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Journal of Higher Education Management
2014 Vol.8 Issue.5
Published 2014-09-10

1 Issues Concerning Connotation Development and Quality Construction of Colleges and Universities: An Interview with Zhong Binglin Chairman of the Chinese Society of Education
ZHONG Bing-Lin, CHEN Yan
With the development of society and the transition of economy, the reform of Chinas higher education has reached its deepest part and connotation development and quality construction have become the major issues facing colleges and universities. In view of the current situation, this journal arranged an interview with Zhong Binglin Chaireman of the Chinese Society of Education to seek for his real knowledge and deep insight on these issues. Here we publish his ideas to cater to the readers.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 791 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1051KB] ( 1387 )
5 Professors without an Administrative Post and Professors with an Administrative Post
MA Lu-Ting
By discussing administration of professors and academicalization of administrators in colleges and universities, this paper reveals the problem of correct judgment but incorrect use of staff members and further analyzes its social and institutional causes. Although the phenomenon shows the prosperity in the past, it hinders the construction of an innovative country. So, academic norms should be redefined to promote modernization of the governance capability of institutions of higher learning. The key is to establish a professor community and makes a clear distinction between administration and scholarship.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 5-8 [Abstract] ( 858 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 970KB] ( 984 )
9 The Institutionalization of Disciplines and Their Transformation
WANG Jian-Hua
The institutionalization of disciplines constitutes the core of the department system while the department system is the foundation of universities. The crisis in the institutionalization of disciplines is inevitable due to the limitations of the subspecialty of disciplines. Once the disciplinary institution is established, it will gain its stability in practice. Even as a symbolic mark of university organization or knowledge division in the future, disciplines, with their own value, are still necessary. When it comes to the institutionalization of disciplines and their transformation, we should encourage the opening of disciplines and personnel flow with the respect for the current pattern of knowledge and subject division in order to promote interdisciplinary development gradually.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 9-16 [Abstract] ( 854 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 993KB] ( 1627 )
13 System Analysis of the Transformation of University Organization
CHEN Qiu-Ping
The environment system usually colonizes the university organization in its politics, economy and social life. The two respond to each other, depending on the constitutive property of the economic system and embedded in various aspects of the social system. University organization tends to make an undue concession to a strong system environment, which impedes its effective functional exertion in its domain, and it can maintain its independence and play a unique role in the system only through transformation of the environment system, enhancement of functional exertion and positive interaction of organizations and systems.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 13-17 [Abstract] ( 744 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 983KB] ( 1432 )
18 Factors Restricting the Change of University Organization:From an Internal Perspective
QIAN Zhi-Gang, CUI Yan-Li
Change of the university organization falls far short of achieving significant effects mainly because of the restrictive factors both within and outside the organization. Factors from both two sources will exert an influence on organizational changes in some way. Comparatively speaking, internal factors which play a more fundamental role include a lack of motivation, confusion about the goal, inertia of the organization, cultural differences and resource dependence. While the transformation of university organization is extremely complicated and arduous, the clarification of the restrictive factors will enhance the pertinence and actual effect of the organizational change.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 18-23 [Abstract] ( 865 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 994KB] ( 1686 )
24 Coexistence of Risks and the Policies to Prevent the Risks during the Period of Transitional Development of Higher Education
XIAO Guo-Fang
China’s higher education, which is currently undergoing transitional development, has become an important risky field in China. Development of the higher education transformation is faced with six risks, namely the rapidly increasing employment pressure, the losing control of autonomy in international education, disorder competition, the quality risk, the fair risk and the alienation risk. The coexistence and intersection between these risks lead to complexity and destructiveness. So recognition and analysis to these risks and the policies to prevent these risks are of  great significance to the smooth transformation of China’s higher education and its scientific development.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 24-28 [Abstract] ( 847 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 957KB] ( 1349 )
29 MOOCs and the Future of China’s Higher Education
GUO Ying-Jian
After briefly reviewing the development from “Excellent Courses” to “Online Courses” in the past ten years, this paper analyzes in detail the dilemmas and challenges that Chinas higher education faces in the development of MOOCs and then proposes four dimensions of future Chinese “MOOCs”, namely “being oriented towards China, serving education, spreading over society and going international”.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 29-33 [Abstract] ( 977 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 987KB] ( 1527 )
34 The Latest Development of MOOCs in the USA and Its Implications to Chinese Higher Education: Based on an Interpretation of Sloan Report Series
Sloan Consortium, a famous American network education institution, began to collect statistical information and publish annual reports in 2002. The 2013 annual report focused on the MOOC, the latest form of online education. It studied the latest development of MOOCs in the United States, and analyzed the factors hindering their development. If Chinese universities do not want to miss the great opportunities that MOOCs can bring to the higher education, they should take necessary measures to develop MOOCs. Therefore, they should draw on the experience of the United States to develop strategies for MOOCs, motivate their teachers to participate in the construction of MOOCs, establish a system for evaluating MOOCs, and improve the auxiliary systems for MOOCs.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 34-40 [Abstract] ( 1168 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1012KB] ( 1598 )
41 Multilogical Analysis of the Project Approval Decisionmaking Regarding New Campus Construction: A Case Study of the Graduate School of the National S Research Institution
LI Jin-Feng
Taking the case of the project of constructing the new campus of Graduate School, National S Research Institution, this study analyses the continuous adjustment of the policymaking process from the perspective of the multiinstitutional logical theory. It is found that the four main decisionmaking bodies, namely the state, the local government, the investment enterprise, and the research institution, have their own logic for their actions and that although the final decision may be not the most ideal scheme, it is the result of the conflicts and compromises among these different interest bodies as well as the consideration of both “scientificality” and “feasibility”.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 41-46 [Abstract] ( 786 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 994KB] ( 1168 )
47 The Invisible Opinion Leader:A Study of the Characteristics of Network Opinion Leaders in Colleges and Universities
SHANG Jun-Jie, SUN Ye-Cheng
The present article makes an empirical study of the characteristics of the network opinion leaders in colleges and universities by means of questionnaire survey, case study and interview. The result shows that being textual, implicit, dynamic and mixed, the opinion leaders are  invisible, which offers both challenge and opportunity for the network opinion management in colleges and universities. The measures to manage network opinions may include communicating with the opinion leader on an equal footing, strengthening service construction, introducing crisis management, deleting and banning extreme opinions and ID and easing the emotions by laying emphasis on the role of official notices.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 47-53 [Abstract] ( 815 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1000KB] ( 1519 )
54 Construction of the Fulltime Research Team in Colleges and Universities: Retrospect and Prospect
XU Song-Ru
It is of significance to build fulltime research teams in colleges and universities. Since the 1960s, China has undergone a tortuous course and also obtained certain achievements in the fulltime research team construction. However, there still exists the problem of structural absence at both internal and external level. So, it is necessary to provide institutional support continually and optimize the internal and the external structure of the fulltime research team by allocating resources reasonably so as to build up a stable and highlevel team with a proper number of researchers.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 54-59 [Abstract] ( 895 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 993KB] ( 2013 )
60 An Empirical Study of the Factors Restricting the Management of the Innovation of Disciplines: From the Viewpoint of Innovative Participants
JIA Xiao-Xia
Considering the participation of discipline leaders, team members and relative managers, the present article reveals the factors and subfactors restricting the management of the innovation of disciplines, including the personal subjective qualification, the objective intervention from the environment, excellent talent introduction, innovation satisfaction perception, project management level and capability. Then it proposes a concept model of the factors restricting the management of the innovation of disciplines from the viewpoint of innovative participants and empirically examines the model through questionnaire design, data collection and Structure Equation Model, with a view to contributing to the virtuous interaction of discipline participants and healthy development of discipline innovation.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 60-67 [Abstract] ( 770 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1145KB] ( 1368 )
68 Measurement of the Competitiveness of College Enrollment and Its Improvement
REN Chu-Ming
The competitiveness of college enrollment is influenced by the overall competitiveness, regional location, popularity, reputation and enrollment publicity of the school. The competitiveness can be measured quantitatively and qualitatively in terms of the applicationenrollment ratio and the mean scores of the enrolled students, as the two are proportional to the competitiveness. In order to improve the competitiveness, colleges and universities should objectively analyze the niche of the source of their prospective students to determine the enrollment range, rationally identify their function to cultivate their core competitiveness, establish the concept of marketing to improve the relevance of the enrollment publicity, reasonably determine their tuitions, better various measures to help students and strengthen familyschool communication to enhance social recognition.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 68-72 [Abstract] ( 785 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1039KB] ( 1464 )
73 A Comparison between SUSTCs and SHTUs Reform in Autonomous Enrollment Policy: A Case Study from the  Perspective of Organizational Transformation
CHEN An-Ji-尔, GAO Wen-Hao, YUE Lei
It is the cooperation effect, the adaptive expectations and the panpoliticalisation of the organization field that frustrated SUSTCs reform of its autonomous enrollment, but the open and free political ecological environment and the presidentheaded highlevel leaderships execution of its independent initiative in the organization field are the main reasons for SHTUs stable progress in the reform of its autonomous enrollment. Exercising the leaderships initiative based on clear identification of its leading role and the facultys approval constitutes the important premise for making reform of the autonomous enrollment, realization of the universitys autonomy will guarantee the reform, and education of the students will deepen and expand the reform.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 73-78 [Abstract] ( 984 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 997KB] ( 987 )
79 Conflicts in the Value Orientation of Local Universities Newly Established Specialties and Their Avoidance: A Perspective of Interests
WANG Fu-Ping, FENG Dong
There exist conflicts of different interest groups in the value orientation of the newly established specialties in the course of local universities enlargement of their size and improvement of their schoolrunning benefits due to the influence of utilitarianism and the defects of the educational policy. Only by forming peopleoriented concept, improving the policies related to the settingup of specialties and making innovations in the mode of managing specialty construction, can the conflicts be avoided and students as well as other stakeholders benefits be protected, thus promoting the scientific development of the local university.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 79-82 [Abstract] ( 819 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1028KB] ( 1308 )
83 The Pattern of Crossspecialty Education and the Innovation in Its Practice: A Perspective of Collaborative Innovation
LEI Jia-Bin
Implementation of crossspecialty education as an effective application of collaborative innovation theory in higher learning is an important means of producing innovative, interdisciplinary talents. At present, colleges and universities in China have created some patterns of crossspecialty education such as the parallel specialty mode, the specialty integration mode, the second major mode, the large discipline mode and the crosscollege education mode. However, there are some problems with these modes like difficulty in guaranteeing the effectiveness of specialty learning, students unclear objectives for their learning, inconvenient coordination between teaching management and the concerned department, etc. Based on the theory of collaborative innovation and combined with the experience of Wuhan Institute of Technology in producing interdisciplinary talents with “E+” projects, the present article proposes countermeasures to solve these problems including integrating and perfecting the crossspecialty cultivation scheme, optimizing the organization and the mechanism of crossspecialty education, strengthening the guidance of crossspecialty students in their learning and exercising more strict teaching management and quality control.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 83-86 [Abstract] ( 898 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 940KB] ( 1305 )
87 Localization of General Education in the Crosscultural Context
WANG Hong-Hai
 General education, an important part of higher education, has different curriculums and is based on different educational philosophies in different social and historical periods. An analysis of the development of general education and some cases shows that general education is the result of the advances in education. The educational theory of Chinese Benevolence and its value orientation requires that the course content and the teaching methods of general education should be determined through consideration of course design, differentiation between general education and specialty education, and the influence of technology on modern higher education.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 87-91 [Abstract] ( 840 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 982KB] ( 1375 )
92 A Comparison of a Chinese and an American UniversityTeaching Designs for General Education Courses Related to “History and Culture”
FENG Hui-Min, CHENG Zhao-Min, HUANG Ming-Dong
Based on an analysis of the differences and the similarities in teaching design between Harvard Universitys general education course “Chinese Daily Culture and Life” and a Chinese universitys general education course “American History and Culture”, this paper offers some suggestions for improving the design of teaching general education courses related to “history and culture” in China including employing foreign teachers to teach the same course with Chinese teachers, heightening students interest and perseverance in learning, setting up more multidisciplinary general education courses, refining the course content by adjusting the teaching objectives of related general education courses, making reforms in the teaching methods and the evaluating approaches of these courses, etc.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 92-98 [Abstract] ( 995 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 973KB] ( 1351 )
99 Strategic Adjustment of the Mode of Educational Development in the New Era
The key to the improvement of educational quality lies in the transformation of the mode of educational development, namely change from external promotion into internal development. External promotion has led to the great development of Chinas education, but it has also caused educational alienation. As a result, a measure aiming at educational development is deviated from its original intent. Endogenous development is embodied in educational awareness in the following six aspects: the end of a university, the teacher, the student, the management, the institution and the culture. In governments management of colleges and universities, laying emphasis on special properties and planning is more important than stressing distinctive features and projects, “masters” should be rectified rather than created and more importance should be attached to creating a common environment than to issuing special policies.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 99-104 [Abstract] ( 725 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 991KB] ( 1299 )
105 The Start, Dilemma and Developmental Trend of the Modern Education Management Theory Jungle
HU Zhong-Feng, XU Guo-Dong
For one hundred years, theoretical study of the modern education management has gradually been deepened and divided. An analysis from the perspective of theory jungle shows that the branches of the context map of the modern education management theory jungle have been formed, but the whole theory is still in its progress and the jungle at its beginning stage as the schools remain to be enriched and the specific theories need to be deepened systematically. At present, the modern education management theory jungle begins to divide as specific theories of its branches are taking shape though they are still at the intersection of difficult situations. Such periodic features as lack of practicality, understandability, criticism and integration lead it to the bottleneck of its transitional development. The disciplinary nature of education management determines its multiangle, pluralmethod and pluralisticcontent developmental trend.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 105-110 [Abstract] ( 870 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 968KB] ( 1096 )
111 Construction of College Graduates Employment Security System and Innovation of the Policy
MA Ting-Qi
Construction of college graduates employment security system requires the government to take on more responsibility for promoting the college students employment. In the process of the development of higher education and the transition of college graduates employment system in China, the college graduate employment policy featuring government intervention has achieved good results in the demand and supply of college graduates employment as well as employment service, but its limitation is beginning to show itself. College graduate employment policies should be adjusted to construct a security system that combines the governments regulation and the schools guidance and requires the cooperation among diversified partners including the government, the school, society and the market.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 111-116 [Abstract] ( 1146 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1038KB] ( 1494 )
117 The Model Relationship between College Graduates Employment and the Employment Elasticity of GDP and Its Influence
GAO Xiao-Qing, ZHOU Qin
Based on the correlation between the national economy factor indexes and college graduates employment, this paper tries to reveal the relationship between the changes in GDP elasticity coefficient and the fluctuation of employment. It makes an empirical study of the employment data with the fitting function model of regression algorithms and explores the feasibility of the tertiary industry to absorb graduates employment from the perspective of macroeconomics, with a view to providing strategic reference for the college graduates massive employment. It points out that higher education should cater to the market, formulate a curriculum facilitating the development of students special talents, offer a comprehensive employment guidance course, achieve a balance between the strategies for starting enterprise and seeking jobs in the market and establish a continuous research mechanism with the help of international experience.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 117-121 [Abstract] ( 1081 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1062KB] ( 1599 )
122 Jiangsu Universitys Pyramid Mode of Innovative Talent Production
Colleges and universities should explore a suitable mode of innovative talent production according to their own conditions. Jiangsu University has tried for several years to promote its “135 pyramid mode” of innovative talent production. It has laid emphasis on creating platforms for the development of innovative entrepreneurial and practical talents by exploiting the resources of the government, the school and the enterprise so as to boost the schools production of innovative talents characterized by “solid foundation, broad scope and great advantage” and provide innovative graduates for the industry and the local innovative economy.
2014 Vol. 8 (5): 122-124 [Abstract] ( 806 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 945KB] ( 1430 )





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