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30 Most Down Articles
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1  The "space of flow" of higher education in the post-epidemic era and its governance strategies: 
from the perspective of governing by network
2021 Vol.15(6):79-90
XU Xun, LUO Xiao, ZHANG Wanpeng [Abstract] (56) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1076 KB] (1178)
2 On OutcomeBased Educational Theories 2016 Vol.10(5):47-51
SHEN Tian’en, STEVEN Locke [Abstract] (1455) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1373 KB] (2722)
3 Meritocracy can push highquality development of university? 2023 Vol.17(3):1-11
CAI Lianyu, JIANG Lu [Abstract] (52) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1105 KB] (755)
4 A study on the influencing factors of university teachers′ willingness toparticipate in organized scientific research: from the perspective of theory of planned behavior and normative activation theory
2023 Vol.17(5):11-24
WANG Chao, YAO Huimin, ZHU Yixuan, DUAN Anqi [Abstract] (18) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1233 KB] (473)
5 Do international students studying in China promote 
the scientific research output of universities?
2023 Vol.17(2):87-103
CHENG Lihao, LIU Zhimin [Abstract] (35) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1499 KB] (812)
6 The logic and implementation framework of microcredentials in higher education under the trend of lifelong learning 2023 Vol.17(2):14-25
REN Zhuoran [Abstract] (48) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 995 KB] (910)
7 The connotation requirements and implementation paths of interdisciplinary business talent training in the digital intelligence era#br# 2023 Vol.17(6):40-50
JI Feng, ZHANG Hongjian, LI Xinchun, WANG Bangjun [Abstract] (18) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 959 KB] (557)
8 The construction of the comprehensive evaluation index system for curriculum ideological and political education in colleges and universities:based on the theoretical framework of the CIPP evaluation model 2022 Vol.16(1):47-60
XU Xiangyun,WANG Jiajia [Abstract] (50) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1121 KB] (1916)
9 A simple discussion on how ChatGPT affects supervisor-graduate student relationships 2023 Vol.17(6):1-11
LI Fengliang, WANG Zhilin [Abstract] (19) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1129 KB] (532)
10 The logic, characteristics and path of the Chinesestyle modernization of teacher education 2023 Vol.17(5):1-10
LONG Baoxin, LI Shasha [Abstract] (22) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1005 KB] (462)
11 Comparative Analysis of the Contribution of Chinas Higher Education to Economic Growth 2014 Vol.8(3):7-16
YANG Tian-Ping, LIU Zhao-Xin [Abstract] (899) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1627 KB] (2831)
12 Goals and Ways of the Super Departments Reform in the Universitys Functional Departments 2014 Vol.8(4):25-
LIN Xiang-Cheng, FAN Li-Juan [Abstract] (1900) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1284 KB] (2046)
13 Exploration and optimization of Sino-foreign cooperative education institutions in "double first-class"universities under the background of education power 2023 Vol.17(6):114-124
WANG Ying,GUO Qiang [Abstract] (21) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 962 KB] (516)
14 Level evaluation and characteristics of regional higher education in China 2023 Vol.17(5):25-41
HUANG Rong, GU Yuanyuan [Abstract] (14) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1770 KB] (387)
15 The Ways to Construct Chinese UniversityAffiliated Think Tanks:An Interview with Guang Lei, Dean of 21st Century China Program of UCSD 2015 Vol.9(02):16-23
YAN Yu-Ye [Abstract] (1480) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1034 KB] (2176)
16 Reflections on the Strategies for Developing Chinas Applied Colleges and Universities: An Interview with Pan Maoyuan 2014 Vol.8(1):6-9
ZHAO Wen-Qing [Abstract] (861) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 972 KB] (1709)
17 Generation logics, evolution paths and promotion strategies of discipline clusters from the perspective of complex systems 2020 Vol.14(4):107-114
XIANG Yang, ZHOU Zhiqiang, QI Jing [Abstract] (57) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1787 KB] (813)
18  Research on the construction of evaluation index system of internationalization of higher education in China in the new era 2022 Vol.16(6):113-124
HUANG Ting, XIAO Lu [Abstract] (47) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1138 KB] (655)
19 The creative logic and strategic path of newmodel research universities: from the perspective of regional innovation ecosystem theory#br# 2024 Vol.18(1):101-112
QU Xixi [Abstract] (8) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1146 KB] (498)
20  Research on the influence of family capital and education investment on the education attainment of offspring 2023 Vol.17(5):110-124
HOU Jingyi, ZHANG Jianping, GE Yang, ZHU Lantian [Abstract] (19) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1076 KB] (366)
21 The interactive relationship, conflict limitation and optimization strategy of discipline cluster and highquality urban development: from the perspective of interactive governance theory#br# 2023 Vol.17(4):24-37
CHEN Liang, LI Wenjian [Abstract] (23) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1058 KB] (424)
22 The technical dimension of constructing smart classrooms in universities under the digital background 2023 Vol.17(5):81-89
LI Hongxiu, LIU Xiao [Abstract] (13) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1032 KB] (366)
23 Review of the centennial development of higher engineering education in China:historical evolution, transformation logic, and future trends 2023 Vol.17(6):100-113
HU Dexin, PANG Dandan [Abstract] (24) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1321 KB] (471)
24 From elitism to popularization: Singapore′s actions, principles and 
enlightenment on promoting equity in higher education enrollment
2023 Vol.17(2):26-34
[Abstract] (41) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 936 KB] (778)
25 The rethinking and regression of university teaching thinking under the background of artificial intelligence 2020 Vol.14(2):29-36
LI Hongxiu, WU Siying [Abstract] (49) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 969 KB] (797)
26 On the legal guarantee for the development of the "three integrations" of higher vocational education under the background of the new Vocational Education Law#br# 2023 Vol.17(6):77-88
CHEN Renpeng [Abstract] (14) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 955 KB] (467)

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