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Journal of Higher Education Management
2014 Vol.8 Issue.4
Published 2014-07-10

1 The Great Spirit of a University: General Education, Teaching Reform and Management ——An Interview with Harry Lewis, Former Dean of Harvard College of Harvard University
CUI Jin-Gui
How does Harvard University conduct general education to produce quality talents as a world famous university, reform its classroom teaching by employing information technology and keep pace with the times in its school management? In order to get answers to these questions, this journal arranged an interview with Harry Lewis, former dean of Harvard College of Harvard University. He elaborated on the substance, the idea, the value and the mission of Harvard Universitys general education. He thought that the great spirit of higher education would contribute to the beauty of the world and the happiness of human beings.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 1- [Abstract] ( 833 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1059KB] ( 1567 )
7 Local Universities Shift from Extensive Development to Connotative Development: From the Perspective of Disciplinary Construction and Scientific Research
The schoolrunning characteristics and capacity of a university is largely determined by its disciplinary construction. However, at the stage of their extensive development, almost all the local universities attach too much importance to including different disciplines and have been after the same thing—“large scale, comprehensiveness and academic pursuit”, resulting in the unclear orientation of their disciplinary construction and lack of local distinctive features. In order to make a shift from extensive development to connotative development, the local universities should get rid of such dilemmas as being academic or applied, national or local and comprehensive or distinctive. Therefore, they should stick to future orientation, locality and distinctiveness, try to get some things done and leave others undone, and construct disciplines and specialties in a unified manner. In terms of scientific research and social service, they should lay emphasis on the important issues, push forward the whole undertaking, integrate all their advantages and create their distinctive features by taking into consideration both their own achievements and the demands of social development.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 7- [Abstract] ( 964 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 965KB] ( 1539 )
12 University Thoughts and Institution
MA Lu-Ting
 Thoughts and institution are the key to the development of universities. However, impetuosity of the current society may exert negative influence on the thoughts, which will render the institution construction more difficult. While thoughts and institution should be all emphasized, the thoughts of individuals should yield to the thoughts of the collectives and the institution should standardize the macrothoughts. Educational reform and development should not remain at the stage of knowledge. What is more important is to convert educational thoughts into university institution.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 12- [Abstract] ( 1055 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 925KB] ( 1431 )
16 The Status Quo and the Problems of the Horizontal Internal Governance Organization of Chinas Universities and Some Suggestions: A Case Study of N University
YAN Wei-Gang
The horizontal internal governance organization of Chinas universities exists mainly in the form of committee and leadership group, whose duties mostly concern the management of specific affairs. It usually lacks regulations and has a poor performance. This is closely related to the universities superficial understanding, misorientation and inadequate construction of their horizontal governance organizations. As construction of the horizontal internal governance organization is very important to the governance of modern universities, Chinese universities should drawn on the related experience and practice of the firstclass universities of other countries and push forward the construction of their modern university institution by relocating their functions, reducing the number of their organizations, undertaking classified construction and sticking to regulations.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 16- [Abstract] ( 1077 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1060KB] ( 1408 )
25 Goals and Ways of the Super Departments Reform in the Universitys Functional Departments
LIN Xiang-Cheng, FAN Li-Juan
 In order to put an end to the highly specified functions of its management and the large number of its functional departments, the university should create a pattern of “big department, great function and overall service” by making super departments reform and integrate its existing departments into six big ones, namely Department of PartyMass Work, General Affairs Department, Department of Academic Affairs, Scientific Research Department, Department of Comprehensive Student Service and Department of Cooperation and Development. Meanwhile, an efficient functioning mechanism covering scientific decisionmaking, communication and coordination, flexible operation, comprehensive service and supervision and evaluation should be established to ensure the efficient and benign operation of the big departments.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 25- [Abstract] ( 1901 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1284KB] ( 2065 )
31 The Difficult Situation of Chinas Universities as Think Tank: Based on a Comparison between China and America
Think tank are organizations of value rational. They contribute to society by their intellectual products. An analysis of the US think tank shows that its main functions consist in observing social phenomena, reflecting on social problems and finding solutions to these problems. Its vigor is determined by its independence and thinking ability. Compared with government officials, it is more foresighted because it pays more attention to society and history; compared with the public, it has an overall point of view because its thoughts go beyond trivial matters and local affairs; compared with the scholars from universities, its research and exploration are more applicationoriented and policydirected. Its independence in thought lies in the independence in its institution. As a whole, the US think tank is independent in fundraising, organizational structure, decisionmaking, and examination of research achievements. Chinas think tank are not fully developed in their institution because they are still in their beginning stages. This is also the case with the think tank of universities. So there is still a long way to go for the Chinese think tank to turn out quality intellectual products.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 31- [Abstract] ( 890 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1046KB] ( 1469 )
37 The Influence and Operational Mechanism of the Think Tank in American Universities: Taking the Case of Hoover Institution
FANG Ting-Ting
Hoover Institution, a university think tank attached to Stanford University, has ranked in the top two in the Global University Think Tank Rankings for three years in a row. This paper tries to explore the reasons for Hoover Institutions success in its personnel structure, project management operation and fundraising from its influence and operating mechanism. It points out that, in the process of constructing think tank, colleges and universities should pay attention to the institutional personnel allocation, set unique research goals in accordance with the development of the university itself, broaden the funding channels of its institutions and improve scientific research achievements in both quality and form.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 37- [Abstract] ( 1069 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 954KB] ( 2052 )
41 MOOCs in the World: Its Status, Dilemma and Future
GUO Ying-Jian
This paper intends to make a brief sketch of the MOOCs in the world. The first part is focused on a general review of the current developments of the MOOCs in 2013 after a brief retrospection of its history. The second part is to analyze in details the dilemmas and challenges that the MOOCs is now facing with. The last part is concentrated on the future of the MOOCs and its impact on the global higher education.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 41- [Abstract] ( 2453 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1014KB] ( 2671 )
49 Several Frontier Issues in the Theoretical Study of the MOOCs and Its Practice in the USA
GAO Di, WU Tong
Since 2012, the MOOCs has grown rapidly and its platforms represented by Coursera, edX and Udacity have attracted prestigious schools and learners all over the world. As the standardbearer of the MOOCs, the American MOOCs with its innovativeness and foresightedness is in the lead in theoretical research and practice. Theoretical and practical exploration have been made on the completion of MOOCs courses, evaluation and certification of learning effects as well as the cost and benefit of MOOCs operation, which will contribute to the sustainable development of the MOOCs and the localization of the MOOCs in China.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 49- [Abstract] ( 1057 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 951KB] ( 1690 )
55 American College Teachers Professional Development in the Age of the Networker: Taking the Case of Harvard Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning
LI Xin-1, 2 , LIU Liang-2, XIE Xin-Shui-3
 American college teachers professional development has stepped into the age of the networker. In this new age, the staff of the training institutions should have the ability to use technology and achieve coordination. Besides, they need to help college teachers to review their professional development, pay close attention to the differences among student groups or individuals and cope with the new tendency in teaching, learning and research. Harvard Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning is typical of American college teacher training institutions in this age. The Center adopts the intensive training pattern. On the one hand, it helps college teachers to understand the requirements of “superprofession”, increase their knowledge about teaching and improve their teaching skills. On the other hand, it inspires teachers to pay attention to the changes on students so as to adapt themselves to the diversity of student groups. In addition, it encourages teachers to take the initiative in coping with the new trend in teaching, learning and research. Its practice can be of great enlightenment to Chinese college teacher training.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 55- [Abstract] ( 1441 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 981KB] ( 1558 )
61 The Measures Taken by American Teaching Promoting Institutions and the Implications: Taking the Case of University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Center for Teaching Excellence has been committed to supporting, improving and strengthening the teaching and learning in University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign since its establishment in 1964. Its activities can mainly be divided into two major parts: teaching development, measurement and evaluation. The Center provides many forms of service for faculty, academic organizations and teaching assistants such as teaching certificate programs, seminars and workshops, consulting service and faculty and staff technology training teams. Its remarkable development under great pressure is attributed to helping teachers to get rid of separation between teaching and research by encouraging them to conduct research on teaching, designating the content about teaching at college in the form of course and developing systems for teaching evaluation.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 61- [Abstract] ( 878 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1149KB] ( 1474 )
67 Open Disciplinary Boundaries: The Change of the View of Disciplines
WANG Hong-Yu
The philosophical basis of profound knowledge, epistemology and political theory,are constantly being challenged by universities themselves and the external environment. The decline of profound knowledge has been irreversible. Meanwhile, the polar cognitiveconceptbased democratization of knowledge has caused universities identity crisis. With the changing background of knowledge production, a new mode of knowledge production, which is interdisciplinary, applied, heterogeneous and reflective, has come into being. The above factors make it necessary to change the view of disciplines and disciplines with open intellectual and social boundaries have become an urgent need.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 67- [Abstract] ( 808 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 970KB] ( 1469 )
72 Periphery and Core: The Main Trend of Social Functions of Universities
LUO Hua-Tao
Personnel training, scientific research and social service are the three major social functions of modern universities. Due to the bias of the government and universities, scientific research has increasingly become the center of their social functions, and social service is also moving to the center. However, as personnel training tends to cater to and compromise on social service, it is gradually being marginalized. Universities choice of their functions should embody the features of the times and the essence of education, so it is necessary to establish a scientific relationship among the three functions.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 72- [Abstract] ( 840 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 936KB] ( 1531 )
77 The Integration and Innovation of General Education and Ideological and Political Education from the Perspective of Educational Ecology  
XUE Gui-Bo
General education, which takes wholeness of knowledge and production of whole persons as its educational idea, has become an important part of the personnel training in the current higher education. It fits the objectives of the ideological and political education of college students. From the perspective of educational ecology, general education and ideological and political education can achieve integration through ecointeracting and constantly creating new ideas of educational reform. Based on the concept of ecological education, the teaching mode of general education and ideological and political education can help to get rid of the existing binary opposition between students and teachers and the traditional oneway transfer of knowledge by conducting twoway teacherstudent interaction, intellectual and emotional education, and practiceoriented teaching exploration, thereby helping students to achieve understanding and perception based on knowledgepractice interface.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 77- [Abstract] ( 891 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 967KB] ( 1365 )
82 The Trend of Chinas College Cultural Quality Education and the Reform of Its Pattern
Cultural quality education, a form of general education in the contemporary nationalization and localization of Chinas higher education, is of special significance to the quality education in Chinas colleges and universities. Targeting the strategic objective of cultural power, colleges and universities should keep their nature and fulfill their missions by persisting in cultivating people with morality and culture. Through reforms on the organizational structure, the operating mode and the curriculum and teaching method of cultural quality education, they should integrate college students knowledge, capability and social responsibility, and bring higher education back to its own value pursuit, thus gathering driving force for the realization of China dream.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 82- [Abstract] ( 776 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 926KB] ( 1250 )
87 The Goal of Excellent Law Talent Production, Innovation of Its Mode and Some Suggestions
SHEN Tian-恩1, 2
 An analysis of the goal of excellent law talent production from the perspective of knowledge policy indicates that colleges and universities should aim to produce either compound talents or applied talents. By comparing different talentproducing frameworks and studying some universities experience in law talents production, the author explores the modes of producing excellent compound law talents and applied law talent and points out that the former can be an interdisciplinary mode and the latter a single specialty mode. In addition, some suggestions are offered for the realization of the goal of excellent law talent production.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 87- [Abstract] ( 863 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1273KB] ( 887 )
92 Exploration of the Mechanism of Forestry Talent Production from the Perspective of Collaborative Innovation
XU Xin-Zhou-1, XUE Jian-Hui-2, YONG Qiang-1
At present, the mode of Chinas forestry talent production should be further improved as its idea and goal cannot meet the needs of the human resources market. In order to turn out excellent innovative forestry talents through collaborative innovation, it is necessary to make topdown design for collaborative innovation, promote the indepth integration of innovative elements, establish a new collaborative talentproducing mechanism and adopt a mode of international collaborative talent production. Meanwhile, it is also necessary to establish a mechanism of feedback from the human resources market, improve the schoolenterprise collaborative mechanism of innovative talent production, explore various modes of collaborative talent production and create a safeguard policy mechanism for it.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 92- [Abstract] ( 1217 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 935KB] ( 1491 )
97 Paths for the Connotative Development of Private Higher Education
MA Yun-Zhen-1, 2 , XIAO Hao-3
 The development of higher education can be classified into connotative development and extensive development. Since the reform and openingup, Chinas private higher education has developed mainly in an extensive manner. However, it is imperative for private colleges and universities to undergo connotative development because of the profoundly complicated change of the circumstances abroad and at home, the pressures from the decrease of the number of the students with suitable age for college, the net outflow of the suitable candidates for college, the decline of college graduates employment rate and the rise of college teachers salaries. The paths for the connotative development of private colleges include: promoting the private adult education which aims at the upgrading of human resources, strengthening delicacy management by adjusting schoolrunning orientation and refining university character, restructuring the private higher education which is devoted to developing quality higher education resources and deepening the reform of private higher education system.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 97- [Abstract] ( 1026 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 989KB] ( 1346 )
104 From a “Vocational College” to a “University of Cooperative Education”: The Development of BadenWuerttemberg Vocational College of Germany and Its Enlightenment
LU Chang-Chun
 BadenWuerttemberg Vocational College is the originator and leader of the German vocational college. Since it was founded, it has effectively met the demands of the economic circles for professional personnel with its schoolrunning features such as small class teaching based on cooperative education, internationalization of talent production, offering opportunities to get certificates, laying emphasis on the improvement of teachers teaching ability, cooperative research, granting master degrees, and perfecting quality control. In March 2009, the College was renamed as BadenWuerttemberg Cooperative State University and its schoolrunning idea and features have been strengthened ever since. What China can draw on from its experience are formulating a rational framework for the management of the university and its schools, paying attention to connotative development to improve schoolrunning quality, acting by law, taking service as its aim and keeping pace with the times.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 104- [Abstract] ( 929 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 981KB] ( 869 )
109 College Students Interest in Their Majors: Taking the Case of the Firstand Secondyear Students in Nanjing University of Technology
ZHANG Jin-Ming-1, KONG Jin-2, CHEN Tong-Yang-2, LI Yong-Zhi-1
More and more college students choose their majors according to their own perceptions. Whether or not the chosen majors match their genuine interests is worth studying. An investigation of the firstand secondyear college students at Nanjing University of Technology shows that there exists great difference in college students interest in their majors, there are over 44 percent of students whose majors are far from their career interests and ability and that both gender and disciplines exert influence on their interest in their majors. It also indicates that students interest in their majors may help to improve their academic performance. The study found no significant relationship between professional interest and motivation.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 109- [Abstract] ( 911 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 978KB] ( 1709 )
115 Freshmens Difficulty in Adapting Themselves to College Life and Its Solution: From the Perspective of Bakhtins Dialogue Philosophy
YANG Ya-Dong
Difficulty in adapting themselves to college life, one of the trickiest phaseal problems, usually disturbs freshmen to varying degrees. According to Bakhtin, the nature of thought is dialogue, dialogue events can be created in equality and tolerance can make dialogue develop endlessly. So the adaptation problem is due to the lack of dialogue between the students and the world. In order to help them overcome the difficulty, we should create great space for dialogue, help to bring about lively dialogue events and maintain the infinite vigor of dialogue.
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 115- [Abstract] ( 785 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 978KB] ( 1585 )
120 University Governance and Reform in the Era of Crisis: A Review Analysis of Ashbys Adapting Universities to a Technological Society
REN Zeng-Yuan-1, LIU Na-1, LI Yi-Ming-1, YU Tian-Gang-2
Ashbys Adapting Universities to a Technological Society has aroused much concern since its translation in 1983, and has been cited more than 500 times in important and CSSCI journals. However, there has never been a systematic summary and analysis of its main ideas in the academic field. Ashbys main ideas can be classified into thoughts on university governance, on university reform and on university education. As for governance, he thinks that the university should carry out decentralized management and advocate multi participation to keep dynamic balance. In terms of reform, he suggests that active reform should be combined with progressive reform and that the internal logic of the university should play the leading role in handling the dialectical relationship between heritage and innovation. As far as student training is concerned, he holds that the supreme target is upgrading students in culture and judgment, and “the best aspects of education” and “the universitys supreme goal” will come true through communication between students and teachers
2014 Vol. 8 (4): 120- [Abstract] ( 1376 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 976KB] ( 1673 )





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