项目制下的高职院校同质化:作用机制、问题表征与改革路径" /> 项目制下的高职院校同质化:作用机制、问题表征与改革路径" /> The homogenization of higher vocational colleges under the projectbased governance model: the action mechanism, problem representation and reform path
" /> <div style="line-height: 150%">The homogenization of higher vocational colleges under the projectbased governance model: the action mechanism, problem representation and reform path</div> <div style="line-height: 150%"> </div>
Journal of Higher Education Management
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Journal of Higher Education Management  2022, Vol. 16 Issue (2): 100-109    DOI: 10.13316/j.cnki.jhem.20220224.010
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The homogenization of higher vocational colleges under the projectbased governance model: the action mechanism, problem representation and reform path
LI Zheng
(Institute of Vocational & Adult Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)

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