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高校教育管理  2022, Vol. 16 Issue (2): 1-11    DOI: 10.13316/j.cnki.jhem.20220224.001
高等教育理论与政策研究 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
(1. 中国教育学会,北京 100088; 2. 教育部 学校规划建设发展中心,北京 100044)
Typical characteristics and countermeasures of higher education anxiety in middleincome groups under the background of common prosperity
GAO Shuguo1,2#br#
(1. The Chinese Society of Education, Beijing 100088;
2. National Center for Schooling Development Programme, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100044, China)

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