participants on special issues. Concepts of the community of common destiny for mankind is highly consistent with new characteristics of educational internationalization: the idea of the community of common destiny for mankind provides fundamental guidance for better promoting educational internationalization; educational internationalization shows special values in the process of promoting the construction of the community of common destiny for mankind. We should firmly be confident of developing Chinese education in our beloved nation, strengthen the international role of Chinese education, further improve the integration of Chinese education internationalization, and contribute the educational strength of China to the great practice of building the community of common destiny for mankind.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 21-28 [Abstract] ( 59 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 966KB] ( 560 )
29 The rethinking and regression of university teaching thinking under the background of artificial intelligence
LI Hongxiu, WU Siying
Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought new challenges to the reform of university teaching thinking. Under the background of AI, university teaching needs thinking modes such as original thinking, heterogeneous thinking and interactive thinking. At present, university teaching is still constrained by technical thinking, homogeneous thinking, and oneway thinking under the background of AI, and takes technicality as the center of university teaching activities, takes homogeneity as the demand of university teaching activities, and takes isolation as the pattern of university teaching activities. Under the background of AI, the reform of university teaching thinking needs to break shackles of technological thinking and return to the true nature of students′ lives; get rid of the imprisonment of homogeneous thinking and promote the individual development of students; break through the barriers of unidirectional thinking and shape an interactive community.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 29-36 [Abstract] ( 49 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 969KB] ( 814 )
37 Problems and strategies to artificial intelligence talent training in colleges and universities in China
ZHANG Haisheng
 To speed up the cultivation of artificial intelligence (AI) talents and promote the development of AI industry is the inevitable way to occupy the commanding point of future competition of science & technology and talents, and to accelerate the establishment of the "highland" of independent innovation in the field of AI in China. Talent market demand of AI is large, but it should also be noted that AI development in colleges and universities has some problems, including the newlyconstructed related disciplines, the weakening of AI teachers in colleges and universities, the overemphasized graduate education, and the imperfect educational system. Colleges and universities should accelerate the construction of firstlevel disciplines in the field of AI to form a new goal of talent training; promote the integration and development between AI and other disciplines to form AI specialty new structure; insist on classified and stratified training to build a new mode of personnel training in the field of AI; insist on taking undergraduate education as the essential to build a new multilevel and multitype education system of AI.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 37-42 [Abstract] ( 60 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1023KB] ( 864 )
44 EU EntreComp entrepreneurial ability model: concepts, practice and enlightenment
MA Yongxia, DOU Yafei
China′s entrepreneurship education in universities still has not adapted to the needs of entrepreneurial economic development, and faces many theoretical and practical difficulties. As the central tool for the EU to guide the development of entrepreneurship education, core concepts of the EntreComp model are focusing on multivalue creation and crossborder application, emphasizing the conceptual theory guidance of the system, and emphasizing the important role of entrepreneurial learning. In the process of promoting the implementation of the EntreComp model, the EU adopts a "weak intervention" mechanism, and the university integrates the EntreComp model into the entrepreneurial education practice based on its own circumstances, showing the mode tendency to anchor the target, focus on the process, and pay attention to the actual affect. It has achieved some results. Drawing on their experience, we could deepen the reform of entrepreneurship education in universities by reshaping the concept, optimizing the process, and improving the evaluation of entrepreneurship education.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 44-53 [Abstract] ( 62 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2218KB] ( 683 )
54 Motivation, dilemma and enlightenment of American for profit university development
YANG Cheng, QIN Huimin
Since the 1970s, American forprofit universities have followed the trend of social development, taken the market demand as the guide, seized the opportunity to enter the capital market, paid attention to the disadvantaged groups, obtained government policy support, and achieved rapid development. After 2010, after about 40 years of development, American forprofit universities have fallen into the predicament of lowered teaching quality, declining number of new students, the contradiction between university philosophy and corporate philosophy, and poor performance in capital markets. At present, some private universities in China have chosen to be registered as forprofit universities, which has opened the road to running forprofit private universities in China. Sorting out the motivations of the development of forprofit universities in America, and analyzing their dilemmas come to enlightenment for the development of forprofit universities in China: to conform to the trend of the times, and create a good social environment for the development of forprofit universities; to give play to advantages of institutions and mechanisms, and handle the relationship between the government, the market and forprofit universities; to take transformation as the opportunity, and explore the connotative development path of forprofit universities; to strengthen government supervision and thirdparty assessment, and realize the balance between profitability of capital and public welfare of education; to actively give play to the role of the capital market, and pay attention to risk prevention.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 54-61 [Abstract] ( 47 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 920KB] ( 624 )
62 Mechanism barriers and breakthroughs of interdisciplinary major development:from the perspective of comparison between China and the United States
ZHANG Xiaobao
The mechanism of interdisciplinary major development is of great significance to ensure the smooth setting, smooth operation and continuous growth of interdisciplinary majors. From a realistic point of view, there are the following problems in the development mechanism of interdisciplinary majors in China. The transmission of multisubject needs of interdisciplinary major development is not smooth; the system of major setting is unreasonable; departments are divided and set up on the basis of disciplines; courses are divided by departments; teacher appointment and evaluation belong to the departments. In order to break through the mechanism barriers of interdisciplinary major development and create a good environment for it, the country should establish multisubject demandoriented major setting and evaluating mechanism, optimize major management system, and the universities should set up special organizations and coordinating institutions, establish curriculum sharing mechanism, and explore teachers′ joint appointment system.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 62-70 [Abstract] ( 53 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 987KB] ( 574 )
71 The ideal types, reform trends and enlightenment of higher education quality assurance regulation system
YAO Rong
For a long time, the quality assurance of higher education relies on the establishment of academic autonomy and selfdiscipline mechanism, and is controlled by peer review mechanism and reputation mechanism. However, due to the scale expansion of higher education and the transformation of national political and economic system, that this traditional academic selfregulation system can guarantee and improve the quality of higher education has begun to be widely questioned. Three types of higher education quality assurance regulatory systems including the private regulation system aiming for the interests of the academic community, the marketbased regulation system based on risk and standards, and the government regulation system based on the performance responsibility logic have been established in succession. These three regulatory systems have different regulatory logic and characteristics in terms of formulation of regulatory standards, information gathering and behavioral correction mechanisms. The experience of regulatory practice shows that there are flaws in the regulatory system that tends to selfregulation and state regulation. Based on the appeal for the dialectical unity of academic freedom and public interests, all three regulatory systems have begun to emphasize the organic integration of autonomy and the rule of law, selfdiscipline and heteronomy, and present a trend of change in cooperative regulation. The reform of China′s higher education quality assurance regulation system should be on the principles, thinking, and methods of the rule of law, and strengthen the rule of law governing public power in order to achieve cooperation and balance between national supervision and university autonomy.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 71-84 [Abstract] ( 74 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1122KB] ( 613 )
85 Accountability for academic misconduct in universities: the connotative feature, basis and logical framework
CHEN Liang
As a key measure to speed up the modernization of academic governance in the new era, accountability for academic misconduct is an introspective and endogenous regulatory way to ensure the development of academic freedom.The accountability of academic misconduct in university is different from the general administrative accountability, and has punitive, retributive, interactive and remedial characteristics. The ethical basis, factual basis and legal basis are bases in practice.On the basis of the analysis standard of the logical framework of argumentation and accountability, the accountability subject, accountability object, accountability basis, accountability procedure and responsibility type should be the content framework of accountability for academic misconduct.This is in line with the fact logic and value logic to solve practical problems in academic governance.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 85-96 [Abstract] ( 77 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1147KB] ( 851 )
97 On university teacher performance management turning to piecework wage system and its governance approaches
CAI Lianyu,LU Hong
Currently university teacher performance management system is turning to the piecework wage system. Though performancebased pay originates from piecework wage, there remain some differences between the two in many aspects such as the value basis, measure index and management style. The turning to piecework wage are reflected in some aspects such as excessive pursuit of shortterm quantified outputs, poor communication between managers and teachers, and single application of assessment results. This turning has caused many problems in meeting the social needs of knowledge innovation and personnel cultivation. The reasons leading to this turning lie in the complexity of the performance statistic of university teachers′ work, the dominating status of the administrative power within the governing pattern of universities, and the immaturity and formalization of the academic peer review mechanism. In order to govern the turning to piecework wage, universities need to set reasonable goals for teacher performance according to scientific development strategies, internal departments should communicate effectively to achieve scientific consensus on performance management, managers and teachers should strengthen communication and the teachers should be provided with performance guidance during performance management, and it is imperative to improve academic peer review system and strengthen external evaluation mechanism.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 97-104 [Abstract] ( 76 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 973KB] ( 649 )
105 The regularity of university highlevel talent mobility in China: based on the empirical analysis of resumes of six project talents
XU Juan, WANG Zedong
Under the competition for talents between universities, the university highlevel talents in our country have entered the age of "great flow". The article selects 9 534 resumes of six project talents for effective information extraction and statistical analysis, and researches the regularity of university highlevel talents′ mobility in China. The study shows that, more than a third of university highlevel talents have moved since they started work, and the turnover rate increases with the promotion of academic levels but has no obvious differences in disciplines; flow frequency of university highlevel talents has a large dispersion, but concentrates and tends to 1 frequency, and there are great differences among different academic levels and disciplines; there is a flow of university highlevel talents about every nine years, and it shows a tendency to gradually extend the mobility cycle with academic level being promoted. The research shows that, as a kind of powerful flow capital, the title of Project Talent weakens the influence of discipline attribute factors on the mobility behavior to some extent; during the evolution from the unit system to the appointment system, the former′s influence remains strong, which has become the root cause of the low flow frequency; there are the phenomenon of Negative Returns to Seniority (NRS) between highlevel talents′ flow speed and academic hierarchy. Hence, we need to be aware of the potential risks of the title of Project Talent being powerful flow capital, remove the mobility barriers in the "twotrack system" personnel governance pattern, and standardize the price mechanism in the highlevel academic labor market.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 105-115 [Abstract] ( 60 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1147KB] ( 1104 )
116 An empirical study on the influencing factors of agglomeration of college teachers:from the perspective of technology, talents and tolerance
WU Chao, ZHAO Shunlong
Based on the interprovincial panel data from 2008 to 2017, the study uses sysGMM method to estimate the effect of technology, talents, and tolerance on agglomeration of college teachers. It is found that, most of the teacher resources are concentrated in developed provinces along the eastern coast and collegeconcentrated provinces in central China, while the concentration of teacher resources in other provinces in the central and western provinces has always remained at a relatively low level. Technology, talents and tolerance have a significant positive impact on the agglomeration of college teachers. Tolerance is the main factor restricting the agglomeration of college teachers in eastern area, while technology is the key to improve agglomeration of college teachers in central and western provinces especially in western provinces. Therefore, the agglomeration of college teachers could be improved through optimizing the environment of scientific research and technology, innovating the mode of talent gathering, and perfecting the policy of regional talents.
2020 Vol. 14 (2): 116-124 [Abstract] ( 43 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 925KB] ( 649 )





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