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Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engin
2017 Vol.35 Issue.8
Published 2017-08-25

2017 Vol. 35 (8): 600- [Abstract] ( 386 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 8211KB] ( 940 )
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 601- [Abstract] ( 439 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1122KB] ( 838 )
645 Experimental and simulation methods of flow noise on pipeline oil pumps
LU Yong-Gang, WANG Yang, WANG Xiu-Li, ZHU Rong-Sheng, QIU Wei-Feng, FANG Jie
In this study, the internal fluid noise and external noise of the pump are studied, and the experimental and simulation methods are put forward respectively. Based on the CFD/CA tool, the coupling between the flow field and the sound field is calculated. The propagation law of the sound field induced by the flow induced noise is solved. The changes of the sound pressure level and the frequency domain of the flow noise at the time of reflow or cavitation are analyzed. Before the cavitation, the flow-induced noise spectrum is discrete. Concentrated in the low frequency region, and at high frequency fast decay, with the cavitation coefficient gradually decreases, the interaction between impeller and guide vanes become the main cause of noise induced by pump. The noise experimental test is based on the four-terminal network method, and found that the pump noise is mainly related to the pump flow, and the noise of the pump unit is mainly related to the pump running condition.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 645- [Abstract] ( 704 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1900KB] ( 1469 )
652 Analysis on solid-liquid two-phase flow and abrasion property in multistage centrifugal pump
CAO Wei-Dong, ZHANG Yi-Ning, YAO Ling-Jun
To further understand the flowage structure of solid-liquid two-phase flow in impeller and guide vanes of the multistage centrifugal pump, 3D nonsteady solid-liquid two-phase flow inside the two-stage centrifugal pump, with particle volume fraction of 0% and 20%,density ratio between solid and liquid of 1.468 at design point was simulated by using Euler-Euler two-fluid model based on ANSYS CFX. The results indicate that the addition of particles decreases the pressure at the outlet of the pump and it also has an influence on liquid phase flow to some extent. There were some relations between the distribution of particles in flow field and the location in the pump.In the impeller,higher solid volume fraction exists on pressure and suction surfaces of the inlet,the solid volume fraction on the suction surface is higher than that on the pressure surface in the outlet.In guide vane, the higher solid volume fraction exists at the inlet and outlet of positive guide vane.The particle velocity and solid volume fraction on the front surface of positive guide vane were obviously higher than that on the back surface. Wear of flow components caused by particles occurs at the inlet and outlet of the impeller and the inlet of guide vane.Research on the characteristics of particles′ motion contributes to the design of the solid-liquid pump to a degree.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 652- [Abstract] ( 688 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 3080KB] ( 1121 )
659 Calculating characteristic parameters of water pump shafting based on data under no-water start test
LI Yao-Hui-1, ZHU Shuang-Liang-2
Firstly, the shafting of vertical pumping units is simplified as a geometric model with three bearings and two discs in this paper. Motion equations of the central trajectory for electromotor rotor and pump runner are established. And then, analytical expressions of central trajectory under steady state are obtained. Secondly, according to particularity of no-water start test and approximate treatment, calculation methods of the natural frequency and damping ratio for electromotor rotor and pump runner are proposed based on some of approximate assumptions. Using test data under no-water start test in a pump station, one fits to obtain the throw shape of shafting referring to geometric structure of shafting, and obtain throw data of runner and rotor by using the polynomial fitting method. Characteristic parameters of water pump units can be calculated by using throw data of runner and rotor, in which detailed calculation steps and explanation are given. The proposed method can calculate characteristic parameters of shafting vibration, such as natural frequency, damping ratio and mass eccentricity, and calculation results have a certain numerical stability. Owning to the test data used in calculation, the obtained characteristic parameters of shafting vibration include uncertainty factors produced by install and debug. So results are of reference value to the research into vibration characteristic of water pump units installed under operation.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 659- [Abstract] ( 418 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1418KB] ( 1078 )
666 Influence of different blade numbers on unsteady pressure pulsations of internal flow field in mixed-flow pump
JI Lei-Lei, LI Wei, SHI Wei-Dong, SHAO Pei-Pei, JIANG Xiao-Ping
In order to study the internal flow field pressure distributions of mixed-flow pump with diffe-rent numbers of impeller blades over time, the unsteady numerical analysis on mixed-flow pump based on LES model is carried out in this study, and external characteristic between two kinds of blade number in mixed-flow pump, inlet and outlet of axial velocity distribution of impeller,time domain and frequency domain response of the pressure pulsation at different monitoring points in the mixed-flow pump were all compared in this analysis. The results show that the inlet and outlet axial velocities are greatly influenced by the number of blades. With the increase of flow rate, the difference value of inlet axial velocity between four blade impellers and three blade impellers decreases gradually, and the latter has higher axial velocity in impeller inlet; apparent periodic variation in time domain graph as well as steady pulse amplitude curves is shown in two kinds of impeller. <i>C</i><sub>p</sub>, the outlet pressure pulsation amplitude of guide blade, tends to 0 while the pressure pulsation in the hub of four blade impeller is aperiodic. The main frequencies near the impeller in mixed-flow pump under three or four blades are both blade frequency. Pressure pulsation frequency domain amplitude is greater in three vane impeller than in four vane impeller. The results are of significant reference for design optimization and revealing the unsteady internal flow characteristics with different blade numbers of mixed-flow pump.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 666- [Abstract] ( 589 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2217KB] ( 1069 )
674 Realization method of restraining water pressure oscillation in governor side
QIAN Jing-1, ZENG Yun-2, YU Shi-Ge-3, YE Jia-1
Refering to the design idea of the Power System Stabilizer, a leading phase compensation method of guide vane is proposed in this paper, to restrain the water pressure oscillation. First, transfer function models of the hydraulic dynamic of pipe, hydraulic turbine and governor are introduced. According to the transfer function model, the lag phase angle from output control signal of governor to water pressure oscillation at the inlet of hydraulic turbine can be calculated. Then, water pressure oscillation signal is used as the input signal of phase compensation link, while the output of phase compensation link and the output of governor PID are integrated to form a new control signal. Parameters design of phase compensation link is analyzed. At last, a simulation testing system is established to carry out simulation research. Results show that the compensation adjusting way proposed in this paper can modulate the phase of guide vane oscillation to have a certain leading phase angle. Although its leading phase angle cannot reach its expected design value, the stability of hydraulic turbine generating sets is improved obviously. Tendency of active power regulation in transient is invariable, and regulation speed is faster. So the proposed method for restraining water pressure oscillation of the pipe to improve transient stability of hydraulic turbine generating sets is effective.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 674- [Abstract] ( 968 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1591KB] ( 1119 )
680 Cavitation characteristics research of pump turbine under partial load condition
LI Qi-Fei-1, 2 , LIU Chao-1, WANG Yuan-Kai-1
To study the influence of cavitation coefficients of pump turbine on the inner flow characte-ristics under the partial load condition, the unsteady numerical simulation was carried out by using the RNG <i>k-ε</i> turbulence model and Schnerr-Sauer cavitation model, based on the model pump turbine in a pumped storage power station. And the hydraulic performance and inner flow state of the unit at different cavitation stages were analyzed. The results showed that the occurrence and hydraulic efficiency decreased after cavitation developed and the axial force increased significantly. Under the partial load condition, cavitation vortex strip originated in the runner cone and motioned slowly in spiral type toward to the downstream.With the decrease of the cavitation coefficients, vortex strip gradually changed from fine to coarse. Coverage of the low-pressure area extended outward, and the velocity changed more rapidly in the radial direction. There was a serious second backflow in the movement process of the cavitation vortex strip. The main stream advanced on the downstream along the cone tube wall.This is extremely easy to hit the wall and causes the strong hydraulic vibration, which adversely affects the operation security and stability of the unit.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 680- [Abstract] ( 643 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2348KB] ( 1027 )
685 Experiment on correlation of wind turbine strain and tower vibration
JIANG Xiang-Zeng-1, GAO Zhi-Ying-1, 2 , WANG Jian-Wen-1, 2 , BAI Ye-Fei-1, 2 , YAN Meng-Meng-1, WANG Xiao-1, HOU Yi-1
By using Pulse 200 analysis vibration system and the rotary remote stress strain test system, we gave a synchronous test for the wind turbine strain and tower vibration under the operating condition to study the correlation between the two. The spectrum analysis found that the peak frequency of strain spectrum on the wind turbine and the peak frequency of vibration spectrum on the tower can correspond well, and the distribution law of certain rotation frequency round of the wind turbine strain is: strain spanwise from root to tip, the strain at 0°(spanwise) decreases first, then increases and finally decreases slightly. Strain at 45° direction is unchanged, the strain value greatly reduces at 087R near the tip. The overall strain values at 90° chord direction  decrease gradually.At the wind turbine blade root from the front back edge direction, the strain values at 0°(spanwise) and 45° increase first, then decrease, (chord direction) the strain value at 90° direction gradually decreases from the front back edge direction. The research provides a new idea for the monitoring and diagnosis of the realtime load of the wind turbine.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 685- [Abstract] ( 582 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2256KB] ( 960 )
692 Numerical simulation of performance for bidirectional self-pumping hydrodynamic-static mechanical seal
YAN Yan-1, CHEN Wei-2, SUN Jian-Jun-1, YU Qiu-Ping-1, MA Chen-Bo-1, Zhang-Yu-Yan-1 , SHE Bao-Qiu-2
The stable operation of bidirectional hydrodynamic mechanical seal needs clean blocking fluid and assistance system. To solve this problem, a bidirectional self-pumping hydrodynamic-static mechanical seal was presented in this paper. Fluent was used to carry out numerical simulation on pumping-out and pumping-in hydrodynamic mechanical seals, so as to achieve the opening force, lea-kage and stiffness of mechanical seals and to analyze the relationship between flow field characteristics and sealing performance. The results show that the pumping-in hydrodynamic mechanical seal has larger opening force, while the pumping-out hydrodynamic mechanical seal has smaller leakage. Both of them do not need assistance system to provide blocking fluid. The flow direction of the fluid in the groove of the pumping-out type is around-90°, the fluid flows from the root to the outside of the groove. For the pumping-in type, the flow direction of the fluid in the groove is around 70°, while that in the area linking the seal dam and groove root is around-80° and both direct at the drainage hole. Pumping-in and pumping-out hydrodynamic mechanical seals have great capabilities to antiparticle. The stiffness of the pumping-in hydrodynamic mechanical seal is bigger than that of the pumping-out type. The research provides the theoretical foundation for the design, manufacture and operation of the bidirectional self-pumping hydrodynamic-static mechanical seal.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 692- [Abstract] ( 731 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1859KB] ( 957 )
700 Quantification of micro-topographical preparation on soil erosion control on red soil slope surfaces
ZHANG Zhi-Hong-1, 2 , WANG Xiao-Yang-1, TONG Jin-3, 4 , LAI Qing-Hui-1, ZHANG Zhao-Guo-1, Gao-Xu-Hang-1 , STEPHEN Carr5
The main objectives of this work were to investigate and quantify water storage from micro-topographical preparation and how it could be adapted to the infiltration of harvested water for use in the Yunnan red soil hilly region semi-arid environments. The experiments were conducted under the full-scale rainfall simulator(240 min,55 mm/h)for four surface slopes(7.5°, 9.0°, 12.0° and 15.0°)runoff/erosion catchment plots. The data obtained from each treatment included: runoff time lag, surface runoff and sediment yield. The results showed that on all slop surfaces, through micro-topographical preparation, runoff time lag can be increased by 51.18%; surface runoff can be reduced by 43.04%; sediment yield can be reduced by 25.14%, as compared to a control treatment with no depression. This research can provide a novel method and data basis for the prevention and control of water erosion in red soil hilly regions.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 700- [Abstract] ( 481 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2393KB] ( 1303 )
709 Hydraulic characteristics of red loam under drip irrigation with fresh water
WANG Wei-Hua, DONG Li-Yan, YANG Hui-Fang
In order to obtain the hydraulic characteristics of the fresh water drip irrigation in the red soil region and to make a scientific and rational basis for irrigation to improve the crop yield, based on the three-dimensional model test of wetting front migration of fresh water drip irrigation with single-point source, the wetting front migration of fresh water drip irrigation with double-point source was observed, and the wetting front migration process of single- and double-point source of drip irrigation under different soil bulk density and different dripper discharge were observed. The results showed that before the convergence, the horizontal wetting distance and the water content in the same position of the droplet increase as soil bulk density increases. The distance of the vertical wetting front increases with the increase of the dripper discharge, while the soil bulk density decreases. After the intersection, the convergence time of wetting area is moved up ahead with the increase of the dripper discharge and the decrease of bulk density, and the convergence width of the wetted area increases. The convergence time under the dripper discharge of 4.68 L/h is 146 s ahead of that under the dripper discharge of 3.74 L/h and the convergence width increases by 2.3 cm. The soil bulk density and the soil wetting width were increased, and the surface wetting ratio increases. The results are of some guidance significance for the application and popularization of drip irrigation in Yunnan red soil region with weak water-saving consciousness.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 709- [Abstract] ( 580 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1750KB] ( 964 )
716 Influence of ridged-borded plots transformation in Guanzhong area on irrigation performance
PENG Yao-1, ZHOU Bei-Bei-1, WANG Quan-Jiu-1, 2 , WEI Xue-1
It was very difficult to know the proper size of the field transformation based on the preliminary data, thus WinSRFR model was adopted to predict the experimental results. By comparing the fitted data and experimental results, WinSRFR model was confirmed to be able to predict the result. Moreover, the influence of different length and width of the ridge-borded plots fields on the water advance and regression movement, soil moisture distribution, as well as the efficiency and uniformity of irrigation was simulated. The results show that: in the study area, the border check length increases with the water advance process under a certain border check width, and the water regression process was delayed; meanwhile, the soil water cumulative infiltration increased at the same position as the head of the ridge, and the influence was obvious. When the border check length was constant and the border check width increased. The flow rate of single width became smaller, the water advance process was promoted and the time of the water regression process became shorter.The soil water cumulative infiltration at the same position as the head of the ridge decreased first, and then increased significantly at about 3/4 of the total length of the ridge. The irrigation furrow of 60-80 m in length and 5-7 m in width can achieve the optimal irrigation quality parameters, furthermore, when the flow of irrigation for 40 L/s was determined, the best flow rate of the single width of the ridge-bordered fields ranged from 5.7 L/(m·s)to 8.0 L/(m·s). The results could provide a scientific basis for making reasonable irrigation and improving the utilization efficiency of water resources in irrigation districts.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 716- [Abstract] ( 475 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1795KB] ( 983 )
725 Fatigue simulation of transmission system of hose reel irrigators
In order to analyze the actual stress condition of the key parts of the transmission system of hose reel irrigators, and to estimate the fatigue life, the structure fatigue life prediction method based on the multibody dynamics simulation and Finite Element Method(FEM)was proposed, and the worm drive system fatigue life was predicted with this method as an example. The virtual prototype simulation model of the main components of the transmission system was established.The dynamic load histories of the worm drive system were evaluated by applying the ADAMS multibody system analysis technique; the fatigue life of gear, bearing and chain of transmission system was estimated by the Software ANSYS stress-based safety factor technology, which includes static strength and life estimation. Simulation results show that the resultant force of gear 16 is 5 392 N, the maximum theoretical force is 5 526 N, and the simulation error is 2.42%; the bending fatigue life value of gear 16 is 2.34×10<sup>5</sup>.The maximum radial force of bearing 8 is 1 685 N, and the fatigue life is 1.12×10<sup>5</sup> h. The average link peak in the range of 0-1 s tension is 11 837.2 N, the theoretical calculation value is 12 012 N, the actual calculation error is 1.45%. The error between the simulation value and the theoretical value is very small, which indicates that the simulation method can be used to diagnose the causes of fatigue accidents, and can serve as the basis for strengthening measures.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 725- [Abstract] ( 570 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2569KB] ( 1139 )
731 Drop size distribution experiments of gas-liquid two phases fluidic sprinkler
LIU Jun-Ping-1, LIU Wei-Zhong-2, BAO Ya-1, ZHANG Qian-1, LIU Xing-Fa-1
In order to explore the drop size distribution law of the complete fluidic sprinkler, laser measurement technology raindrop spectrometer(LPM)was used to measure the spray raindrop speed, drop size diameter and drop size distribution.Statistical analysis was conducted on the drop size distribution by the number weighted method, and the variation law of drop size frequency and cumulative frequency distribution under the pressure from 150 kPa to 350 kPa at different distance from the sprinkler were summed. The results showed that the closer the distance from the sprinkler was, the smaller the diameter of drop size was, the more the number of low speed was, and the greater the droplet cumulative frequency curve slope was. When the pressure increased, the cumulative frequency curve slope of droplets at different distance from the sprinkler decreased, indicating that the droplet diameter distributed radially was even. At the different distance from the sprinkler, the frequency distribution of droplet diameter presented the trend of log normal distribution. Boltzmann function distribution and exponential function distribution were compared for the drop size cumulative frequency.Fitting accuracy of the two functions was very high. The results filled the model system of the spray only single-phase water droplet distribution, and can provide a theoretical basis for predicting sprinkler irrigation quality of complete fluidic sprinkler.
2017 Vol. 35 (8): 731- [Abstract] ( 679 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1860KB] ( 1192 )

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徐云峰  张文涛 陈建华
谈国鹏  朱漪云 盛    杰


· National Research Center of Pumps

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