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Journal of Higher Education Management
2014 Vol.8 Issue.02
Published 2014-03-10

1 Important Issues Concerning Higher Education Reform in 2013:Retrospect and Prospect
WU Da-Guang, BIE Dun-Rong, HE Zu-Bin
A series of events took place in the field of higher education in 2013, bringing about new issues such as new policy for College Entrance Examination, the Higher Education Rejuvenation Program for Central and Western China, MOOC, university governance structure, university rules and regulations, the psychological problems of college students, and employment and selfemployment of college students. At the end of the year of 2013, three prominent experts in higher education, Wu Daguang, Bie Dunrong and He Zubin, were invited by us to review and analyze the major research findings and developments accomplished in 2013 as well as predict the prospects for furthering the research in 2014 on the previously mentioned issues.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 848 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1025KB] ( 1433 )
6 A Contrastive Study on the Concepts of University President Selection between China and Western Countries
CHEN Zheng
Four issues of particular concern in university president selection were found by way of public opinion research, namely “the deadministration in the university”, “selection process of university presidents”, “personal qualities of presidents” and “presidents accountability system under the leadership of party committee”. This paper analyzes the differences in the concepts of university presidents selection between China and western countries, and tries to find the deep cultural reasons accounting for them and the root of the problem with the hope of shedding some lights on the selection of university presidents in China.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 6-12 [Abstract] ( 1005 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 994KB] ( 1499 )
13 A Case Study of an Unsuccessful College Presidential Search: Lessons from Boston University in 2003
The failure of the Boston University search in 2003, which is considered as a representative example of the American college presidential search system, is explored in this study. Its failure, on the one hand, can be attributed to the improper interference of the former president John Silber, who has made the greatest contribution to the university. On the other hand, the unconventionality of the the is another cause. Based on this study, the involvement of the faculty member in the presidential the is emphasized. The philosophy that the most appropriate person, rather than the most famed one, should be selected as the president is proposed as well. What is more, it is also suggested that the presidential the should be protected from any external interference.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 13-16 [Abstract] ( 842 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 971KB] ( 917 )
17 From a Firstclass Scientist to an Excellent Leader: The President of Massachusetts Institute of Technology——Karl Taylor Compton
Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) is a worldrenowned research university. As a scientist, Compton served as the ninth president of MIT. During his presidency, he conducted vigorous reform and effective management in the university. The contact between disciplines was strengthened by focusing on the basic disciplines; academic researches were advocated, especially the industrial research; undergraduate education scale was limited while postgraduate education and training was expanded; the management system was reformed and individual talent was put into full play; the investment in education was increased and the needs of the society were emphasized. Compton made outstanding contributions to MITs rapid development, and also successfully transformed himself from a firstclass scientist to an excellent leader.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 17-22 [Abstract] ( 911 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 983KB] ( 1304 )
23 On Implementation Barriers of Teaching Qualityrelated System: A Case Study of Lesson Observation and Evaluation System in A Beijing University
Adopting the approach of institutional analysis, this paper intends to explore some functional defects and implementation barriers in lesson observation and evaluation system in a Beijing university from the regulative, normative and culturalcognitive perspectives. Under the principle of peopleoriented optimization, it also proposes some suggestions on the reform of the current system regarding institutional positioning, evaluation criteria and assessment model with the aim of promoting teaching management, supervising and guaranteeing teaching quality and achieving teachers professional development.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 23-28 [Abstract] ( 886 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 991KB] ( 1219 )
29 Achieving a Correct Understanding of Some Relationships in the Construction for University Think Tank in China
DU Bao-Gui, SUI Li-Min
During the period of social transformation, university should participate actively in government decision consulting, playing an excellent role of thinktank. Distinctive from either the official thinktank or the folk thinktank, the university thinktank requires special attention in its contribution and development, where several relationships must be properly balanced, such as the relationship between “the think tank construction” and “its core function”, the one between “the think tank construction” and “basic scientific research”, the one between “special consulting” and “general consulting”, the one between “temporary consulting for emergency” and “longterm sustainable consulting”, the one between “independent consulting” and “collaborative consulting”, the one between “domestic thinktank construction” and “international thinktank construction”.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 29-32 [Abstract] ( 1064 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 965KB] ( 1507 )
33 The Construction of Australian Education Think Tank under the Concept of Professional Development: Taking the Case of Australian Council for Educational Research
WANG Jian-Liang, GUO Wan-Ting
The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), which was founded in 1930, is the most powerful education think tank of national level in Australia. Ever since its founding, this council has been playing an important role in education policy formulation and reform, by providing highstandard education decision services, including teaching assessment, teaching observation, exploration of social foundation for teaching, and some other social services. Wellknown for its specialty, independence, internationality, and sustainability, this council set a good model for the thinktank construction in China.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 33-37 [Abstract] ( 854 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1508KB] ( 1385 )
38 On the Transfer of Property Rights in Private Colleges
ZHANG Li-Guo, YAN Xiang
Encouraging and supporting the transfer of property rights of private colleges under certain conditions not only meets the nature of profitseeking of capital, but also is an effective means of optimizing capital institutions and promoting optimal allocation of capital. Different from that of general enterprises, the transfer of property rights in private colleges should adhere to the principle of public welfare of education, sustainable development of education and the principle of legalization. The transfer of property rights in private colleges mainly concerns the exhibitors and the colleges. The major obstacles to the transfer of property rights include the incomplete property right system and transfer of property rights, the indistinct definition of property rights, the high transaction cost, the nonstandard transfer of property rights, and the unsound supporting system. As a result, it is advocated that the property right of private colleges and exhibitors should be clearly defined, the transfer system of property right perfected, the asset assessment procedure legally standardized, the property rights trading market established and the relevant legal systems improved.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 38-43 [Abstract] ( 982 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 989KB] ( 1300 )
44 Several Problems on “Annual Report of Personnel Training Quality of Higher Vocational Education in China”
ZHU Fang-Ming, CHEN Hua
This paper tries to analyze preface, structure, supporting data and illustrative cases of Annual Report of Personnel Training Quality of Higher Vocational Education in China in 2012 and 2013 and tries to discuss the problems in it. It is proposed that the annual report of personnel training quality should be objective, impartial, comprehensive and veritable, which could truly reflect the quality of personnel training. Through the analysis, this paper intends to find out the problems, analyze the reasons, learn the lessons and put forward the measures, thus promoting healthy and sustainable development of higher vocational education.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 44-48 [Abstract] ( 1031 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 958KB] ( 1381 )
49 Mechanism Obstacles and Countermeasures of Collaborative Innovation of Universities, Enterprises and Research Institutes:Taking Universities in Liaoning as Examples
Universities, enterprises and research institutes have achieved great success in collaborative innovation, but the obstacles of mechanism are still in existence. They are mainly embodied as: inadequate risk sharing facilities, imperfect rational benefits distribution system, barriers of resource sharing, lack of close communication between universities and enterprises. The strategies of promoting collaborative innovation are to improve the mechanism of government regulation, to establish reasonable mechanism for benefits distribution, to establish risk sharing facilities, to establish comprehensive mechanism of resource sharing and establish a longterm communication mechanism between universities and enterprises.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 49-53 [Abstract] ( 863 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 978KB] ( 1657 )
54 Collaborative Innovation of Science and Education Parks: Advantage Analysis, Model Comparison and Development Path
CAO Shu-Liang
The collaborative innovation of science and education parks has the following superiorities: geographic concentration, more developed regional economies, sufficient innovational resources, favorable scientific policy, talents aggregation and so on. The model of multiple competition and cooperation of collaborative innovation of science and education park includes four single models and four comprehensive models. In order to make the collaborative innovation possible, the science and education park should foster closer internal cooperation, and share innovational resources; promote internal collaborative competition, and lead development by innovation; develop active external cooperation, and construct multiple cooperation and innovation platforms; drive external competition by innovation, and strengthen social service capability of science and education park; and build a mechanism for collaborative innovation, and enhance innovational capability of science and education park.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 54-60 [Abstract] ( 846 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 971KB] ( 1003 )
61 Concept and Practice of Establishing Inclusive Campus Atmosphere in America: Taking the Case of University of California Berkeley
WANG Yin-Hua
Campus atmosphere is both objective judgment and subjective perception of the campus environment as it is related to interpersonal, academic, and professional interactions. It also refers to the experience of students and faculty as individuals or groups on a campus and the quality and extent of the interaction between those various groups and individuals. The inclusiveness campus atmosphere in University of California Berkeley (UCB) mainly includes these five aspects: historical background and context of campus “diversity”, commitment and support on the policy level, inclusiveness in research and teaching activities, structure diversity and interaction and communication between the groups.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 61-66 [Abstract] ( 944 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 990KB] ( 1996 )
67 Standardization, Organization and Operation of the Honor System in University of Virginia
LI Chao-Yang
The Honor System in UVA regulates the academic behaviors of the students by fostering academic integrity among all students of the university. The System is studentrun due to trust in them. It is comprised of Honor Committee, Executive Committee, Support Officers, Code of Ethics and Standards Panel. The procedures to settle an honor offense include reporting a violation, investigation, trial and appeal.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 67-71 [Abstract] ( 831 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 947KB] ( 1294 )
72 Reflections on the Logic of the Quantitative Assessment of Scientific Research: Rationalization,Bureaucratization and Ideologicalization
YU Zhong-Hai
The quantitative assessment of scientific research based on digits and technology reflects the rational academic logic. It instrumentalizes scientific research by setting up a unified,  and objective assessment standard that publicizes the rational authority of digits and technology, which refracts the rational academic values of instruments. The quantitative model supported by the rationality of instruments embodies in practice bureaucratization of scientific research assessment logic. According to the administrative mode of planning, reporting, approving, and accepting, the academic assessment is made by filtrating, classifying and layering the projects and achievements with the help of digits and technology. Both rationalization and bureaucratization provide the basis and conditions for scientific research assessment to follow ideological logic. The blocking of assessment technique, the maintenance of professional boundary and the power game between professionals are imbued with the ideological connotation of authority, obedience and rigidity, leading to the horticultural academic management including priori, monitoring, enforcement and rewardpunishment.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 72-77 [Abstract] ( 930 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 991KB] ( 1257 )
78 A FieldTheory Explanation of Postgraduates Academic Anomy
There are three factors that contribute to the academic anomy of the postgraduates from the perspective of field theory: firstly, the invasion of the social world demolishes the independence of academic field; secondly, the pressure brought about by the alienation of academic structures, especially of academic institution, becomes a significant force leading to the academic anomy of the postgraduates; finally, the postgraduates strategically take advantage of academic anomy to avoid complete failures. Proper precautions could be exercised to prevent postgraduates academic anomy: to guarantee the independence of academic filed; to reevaluate the rationality and validity of academic system and rules; and to guide postgraduates to develop favourable academic habits.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 78-84 [Abstract] ( 837 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1175KB] ( 1527 )
85 Construction of Management Service Information Platform of National University Counselors
Abstract: University and college counselors are the main force of conducting ideological and political education on campus. It is of great significance and impendency to establish a nationwide management service information platform of university counselors in order to comprehensively and accurately grasp their overall construction and promote their professionalization. Based on the necessity and impendency of this mission, this paper focuses on the features of university counselors, summarizes the design philosophies of the platform as advancement, compatibility, security and userfriendliness, and exploratively tentatively proposes the basic structures and functions of this platform.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 85-91 [Abstract] ( 906 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1679KB] ( 1361 )
92 Behavioral Analysis of the Dual Identities of the Counselors as the Boundary Spanners
LIU Sheng-Nan
A boundary spanner is a mediator across the boundaries of organizations, maintaining the contact between insiders and outsiders of the organizaiton. Combined with the university counselors dual role, boundary behavior is the core work of counselors, which directly affects students growth and the schools efficiency as an organization. Based on the theory of boundary spanner, this article analyzes the counselors as the boundary spanners who undertake the work of taking care of the organizational image, handling environmental information and managing the relationship between the organization and its external environment. It indicates that counselors suffer much pressure from being a spanner, such as role conflict, role ambiguity and role overload. It also offers some suggestions on alleviating rolerelated pressures in terms of correct view of organizational boundaries, attention to organizational support and elevation of individual working skills.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 92-97 [Abstract] ( 778 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1128KB] ( 1501 )
98 Study on Gradebased Performance Evaluation Index System and Evaluation Method for College Counselors
LI Pin-Yu, ZHONG Ding-Sheng
The shortcomings of existing performance evaluation index system and evaluation method for college counselors are investigated based on an indepth analysis of the characteristics of the college student affairs. This paper constructs a gradebased evaluation index system, which evaluates four aspects, such as professional qualifications, ideological and political education, student affairs management, special work of each grade, and proposes a new hierarchical analytic process based on group decision making so as to analyze this evaluation index system. Appling this method to evaluating counselor A, the results show that the new evaluation system and evaluation method can evaluate college counselors scientifically and reasonably.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 98-103 [Abstract] ( 979 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1157KB] ( 1299 )
104 Analysis of Conditions for Digital Teaching Resources Sharing Based on the CostBenefit View
Digital resources sharing is the correct choice for optimizing digital resources allocation, but the matter of interests keeps arising and demands immediate solution. Resource sharing includes two kinds of behavior: resource acquisition and resource contribution. From the economic attributes of digital teaching resources, this article analyzes the cost and profit conditions for individual teachers and college sharing to share digital resources, in order to provide some reference for the mechanism of university digital teaching resources sharing.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 104-107 [Abstract] ( 791 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 971KB] ( 1397 )
108 Construction of the InnovationOriented Education System throughout the Undergraduate Program
ZHANG Xiu-Rong
An innovationoriented education system consists of a scheme for producing innovative talents and a mechanism to safeguard the innovationoriented education. The former is the core of the production of innovative talents while the latter ensures the implementation of the innovationoriented education system. In order to formulate a scheme fit for the production of innovative talents, “solid foundation, wide scope, cultivation of ability and innovativeness” should be established as the target of talent production, a scheme with “dual channel, tricombination and multimode” worked out, a reasonable curriculum system set up and a platform for extracurricular scientific innovation practice created. In the process of constructing the innovationoriented education safeguard mechanism, emphasis should be laid on the innovation of management safeguard mechanism and the relationship between administration and academic management should be well dealt with.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 108-111 [Abstract] ( 889 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1551KB] ( 1283 )
112 Creative Personality of Students at Local Colleges:Status and Solutions: A Case Study of Nantong University
WANG Can-Ming, WANG Min
The full implementation of University Innovation Capability Promotion Plan (UICPP) means that innovational education is no longer a “luxury” of key universities. Local colleges and universities should also be responsible for the historic task of nurturing creative talents. The result from “Creativity Assessment Packet” illustrated that the students from different majors of Nantong University had different creative personality. The scores of elite school students were obviously higher than those of ordinary schools, but there were no significant differences when only grade and gender were taken into consideration. In the light of “hierarchical disadvantage” over “geographic advantage”, local colleges and universities in the eastern coastal areas should actively advance “Youth Marxist Project”, strengthen the construction of key disciplines, redesign professional curriculum to cultivate highquality innovative talents with excellent morals and academic skills.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 112-116 [Abstract] ( 991 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 980KB] ( 1281 )
117 A Feasibility Study on College Students Online Entrepreneurial Approaches in the Mobile Times
The feasibility of entrepreneurial approaches refers to the entrepreneurs  judgment on the difficulties of entrepreneurial projects. The recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities is the starting point for selecting entrepreneurial approaches. The development of Mobile Internet has caused profound changes in entrepreneurial approaches. In order to simplify the complexity of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, we can divide network entrepreneurial approaches into six different layers based on the functional differences, which include management layer, channel layer, system layer, hardware layer, support layer, and content layer. With the entrepreneurial examples and data in different layers, we can summarize the important related factors affecting college students  selection of online entrepreneurial approaches, and set up an evaluation model for the feasibility of college students  online entrepreneurial approaches in the mobile times. The purpose is to guide college students to make a rational judgment on the feasibility of projects on the preparatory stage so as to reduce the risk of failure and improve entrepreneurial quality.
2014 Vol. 8 (02): 117-124 [Abstract] ( 934 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1409KB] ( 1700 )





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