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排灌机械工程学报  2014, Vol. 32 Issue (8): 703-710    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8530.13.0248
流体工程 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
李四海, 黄六一, 魏薇
浙江省特种设备检验研究院, 浙江 杭州 310020
Dynamic and static performance of flow stability valve
Li Sihai,Huang Liuyi,Wei Wei.
To study the static and dynamic performances of flow stability valve,main chamber balance pressure p1 was calculated, and under other throttling parameters keeping still,p1 can be regarded as a linear combination of system input pressure p0 and load pressure p2.On the basis of p1, the mathematical relationship between compensation spool displacement rate Δxpc/xpc and static parameters was obtained, and it can be found that compensation spool is not sensitive to the change of p2, however, it is sensitive to p0 change. The valve dynamic model was built and the dynamic performances were simulated based on HydraulicLabraries in AMESim HCD, and for p0 increasing, load motion efficiency can be improved, and external and internal differential pressures become larger when the motion of load appears unstable.For Mincreasing, load speed and load acceleration decrease, and internal and external differential pressures all decrease, when the stability of dynamic transition is improved.For spring stiffness Kincreasing, load dynamic change process start time is backward delayed by a period of time, and for internal differential pressure decreasing, external differential pressure steady value almost remains. The influence of changing diameters dton load dynamic performance is limited, and the change of dt almost has no influence on external differential pressure. However, with dtincreasing, internal differential pressure has a slight increase.

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