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Journal of Higher Education Management
2019 Vol.13 Issue.6
Published 2019-11-10

1 The changes of China′s international student policies since 1949: an analysis based on historical institutionalism
LIU Baocun, PENG Chanjuan
After 70 years of sequential development and gradual evolution, policies of international students in China have formed a relatively complete system while its specific content has been constantly evolved, adjusted and improved with changes of domestic and international situations. From the perspective of historical institutionalism, this research analyses the historical evolution and institutional logic of China′s international student policies since the founding of the People′s Republic of China (PRC). It could be found that in the past 70 years, policies of international students in China have gone through five periods: exploration, construction, adjustment, improvement and promotion. Policies of international students in China experienced a path of adjustment in the late 1970s, and has shown a characteristic of path dependence since then. Besides, six dynamic factors including the foreign policy, the macroeconomic system, the level of economic development, the educational management system, the scale of higher education and ideas of international education, have promoted the evolution and innovation of policies of international students in China.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 68 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1061KB] ( 1946 )
11 Review and prospect: the development of pedagogy branch disciplines in 70 years in the People′s Republic of China
ZHANG Zhonghua, NI Mengjuan
After a short period of educational reform, pedagogy branch disciplines in the People′s Republic of China (PRC) began to comprehensively study the Soviet Union. And after the comprehensive reflection of the Soviet Union′s educational experience, pedagogy branch disciplines began to explore Chinese characteristics. Since the reform and opening up, pedagogy branch disciplines have gradually formed a branch group of pedagogy with Chinese characteristics after the restoration and reconstruction, based on the local and innovative development. In the past 70 years, the development of pedagogy branch disciplines has reflected characteristics, including the alternations between the introduction of learning and independent creation, the dialectical unity of discipline logic and external logic, and the fact that educational practice drives the development of educational disciplines. However, there are still some problems in the development of pedagogy branch disciplines, such as unbalanced development, lack of originality, emphasis on qualitative research and so on. In the future, the development of pedagogy branch disciplines should deal with the imbalance of disciplinary development; correctly handle the relationship between originality and ideology, quantitative and qualitative research; vigorously study the pedagogy meta-research, and enhance the consciousness of disciplinary reflection; strengthen classified research and scientifically build the system of educational disciplines.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 11-18 [Abstract] ( 58 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 971KB] ( 681 )
19 Opportunities, problems and countermeasures for the development of universities in central and western China under the "Double FirstClass" construction
')" href="#"> ZHOU Haitao, HU Wanshan
The "Double FirstClass" construction is an important strategy for the development of higher education in China in the new era, and provides new ideas, kinetic energy and guarantee for the development of universities in central and western China. However, some problems in the synergy between the independent exploration of these universities and the support of national policies are presented, and they are inadequate building of basic education resources and endogenous capacity for reform and development, low precision of national education investment, national policy support model and the implementation effect needs to be improved. It is urgent to strengthen basic resource building of education, enhance the endogenous capacity of university development, implement the precise supply of education input, optimize the national policy support model, enhance the implementation effectiveness of education policies, and comprehensively accelerate the development pace of universities in central and western China.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 19-25 [Abstract] ( 39 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 959KB] ( 737 )
26 Research on the optimization of human resource management in worldclass discipline constructing universities in central and western regions: an analysis based on a regional case
ZHANG Wunong, JIA Baoxian, ZHANG Leisheng
To improve the efficiency of human resource management is the key to save construction cost, improve the utilization rate of talents, and build the competitiveness of universities and disciplines in the process of "Double FirstClass" construction of universities. The purpose of this study is to analyze problems existing in the human resource management of worldclass discipline construction universities in central and western regions, and to seek optimization paths. The study finds that main problems exist in the fairness in management, the relationship between affairs and people, the connection of policies, the construction of rules and regulations, and the humanistic care. In the future, reform focuses may shift from the management of personnel to the development of human resources, from the temporary discussion to the regulation supplement, from the emphasis on performance to the emphasis on value, and from the compensation commitment to the comprehensive attraction.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 26-34 [Abstract] ( 52 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 982KB] ( 686 )
35 A mixed study of the organizational culture types and features in advisorpostgraduate fellowship
LIN Jie, CHAO Yaqun
The advisor system is the main institution of postgraduate education, and thus formed advisorpostgraduate fellowship dominated by advisors. The advisorpostgraduate fellowship is usually an important organizational form for postgraduate training featured with multiple objectives, activities, freely associating and emotional exchange with other members. By investigating postgraduates of a "Double FirstClass" construction university with a mixed research method, the research finds that there are four types of organizational culture in advisorpostgraduate fellowship, and they are freerange fellowship, tribal fellowship, family fellowship and hierarchical fellowship. Different types of organizational culture have different characteristics, and have different influences on postgraduate students. Family and tribal fellowship are closer to positive organizational culture, and freerange and hierarchical fellowship are to be improved. Benign organizational culture construction calls for joint efforts of advisors and postgraduate students. Advisors should reflect on and adjust their leadership styles and deep values, seek the help of faculty development centers when necessary, and lead the construction of benign organizational culture; postgraduate students should also take an active attitude, and put forward suggestions and take actions to improve the organizational culture.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 35-44 [Abstract] ( 74 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1357KB] ( 1043 )
45 An international comparison of collegiate learning outcome assessments
DING Xiaojiong
Demands for standardized assessments of collegiate learning outcomes have been increasing since the last decade. An increasing number of countries are developing and implementing various assessment tools. Meanwhile, the attitude of universities about assessments is shifting from resistance to active participation. By comparing eight collegiate learning outcome assessments in the world, this article makes the following conclusions. Firstly, as for contents of assessments, more popular and influential in universities is generic skill assessments. When students′ disciplinespecific skills are tested, the assessments need to be redesigned to target a particular group of students studying a particular program. Secondly, as for assessment items, what really counts is not the item type, but whether items provide students with rich information to reflect the diversity and complexity of the real world. Thirdly, as for the implication of assessment outcomes, it is important to adhere to the principle of confidentiality and to build a webbased database. The principle of confidentiality helps universities to focus on improving their teaching instead of ranking, and building a database could facilitate ondemand data analysis.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 45-54 [Abstract] ( 67 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 987KB] ( 617 )
55 Modernization of disciplinary governance ability: the logical purpose of "Double FirstClass" construction
')" href="#"> CHEN Liang
Disciplinary governance, as an interactive regulation method for maintaining the academic community′s symbiotic dialogue of academic exchanges, condenses the goodcharacter energy of recognizing cooperative power. The modernization of disciplinary governance ability is the logical purpose of promoting the construction of "Double FirstClass". It mainly includes the multiple interaction of disciplinary governance subjects, the crossborder innovation of disciplinary governance systems, the autonomy contractuality of disciplinary governance organizations and the inclusive ecological culture of disciplinary governance. However, the power intertwining, misplaced relationship and overplanning phenomena in the real academic field have led to the interaction between the emergence of disciplinary governance power and the campaignstyle management, the problem of chasing unilateral interests and "working behind closed doors" of the discipline governance organization, the dilemma of whether capital or utilitarian orientation of disciplinary governance′s ecological culture, and so on. As an important indicator to promote the construction of firstclass universities and firstclass disciplines, the ability of discipline governance needs to shape the power structure of discipline governance, cultivate communicative emotions of discipline governance, and create a cultural and ecological atmosphere of recognization, criticization and symbiosis of disciplinary governance.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 55-63 [Abstract] ( 45 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 982KB] ( 592 )
64 Logical guidelines and action strategies in the firstclass discipline construction
WU Dingling, HU Rendong
The core of the firstclass discipline construction lies in the content, reasons and methods of discipline construction. Clarifying its attributes and logical guidelines of firstclass discipline construction is beneficial for universities to speed up the process of firstclass discipline construction. Through analyzing and observing the nature, system and order of disciplines, we found that the discipline is described to have the attributes of academics, talent cultivation and social service. From perspectives of the generation, development and paradigm, logics of firstclass discipline construction are manifested as taking the unification of the internal impetus and the external push as the basis, taking the restriction of the power game and system regulation as characteristics, and taking the balance between value rationality and instrument rationality as the value orientation. Based on these, from the perspective of institutionalized discipline nature and dynamic discipline development, the firstclass discipline construction should be developed in three dimensions, which are "firstclass disciplines—originality—new patterns" "firstclass disciplines—firstclass majors—excellent courses" "firstclass disciplines—national demands—scientific methods".
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 64-71 [Abstract] ( 50 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1044KB] ( 676 )
72 On the theoretical source and promotion path of community engaged scholarship
YANG Xiuqin, LAN William, JI Rui
The selfselection development of scholarship and social needs promote the transformation of academic research paradigm from outreach type to participation type, and gradually evolve into Community Engaged Scholarship (CES). CES has revolutionized the boundary of community organizations, academic participation modes and development paths, and accordingly reflected on the academic evaluation. CES pays more attention to the solution of social problems and the formation of partnerships, and emphasizes the exchange and dissemination of academic achievements. CES is the exploration and innovation of academic cooperation and development mode in universities, which fully conforms to the direction of China′s academic research reform. It reconstructs the relationship with social organizations on the basis of adhering to the direction of academic research, so as to integrate teaching, research and social services in the academic field. CES brings enlightenment to Chinese universities in dealing with the relationship with the community, the internal relationship between scientific research and teaching, the problem of scientific research evaluation, the direction of scientific research and so on.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 72-79 [Abstract] ( 39 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1167KB] ( 553 )
80 "Projectization": the practical expression and rational examination of the project system affecting university organizations
')" href="#"> XIONG Jin
Nowadays, as a "hard" element, the project has infiltrated into the academic evaluation of university organizations, such as title evaluation, scientific research award, talent introduction and so on. Through a series of organizational action, such as restraint, incentive, rank, price, unconventionality, universities have manifested multiple forms of the project system affecting university organizations, which has turned the project system as a financial system into a kind of "projectization" thinking and spirit. Under the influence of "projectization" thinking, university academics may present a "performance" state because of the normative rationality of the project; the abstract function of the project in practice makes its existence in the academic field more prioritized and legal than that of scholars and academics, which are often in a secondary position; under the cover of project symbols, the specific content and true meaning of academics are less concerned, "good" and "bad" of academics may be difficult to be distinguished effectively. Therefore, academic evaluation should strengthen peer identification and inspection mechanism centered on achievements themselves, promote and strengthen flexible reform, return the "project" to the project system, and give full play to the role of the project system rather than "projectization" in promoting and supporting higher education and academic development and change of universities.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 80-87 [Abstract] ( 54 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 959KB] ( 591 )
88 On the direction of the "classroom revolution" in universities
')" href="#"> ZHOU Xu, ZHANG Yingying
The direction of the "classroom revolution" has important guiding significance in the process of the "revolution", and is related to the success or failure of the "revolution". In terms of curriculum content, the direction of the "classroom revolution" should not be from the knowledge classroom to the ability one, but enhance students′ ability by highquality knowledge teaching; in terms of teaching skills, the direction of the "classroom revolution" should not substitute lecture methods for inquiry methods, but improve the teaching level of teachers so that lecture methods and inquiry methods complement each other effectively; in terms of teacherstudent relationship, the direction of the "classroom revolution" should not transit from "teachercentered" to "studentcentered", but realize the unification of "teachercentered" and "studentcentered" through the reasonable realization of the leading role of teachers. The "classroom revolution" is a call at the macro level, but it needs to start at the micro level. Therefore, the innovation of instructional technology should become the focus of the "classroom revolution".
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 88-94 [Abstract] ( 64 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 961KB] ( 639 )
95 The construction of the training model for innovative talents based on the deep integration of "the education chain-the innovation chain-the industry chain"
')" href="#"> LI Ziyang, LI Hongbo, FAN Yirong
The key to promote the manufacturing industry to the middle and highend is innovation, and the key of innovation is volume improvement and quality optimization of innovative talents. Therefore, it is urgent to change the training model of innovative talents. On the basis of clarifying the connotation and integration model of the education chain, the innovation chain and the industry chain, a "threechain" deep integration model for innovative talent training is constructed, and the external factors, promoters, the singledimensional force path of the chain, the degree of chain node chimerism, the dynamic mechanism of operation and the function of collaborative education of the model are interpreted. After that, it puts forward some constructive strategies and suggestions, such as deregulating intervention, forming the support force and improving the faulttolerant mechanism.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 95-102 [Abstract] ( 88 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1334KB] ( 1922 )
103 The research on the intermediary effect of entrepreneurial motivation among influencing factors of entrepreneurial growth
YANG Daojian, CHEN Wenjuan, XU Zhandong
Based on the entrepreneurial motivation theory and the entrepreneurial growth theory, a systematic theoretical model of entrepreneurial characteristics, entrepreneurial ability, entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial growth of college students is constructed. Based on 418 samples of entrepreneurial college students, the structural equation model is used to verify the research hypothesis. The results show that, college students′ entrepreneurial motivation plays a completely mediating role in entrepreneurial characteristics which affects entrepreneurial growth, and plays an incomplete intermediary role in entrepreneurial competence and entrepreneurial environment which affect entrepreneurial growth. College students′ entrepreneurial motivation mainly includes survival motivation, career motivation, and responsibility motivation. Influencing factors of college students′ entrepreneurial motivation are entrepreneurial ability, entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial characteristics. The comprehensive effect of entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial ability and entrepreneurial environment cause the improvement in the entrepreneurial growth of college students.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 103-112 [Abstract] ( 53 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1500KB] ( 804 )
113 The empirical research on the relationship between university academic entrepreneurship and regional economic development from the perspective of coupling
Based on the construction of the model of coupling between university academic entrepreneurship and regional economic development, this paper makes an empirical study on the coupling state between university academic entrepreneurship and regional economic development of 31 provinces in China. The results show that the coupling degree of the overall performance between university academic entrepreneurship and regional economic development is good. But the coupling coordinative degree is not balanced and regional level differences are significant. The spatial distribution has the characteristics of regional gradient distribution in the East, Middle, West and Northeast. The development of university academic entrepreneurship priority is not balanced, which reflects the real level of coupling development between academic entrepreneurship and regional economy from another perspective. At present, as the new kinetic energy of the innovationdriven development strategy, university academic entrepreneurship is forming a coordinated, open and shared coupling state with regional economic development. More universities should be encouraged to combine their own development characteristics, base themselves on the needs of regional economic development, pay attention to marketoriented scientific research and transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, and truly enhance social service capacity of universities.
2019 Vol. 13 (6): 113-124 [Abstract] ( 60 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 988KB] ( 627 )





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